*UPDATE (SEPT 28, 2013)* PLEASE READ: This info does not apply to anyone who's read my story AFTER this update was made.
To all my older reader and followers: I've only changed the chapter titles and deleted some chapters, but the content and story of the chapters has not changed. So if you see that everything looks different, do not be alarmed. You are up to speed and none of the content/story has been changed. Please continue reading and thanks.
This story is a continuation of events after the series end (of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood).
Hope you enjoy it. Please give feedback, I accept ALL comments.
Shattered Life
Dad and Uncle Al could sit for hours, engrossed in their intellectual exchanges and debates-distant from all those around them. Dad would sprawl Liz over his lap, as he and Al went on about alchemy and all the discoveries Al had made. Eliza would sigh in awe, entranced by the vast sweltering deserts and immaculate palaces of the east. She dreamt of people that conversed in fluid, silky languages that were far beyond the scope of Resembool.
I, on the other hand, preferred the greasy comfort of being attuned to a fine piece of automail.
But dad would always listen intently to Al's reverie. As though he hoped that doing so would unleash him from the mundane of Resembool, perhaps to the far-off exoticism of some ancient land. It's not that he didn't love us or Resembool. He loved to traverse through the wavy grasses, feeling the soft breezes touch his face as he walked us to school every morning. But something was hidden from us-contained within the façade of being a parent and being normal. He would always lean on the railing of the porch, waving as we came back home from school. His eyes would always be distant and dream-like at first, as though he were sifting through the memories of days long past, longing for the turbulence of those days to carry him off again.
"Uncle Al! Show me alchemy!" Liz yelled excitedly.
I found myself nodding off, so I went to see what Mom was doing.
She wasn't in the kitchen or upstairs. But a light soft snore sounded from Uncle Al's room. I peeped my head in through the slightly open door. The moonlight fell on the shape of a petite woman with jet black hair, curled up under the sheets.
Aunt May.
A gentle hand squeezed my shoulder. Mom looked down at me smiling warmly, a finger to her lips signaling to be quiet.
We went down to the basement, which always had the distinct aroma of oil and metal. Liz said how she hated it, but my nose couldn't get enough. Shelves stacked high with shiny automail parts and tools lined the walls. Spread out on the other side of the room, was mom's work desk and operating table, where a blue print was laid out.
She pointed to the sketch on the blue print, "Help me do some tweaking on Dad's leg. I finished most of it, but I need you to test the screws."
I nodded eagerly.
She removed a long narrow box from one of the shelves, and put it on her work desk. Inside was an almost complete new leg model. Spring was coming, so dad wouldn't need the light, anti-freezing model anymore. The metal was cool silver, with many pulsing red and blue suspension cables coursing through it.
We went to work right away, tightening screws and finding screws that fit. We'd sit in silence, with only the clanking and scraping of metal between us. Sometimes, mom would observe me and point things out to improve on, but for the most part, she left me on my own.
Automail was mom's whole life. It was impossible not to envision her absorbed by the crispy sheen of a metal or the shapely notches of a screw. With persistent, capable hands she molded masterpiece after masterpiece, receiving requests from patrons as far as Rush Valley to deliver her most godly specimens of automail to them. Often, she'd vanish for three days of the week, vigorously fitting and crafting automail for her customers at Garfiel's shop. I wanted to go with her, but she would always insist not to miss school. After suffering for four days from Dad's mediocre cooking and down moods, she'd arrive back home in a bubbly, excited stupor. She'd float about the house spouting the details on the newest automail and people she'd met. Her hands always had blisters, and she felt embarrassed in the presence of other refined moms. But dad would always say how he loved them, and touch her hands to his face when he thought we couldn't see.
We jumped at the smashing of glass against the floor.
We ran upstairs, walking in just as Uncle Al was transmuting the broken bowl back together using Mom's favorite porcelain, automail arm figurine.
In a several flashes of blue light, the bowl mended itself, returning to its previous concave shape.
"And that's how you—Whoa!" He ducked as a wrench aimed for his head missed and ricocheted off Dad's instead.
Liz slinked away from Al, as mom stood menacingly with her hands on her hips, "Garfiel gave that to me as a Christmas present! It's only your first night back and things are broken already?" Mom sighed.
"Al-sama! Are you alright?" Aunt May's shrill shriek shook the room. She ran downstairs and caressed Uncle Al's head, giving mom a cynical glare.
