"You should, like, totes wear this one, Liet," Poland said as he held up a frilly dress.
Lithuania laughed at her best friend. "Poland, I think you have more fun dressing me up than you do yourself."
"I already know what I will look fab in."
"We're going to be late to the meeting."
The two debated for a few more minutes what exactly Lithuania was going to wear. Poland started to insist that she wear a particularly cute yellow dress. It was backless. Lithuania winced at the thought of letting others see her back with the old scars on them. When Poland realized what he had suggested he suddenly switched to a reasonable compromise between his fashion and Lithuania's practicality.
The two left the hotel room together. The elevator was in the middle of the floor. They talked as they waited. Vietnam joined them a few seconds before the elevator doors opened. The Asian country gave her opinion on the very important matter of delicious pastries. The three exited on the ground floor and walked together to the large conference room that would be used for the meeting. Vietnam separated from the two and went to her assigned seat.
The conference started and it proceeded calmly and orderly, for about twenty minutes. North Korea had eaten most of the muffins. Egypt had his head down on his arms. America was trying to get Mexico off of his lap. England could not decide whether to kill France or Ireland, so settled for texting them curses. China was trying to convince Taiwan to move back home. Russia just sat there smiling as he watched everyone. New Zealand was trying to explain to Pakistan that she was not Canada. Indonesia and Malaysia were arguing over a cat.
It looked like it would be awhile before they would be able to vote on what to order for lunch. Lithuania excused herself. Poland was too busy gossiping with Hungary to notice. She got up and walked to the women's bathroom. Lithuania stepped inside the pink tinted room to see someone that made her breath catch in her throat.
Standing inside was Belarus. Her ribbon was on the counter. She was struggling with her hair. There was no acknowledgment given to Lithuania. Lithuania felt a bit uncomfortable just standing there watching, but she felt like she could not move without some form of permission.
"Do you need any help, Bela?" Lithuania expected to not even be acknowledged, though she always hoped for more.
Lithuania was at the other nation's back faster then she thought she could move. She took the brush and began to work her hair back. When it was in order she picked up the blue ribbon. If the material hadn't been synthetic, she would have thought that Belarus had owned this one for at least eighty years. With the ease that comes from years of practice, she put the bow back in its right place.
"There you go."
Before Lithuania could move her hand, she found it trapped in a grip as cold and rigid as iron. Belarus was now turned around and facing her. Her other hand reached for the fingers she had broken so many times by now. Lithuania winced in anticipation for the pain, but she never even considered to try and pull away.
"You broke your promise," Belarus said.
"I know."
"I'll keep on breaking them."
"I know."
"You don't care?"
"I do."
Belarus pulled Lithuania's hand closer to her. She could see the scars circling each finger like wedding rings. Her other hand came up to the captive limb. The skin was calloused from hard labor. She had never broken the fingers in the exact same place. Each scar represented a year. She had kept track.
Belarus kissed the fingers.
Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this short journey. I enjoyed writing it. It was my first time writing Lithuania or girl x girl. I hope that if you enjoyed this that you check out some of my other stories. I am considering doing trades with people since I had so much fun writing this, "Sailor England S" and "Slavic Holidays" for , and the cat that Indonesia and Malaysia are arguing over are the islands of Ambalat (hope I got that right). Why a cat? I just like cats.