A/N: Not sure how many parts I will write, it will depend on the reviews and ideas that come to me.

Part One: Come in Out of the Rain

The tall, dark-haired man sat on the bar stool at the far end of the bar swishing his glass of whiskey around. Every evening after eight o'clock he entered the dark, hole-in-the-wall, seedy-looking bar and ordered a glass of whiskey, which he methodically would hold in his right hand and slightly move his wrist in a circular motion about three times before taking a sip. Tonight, his routine was no different.

"Are you going to nurse that drink?" the brown-haired bartender asked as he had every night and every night the answer was the same.

"The bitterness of one glass is all I can take," he responded.

The bartender nodded at the young man and walked away to tend to the other patrons at the bar.

As the twenty-four-year-old placed the glass to his lips he heard the thunder rumble outside. He hesitated a second before he allowed the alcoholic drink to settle on his tongue so he could feel the slight sting. Soon raindrops pelted against the windows and he couldn't help but smile. He loved the rain. At times he ached for the rain.

Outside as the mist turned into huge raindrops, the petite brunette kicked the flat tire on the passenger side of her Mustang. She couldn't believe her luck. She had been driving through town trying to get to Charlotte, North Carolina before midnight; however, due to the weather and the condition of her tire she wasn't going anywhere.

The rain didn't let up and no sooner had she stepped into the torrential downpour her brunette locks were pasted to her cheeks and instantly curled. She quickly ran to duck under the awning for some shelter. That is when she spotted the flame blue peal Harley-Davidson 883 Low. A smiled stretched across her face and she ran her hands through her damp mop attempting to comb her now unruly hair. As the door swung up and a couple exited she held the door for them then entered the small bar.

"I'll have a beer," she said softly as her hazel eyes traveled beyond the bartender landing on the blue-eyed man at the far end. She had expected him to be there, in the corner of the bar all by himself.

As the bartender handed the brunette her beer he noticed her gaze and shook his head in amusement. He had seen many women enter the bar nightly and stare at the man at the far end, but none had been successful at getting his attention.

"He won't accept a drink," said the bartender who wanted to thwart the woman's efforts to save her some time and energy.

She picked up the beer bottle and placed it to her soft lips taking a slow drink while still staring at the dark-haired man.

"I won't either," she replied knowing neither of them would want another drink. She knew him well enough to know he wasn't big on drinking despite his nightly routine.

At the statement the bartender realized he had seen the woman before in his bar, but her hair had been a shade lighter. He chuckled to himself and looked back at the dark-haired man remembering what happened last time the two of them met in his establishment. It had been a rainy night then too.

The brunette walked over to the man at the end of the bar with her beer in hand never breaking her gaze from his piercing blue eyes that had now turned a shade darker with passion.

"I'd ask if you come here often, but I already know the answer," the dark-haired man said with a hint of desire. He placed his glass back on the bar as the brunette discarded her beer on the bar top and leaned her drenched body against his back wrapping her arms around his midsection resting her chin on his broad shoulder. The man grabbed her hands and turned around to face her. Without looking his lips found hers and she unconsciously let out a soft moan.

The pair pulled apart realizing they were still in public.

"God, it's so good to see you Nathan," the brunette whispered sultry as she leaned her body more into his muscular form. "You taste so good," she added having tasted the bitter alcohol mixed with the sip of beer left behind on her taste buds.

Nathan placed his hand on the small of her back, which was exposed as her damp clothes had clung to her body. He traced the tattoo he knew was there with his index finger. Good ol' number twenty-three. She dropped her head in the crook of his neck and giggled at the gesture.

The dark-haired man nudged her head a little and dropped his mouth to her right ear gently sucking on it. "Hales, you're shaking," he whispered in his deep, sexy voice.

She cleared her throat and pulled back before responding, "You should get me out of these clothes." She bit her bottom lip in anticipation of his next move.

Without hesitation, Nathan rose from the stool and threw a twenty on the bar. He led the way up the stairs at the back of the bar. Just like last time the pair headed up to what was reserved as their room.

Nervously, Nathan reached into his pocket fumbling to find the key. His jeans had become tight, as his desire for the brunette had grown at her closeness. He finally was able to pull the key out and unlocked the door. Once the door swung open, Haley pushed the man into the room and kicked the door closed behind her.

She quickly tossed her brown jacket onto the hardwood floor and reached for the edge of her partially soaked red shirt when Nathan roughly grabbed her hands stopping her.

The petite brunette's breathing was erratic. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she stood before Nathan staring into his now dark eyes. She knew well what the look meant and part of her hated it because he was going to take his time. Though she appreciated his thoughtfulness it had been forever. It had been too long.

Thunder roared outside and both looked at the slightly opened window that allowed rain to escape inside the room, which neither minded.