Dad groaned, holding his head in pain, "He wasn't the one who got injured…"
Suddenly, a panicked rap shook the door.
The air became thick with tension, as Uncle Al and dad lithely surrounded the door.
After exchanging approving looks between one another, dad asked, "Who is it?"
A strangled cry materialized from the other side, "Please help! My son and husband, they—"
Dad opened the door, revealing our neighbor, Tim's mom, Mrs. Stockwell. Tim, Liz, and I were all best friends.
There was no trace of the older woman's usual cheerfulness. Her face was pale and white as snow, with red eyes that had a wild, dazed look in them. Her lips quivered, holding back a sob that distorted her words.
"The car drove off the main road, and my son! The blood!" She fell on her knees in the doorway. Sobs rippled from her trembling body, as she lifted her hand for us to see….her fingers stained with crimson.
"Alfonse, the road! Let's go! Don't worry Mrs. Stockwell." Dad and Al sprinted past Mrs. Stockwell, fading into the blackness of the night.
"Winry, I'm going to follow them. They may need my medical skills. " May said, about to leave too.
"Don't forget a lantern. Grab the one off the porch." Mom said.
May leaned before Mrs. Stockwell, and softly squeezed the woman's shoulder before grabbing the lantern and embarking off into the night.
Mrs. Stockwell remained prostrated and sobbing in the doorway. Mom gently helped her up, guiding her to the kitchen.
"Liz, Ed, close the door and stay inside." Mom said.
In a moment, everyone had disappeared. The door was still open in the wake of all the commotion, and even though I knew mom would disapprove of it, I wanted to slip through and go to the main road. Dad, Uncle Al, and Aunt May were out there, doing everything they could. And somewhere, in some unknown condition, Tim and his dad were out there too. A morbid curiosity broiled deep within my bones, devilish and dark, prompting me from where I stood to the black unknown that lingered outside. My mind told me I should say inside, listen to mom. What was out there was probably something I did not want to see.
"Liz, stay here." I whispered, walking towards the door.
Her firm, small hand latched onto me, "But Ed, mom said—"
I pulled away, "I'll come right back. Don't tell mom."
The main road was straight with trees on both sides. But at one part, a sharp narrow bend coiled around, accented by two monstrous trees…and this was the site of the accident.
A ghastly mechanical humming filled the space, a sporadic tune. My eyes could hardly see, with only the stars casting an eerie light. From the small glow of May's lantern, I could make out dad, Al, and May, positioned a few yards away from the toppled car. The vehicle looked like it'd been through a mechanical grater. The glass windows were broken, and the siding bore gigantic dents. The pungent stench of gasoline and burnt metal clung to the air.
Sticking out from the cluttered heap of a car, my eyes fixed on a gory sight…a bloody arm splayed out from the wreckage, attached to the barely imperceptible, crushed remains of a man. My stomach churned queasily as I realized what it was. Vomit crawled into the back of my throat; I swear I could have thrown up right then and there.
When dad saw me he paused for a moment, eyes widening in surprise. He ran to me and grabbed me by the shoulders, the frantic look in his eyes causing shivers to rattle through me.
"Where's your mother?"
I was still in a daze, frozen by the arm, the hand reaching up into the heavens…
He shook me again, "Ed." When he saw what I was looking at, he grimaced and turned himself to block my view.
"Where's Tim?" I whispered.
"Tim's okay. Just head back home and everything will be okay." Dad insisted.
In the distance, May and Al were whispering to each other in quick voices, hovering over something. May had formed a transmutation circle around it, and in that instant, an ethereal light purged the surrounding darkness, engulfing the lifeless body of a boy with darkened emerald eyes and bronze skin.
Tim! I pushed past dad running to him.
Tim was alive. He had escaped the destruction unscathed…but, I immediately took back those words when I beheld the boy soiled in dirt, oil, and scrapes—the wounds flaring red on his skin. A stream of blood went from his forehead to his jaw. His face was pale and sweaty, contorted in anguish.
He stared up at me through downcast lids, "Is it still there? I…can't feel…"
"Stay still, everything will be okay." May said as she stroked his shoulder, and Uncle Al performed a second round of a healing transmutation.
My eyes surveyed his body to see what he was talking about. Everything seemed whole, but then my eyes fell on his lower half.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tim asked.
I froze, unable to fill the ensuing silence with anything. What was I going to tell him? How could I possibly answer him? Tears began welling up in my eyes.