Title: The Devilish Doctor

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from P4.

Warnings: I don't know really, besides a feeling of dragging on and on.

Summary: He didn't think it was the doctor who kept her going back to the hospital again and again.


Since she moved to Inaba, Senna needed to transfer her medical history over to the hospital nearby. So it wasn't a surprise to her uncle when she visited the nearby hospital for her check ups every few months. It was a surprise however, when she took the evening job as a volunteer nurse several nights a week. She said it was a good opportunity for her to explore possible future career paths and he saw the friendships she was making with the rest of her coworkers. It was smart of her to start early and he approved it without giving another thought to the situation.

Time passed quickly by and Dojima grew protective over the young woman. She became a large part of his immediate family and he took notice of how often, since the disappearance and reappearance of the idol girl, she stayed out at night. Most times she had a valid reason; tutoring the Nakajima kid, spending time afterschool with her clubs and friends, even working at the hospital. However, there were times she returned home late in the evening, with no excuse. There were only so many times he'll accept studying with her friends a week before he grew suspicious.

Whenever she returned from her after school clubs, Senna would always be contemplating something heavy. Her eyes would be lost in thought and she would always be biting her thumb. The longer she bit her thumb, the bigger the problem. After she spent time with her friends, that Junes boy and Satonaka girl, depending on what happened, her head would hurt and she would need to take some painkillers before bed. If it wasn't as bad, a cup of tea was all she needed before she went to bed. There was an even amount of tea and coffee within the house. Once, there was no tea at all, just coffee. Now, a large variety of tea remained stocked in his cabinets.

The longer he observed her, the more he noticed just how much she looked forwards to visiting the hospital. It was as though the hospital was her life away from the one she was currently living.


When the letter arrived for Senna, Dojima didn't know how to react at first. The letter was for her, they sent it directly to her. She knew what was happening, she knew the killer. The fact she never told him, never confided in him, that hurts. Then her explanation of how everything was connected, her story about going inside tvs, of monsters, of shadows. What did she take him for?

Then Nanako disappeared and he snapped. His mind was blank, only thinking about his little girl. He didn't care about Adachi, Nametame, or Senna. His little girl was missing, he has to go look for her. The last thing he remembered before everything went black, was his niece's worried face when she checked on him.

Waking up in the hospital, Dojima felt numb. His mind was blank, just a wall of white noise. He barely heard what the doctors were saying, nothing was comprehending. His niece was there as his only family member in the vicinity. He stared at his niece, the girl he took into his home and trusted with his deepest thoughts. She looked tired and there was a hard steel look in her eyes. They said nothing to each other during the entire time she was there. When she left, a doctor was waiting by the door to greet her. He didn't notice anything else as he slipped deeper into the cold feeling.

Nanako was missing for a total of ten days. Ten long cold days of lying in the hospital, doing nothing to help look for his little girl. Ten days of spare visits from Senna, each time she looked more and more determined to do something. On the eleventh day, Dojima woke up to noise. Yelling and screaming, doctors calling out orders and people running around. His door opened and Senna, bruised and bleeding, stumbled in with a large, surprisingly large smile on her face.

"We found her."

We found her.

They found her.

They found her.

Dojima pushed himself up, forced himself on his feet, and made his way to his little girl. Out of the corner of his eye, the same doctor from all those nights ago, watched them, watched Senna as they guided him towards the emergency room.

The doctors said she was fine, only deep asleep. Until she was ready to wake up, she will stay in her comatose state. Dojima was unhappy with their diagnosis but there was nothing he could do about it. As they moved Nanako towards a hospital room, Senna nearly collapsed on to the floor. The doctor from before, managed to catch her before she dropped. The group of kids obviously knew the doctor well, since he told them he'll look after the girl and they didn't follow. Dojima saw how the boys looked jealously angry while the girls appeared wearily accepting of what happened.

As a detective, Dojima needed to noticed things. He needed to look and understand the importance of each and every action or inaction a suspect or victim made. The doctor's gentle hold on his niece's shoulder, the way he stood protectively behind her, supporting her as he lead her to a nearby unused room, and the look in his eyes, warm and worried; he cares for Senna.

"Who is he?" He asked the group of kids still standing around. Each kid looked at each other before all eyes turned towards Shirogane. She appeared flustered for a moment before she answered the simple question.

"Dr. Senryu, the doctor Senna-sempai shadows time to time." That wasn't it. His gut was still telling him something was not right.

"What else?" This time Shirogane nudged the idol girl, Kujikawa. They stared off for a minute before Kujikawa blushed. She looked away from Dojima but she answered loud enough for him to hear.

"They're dating."

He made to follow the doctor when Tatsumi stopped him. Instead of going towards the room where his niece was alone with the perverted doctor, he was forcefully guided towards the elevator by the boy.

"I have nothing against you Sir, but ever since Nanako-chan was kidnapped, Senna-sempai hasn't been the same. The only time she's even remotely alright, is when she visits the hospital for a few hours. So if this makes her feel better, then I will stop you from ruining it for her." The other boy, Hanamura decided to help out as well. With each boy taking one of his arms, Dojima was forced into the elevator along with the girls, onto his floor and into his room.

"Sorry Dojima-san. She went through a lot to get Nanako-chan back. He makes her happy. So we can't let you go in there." Hanamura's words conflicted with his tone but in the end, it was all for Senna.

"He's much too old for her!"

"He takes care of her, Dojima-san."

""He's only using her."

"We thought the same when she first told us about him. But he's not. He genuinely cares for her."

"And there's nothing you can say that will stop me from loving him."

All eyes turned towards the door. Senna stood in the doorway, back straight with pride, strength, and covered with bandages. Behind her was the doctor. There was an arrogant smirk on his face and stood too close to Senna for Dojima's comfort. His eyes thinned into a glare.

"And if I disapprove?"

Her eyes, the same as his, lowered into a familiar glare as well.

"Then I'll move out."

With that said, the doctor moved out of her was as she turned to leave. Her friends followed immediately after, leaving only the doctor and Dojima alone. Finally, he was able to see the man who captured his niece's heart.

The man was tall, taller than Dojima even and Dojima wasn't short by any means. Clean shaven, glasses, a devilish look in his eyes, and obviously at least a decade older than Senna, Dojima did not like what he sees at all. He always thought she would end up with Hanamura or even Tatsumi one day. To hear and see her ending up with some doctor so much older than her, he was ready to take him back to the station for even looking at his niece that way.

"She's special, Senna. I didn't think we'll end up where we are today but I'm not ashamed. She's an amazing woman and I won't let you take her away from me. She found me, helped me find myself, and I'm not about to let you ruin this for us." His first words made Dojima angry. He already knew his niece was special. He already knew his niece was an amazing woman. She was HIS niece. His final words rang a bell of familiarity with him. He heard the same thing, maybe not the same words, but he heard the same thing before. The doctor left him to his memories, possibly going after his niece and her friends.

Who? Who was it that said something similar to what he said? Who…..

"I love her. You're her brother, I understand that. But what we have, it's real, and I'm not about to let you destroy what we have."

Seta Satoshi, Senna's father was the one who said the similar saying when Dojima disapproved of their relationship back when he was still young. Like her mother, Senna found the one man who didn't give a shit what Dojima thought about him and just happened to be years older than she was.


A/N: So there's Senryu/Sayoko's chapter. I'll start on...Shu, Naoki, Adachi (cause I like his crazy self that's why), and special people. Other notes, Senna's within her rights to date the doc, since she's older than 13 and they both consent. Oh and when Naoto mentioned how Senna shadows Senryu, it means follow around like an intern.