AN: Hey guys, so this is one of the one-shots from my speak now series, and I am finally turning it in to a multi chapter story as I put in one of my ling authors notes! This chapter is just the one shot, and the next chapter should be up later today.

Thank you firelady101 for suggesting this, without here saying something about it I probably would have never thought about doing it!

I'm not very good at doing fun Disclaimers soooo for now just know I don't own SWAC or the song HAUNTED by TAYLOR SWIFT(:

I walked, well more like dragged myself into my dressing room this morning. I still am in my post break-up mode from mine and Chad's split. I know its been half a year, but I was so in love. Him not so much, that's what hurt the most. I had decided that I needed to let Chad know how I feel so I sat down and started writing a letter.

Dear Chad,

You and I walk a fragile line

I have known it all this time

but I never thought I'd live to see it break

Everyone knows that you and I never exactly got along before we started going out, so when we did start going out even I was surprised. I never in a million years thought about dating Chip Drama Pants as Grady and Nico call you. I knew when we started going out our relationship was still a very fragile line. Our relationship was like walking a tight rope, you had to put all you had into it or you would fall, well apparently I wasn't trying hard enough. I fell, and there was no net waiting to catch me. I hit the ground hard and am still in critical condition 6 months later.

It's getting dark and it's all too quiet

And I can't trust anything now

And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake

It's been 6 months and I still feel like I'm stuck in a black hole, darkness has taken over my life since our split. I no longer wear bright colors in large quantities or spread cheer all over the studio. Tawni keeps telling me that I need t get over my "depression" as she calls it. I now call it my life. I have dies my hair black and now wear way more black than I need too unless I'm doing a show, then I wear whatever I am told.

I hardly ever talk out of rehearsals and have resorted to drastic methods of dealing with my pain, but those arn't important for you to know Chad.

Oh, I'm holding my breath

Won't loose you again

something's made your eyes go cold

I hold my breath, I'm not sure why. It makes me feel light headed and I like that feeling for some reason. I know your thinking I've gone psycho but deep down the Sonny you loves, or I thought you loved is still there. She is just in too much pain to come out. It doesn't help that every time I see you, I get a cold stare and I feel like I've gone back to the ice age. Maybe being a little more sensitive to me would help her come back.

Stood there and watched you walk away

From everything we had

But I still mean every word I said to you

I remember the day you walked away from everything we had. The day you shattered my heart into a million pieces. I have found 999,999 of them, but you took the last one with you when you left. Now there is a microscopic hole in my heart, but it affects me so much you'd think I didn't even have a heart. But I do, and it is trying to speak you and I mean all the words I say to you in this letter Chad.

He would try to take away my pain

And he just might make me smile

But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead

I know I've had a boy friend for the past month, and he is nice and knows that the real Sonny is in there and he keeps trying to get me to come out. Yeah he makes me laugh and my cast is thankful for that, and I can't help but smile when I'm around him because I know he is one of the only ones that cares about the state I am in. Even my mom has given up on trying to get me to come back to myself. I have started to come back a little, but I'm no where near being back for good. You know what I wish every time he kisses me Chad. I wish it was you.

Oh, I'm holding my breath

Won't see you again

something keeps me holding on to nothing

I just laughed because I was holding my breath while trying to think of something to write. I do it a lot with out even thinking now.

I don't even know why I'm still hanging on to me and you Chad, it's like there is something preventing me from letting go no matter how hard I try. Maybe fate...

I know, I know, I just know

You're not gone. You can't be gone. No.

I know your not our of my life forget, you can't be. At least I think you can't. No you can't.

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Something's gone terribly wrong

Won't finish what you started

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this

I thought I had you figured out

Can't breathe whenever you're gone

Can't go back, I'm haunted

Chad, please don't go like this. I know you have probably forgotten about a lot of things that happened between us but I remember everything. I finally thought I had figured out Hollywood's jerkthrob. I don't even know what happened to us. We were perfect.

I think i figured out while I hold my breathe. It's cause you gone, and I feel like without you I can't even breathe, or shouldn't.

I can't just forget everything. I'm haunted by all the memories, I'm haunted by you. Haunted.

Sincerely Sonny

You and I walk a fragile line

I have known it all this time

Never ever thought I'd see it break.

I sealed up the letter and walked over to the Mackenzie Falls set. I walked up to Chad's dressing room door and slipped the letter under and ran away fast.

I went into the the cafeteria later to meet up with my boyfriend. While eating with him, I happened to glance at the Mackenzie Falls table and saw Chad's blue eyes surrounded by read and his cheeks tear stained. He looked me strait in the eyes and we had a connection. I looked away and tried to focus on my boyfriend but thought of Chad filled my head.

I'm haunted.

Never thought I'd see it...

AN: Reveiws please! Let me know what you think so far. The rest of the chapters won't be song-fics but please let me know what you think!(: