A/N: This...has been a long time coming.

When the pressure squeezing against my chest released me, I fell to my knees, trying to catch my breath. Apparating was a quick way to travel but it was the most intense way to do it. I looked up at my surroundings, trying to catch my bearings; I appeared to have Apparated on a beach. The crystal clear water sloshed back and forth against the white sand as seagulls flew by in the slightly cloudy sky. I couldn't help but stare at this beautiful sight, clutch my bag to my chest.

"Señorita , ¿estás buscando a alguien?" a deep voice said behind me, making me jump. I turned around to see a tall, tan, brunette man with a confused smile and sparkling green eyes, that reminded a lot of Harry's, wearing a whit long sleeved shirt and tan colored pants and black boots.

I swallowed, reaching into my pocket to clutch my wand on instinct. I didn't know how to respond to him; try to speak Spanish and possibly butcher it (I may have learned the language before coming here but I never attempted to speak it before) or say that I speak English only. I decided on the former, in spite of myself.

"Hola soy Hermione . Yo no quiero ningún problema , yo estoy buscando un lugar que podría pasar una noche o dos," I explained, trying my hardest to pronounce every word as correctly as I could. The man stared at me for a moment then chuckled.

"Señorita, you could have just told me that you don't speak Spansish that well," he said with a wider and much friendlier smile. I chuckled nervously.

"A-am I that bad at it?" I asked, relieved that he could speak English, even if it had a slight accent.

The man shrugged. "It wasn't that bad," he admitted. "Your pronunciation was a little off but other than that it was ok." He then extended a hand and said, "You are Hermione? I am Santiago. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Hesitantly, I shook his hand and said, "The pleasure is all mine."

Santiago smiled as he released my hand said, "You are looking for a place to stay si? I believe my family and I can help you."

My eyes widened. I barely knew this man and he was asking me to stay with him? Why would I be so foolish to stay with a complete stranger? "I-it's ok," I said, taking a step back, slightly. "I can make do on my own."

Santiago shook his head and chuckled. "You British tourists are so stubborn," he said with a smile. "I swear on my honor that I will not do you any harm. Besides, it would be shameful for me to not offer you help when you need it. Por favor my wife makes such delicious meals."

I thought for a moment. This man didn't seem malicious and was very friendly. My instinct told me to go with him and if anything went wrong…well I did tell Harry and Ron that I could take care of myself.

"Ok," I said finally. "Lead the way."

Santiago smile and said, "Bueno! Follow me!"

A/N: Review. Please?