The dark-haired man slowly pulled the red shirt over Haley's taunt stomach then up over her ample breasts. His breath got caught in his throat at the sight of her beige, lacy bra that barely covered her breasts. After a second of hesitation he raised the shirt over her head and discarded the piece of cotton fabric to the floor.

"You're killing me," she said impatiently as she reached for the hem of his black, tight, sweater. Her efforts were thwarted as he swiftly pulled her half naked body against his fully clothed form by the hooks of her now drying jeans. He dropped his head and sucked on the nape of her neck tasting the mixture of the rain and the smell of her perfume. She moaned tossing her head back so he could gain better access to her neck.

His fingers fumbled with the button of her jeans as his mouth finally found hers. He feverishly unzipped her jeans revealing matching, lacy underwear. He swallowed hard not expecting her barely clothed form to have such a strong effect on him. He felt the denim of his jeans stretch as he hardened and he pressed his pelvis into her.

Haley snaked her right hand around his neck intertwining her fingers into his hair as she thrust toward him taking his bottom lip into her mouth gently sucking on it. She had enough of him being in control. She pulled away and finished removing her jeans then very carefully she undid the button of his jeans as his hands worked the closure of her bra.

Before he knew it, his jeans were on the floor and he stood there in his boxer briefs as he slid the loose bra straps down her soft arms exposing her breasts. He unknowingly licked his lips before taking her left breast into his warm mouth tenderly biting her nipple. He picked her up without breaking away and placed her on the bed. He moved his mouth to her right breast and gave it the same attention. The brunette pushed his sweater up digging her nails into his muscular back in reaction to his torture on her breasts.

Reluctantly, the dark-haired man pulled away nipping one last time at her breast. He removed his sweater and the brunette traced the waistband of his briefs with her index finger as she sucked in her bottom lip. Her eyes filled with desire and without a warning she stuck her petite hand into his briefs and wrapped her hand around his throbbing member. Nathan sucked in air having not anticipated her move.

She couldn't take it anymore. She needed to feel him inside her. She could feel her heat rising and was done waiting for him.

"I need you NOW," she said leaning up and capturing his mouth. She placed quick kisses on his lips then cupped his face as she kissed him longer allowing their tongues to dance. Haley's hips instinctually grinded against Nathan's center and she let out a moan of pleasure.

Nathan broke the kiss and heard Haley whimper. He quickly hooked his hands on the waistband of her underwear and slid them off her smooth legs. Then he removed his boxer briefs and positioned his body over hers with him hovering at her entrance.

Thunder again rumbled outside their window and lightening lit up the sky as the wind picked up and blew the rain in slightly hitting the couple. As Nathan intertwined his hands with Haley's above her head they locked gazes and smiled feeling the cool water hit their sides.

The dark-haired man slid into the brunette without further hesitation and she sucked in her breath as he waited a few seconds before moving slowly inside her. The brunette allowed Nathan to move at his pace for no longer than a minute before she began to move her hips at a faster pace letting him know she needed relief.

Nathan got the message and picked up his pace. He moved his body over hers, sliding almost completely out before thrusting hard and faster with every stroke. Haley threw her head back, deeper into the bed and snaked her arms up his back hooking her hands on his shoulders encouraging him as she dug her nails into him.

The dark-haired man sucked her left earlobe and whispered, "I've missed you. Oh, how I've missed you."

He then moved to her mouth and just when the brunette thought he couldn't go any faster, he did. He pulled out slowly and roughly thrust into her eliciting a deep, throaty, "Oh!" from her. Nathan couldn't help but smirk. He knew she was almost at climax and wanted both of them to get there together. He slowed his strokes and she withered under him realizing he wanted them to climax together.

Nathan's breathing became irregular again and he slowed his movement almost to a stop. He placed his hands on her hips to steady her shivering body before he began to build his pace once again knowing both were close to the edge. As both began to breathe rapidly and each stroke became quicker and harder their bodies were wrecked with pleasure, and they screamed out in ecstasy.

Nathan sluggishly rolled to Haley's left side and pulled her body across his as the rain finally slowed signally the end of their unexpected meeting. The brunette focused on getting her breathing back to normal while tracing the beads of sweat that outlined the dark-haired man's chest muscles.

"I love you," she said against her better judgment because she knew how their meetings always ended.

Nathan hesitated to place his hand on the small of her back where the tattoo was. It was a constant reminder of how in love they were. How in love they still were with each other. He smiled and kissed her forehead as he combed her slightly curled hair back with his hand.

"I love you too, Hales," he whispered realizing she had fallen asleep. He decided he would hold her until it was time for them to depart again.

Some people spend a lifetime looking for love

And I had love right here all the time.

Why did I try to deny it?

Deep inside I just couldn't fight it, you turned my life around.

The love I lost is found, so let the rain come down.

Lyrics credit: "Come in Out of the Rain by Wendy Moten