Okay, my friend from camp and I were talking about what we think would be hilarious if happened instead. No offense to Rick. The guy's a genius, but this would've made it better. These are gonna be little drabbles.
What's Going On?
(Percy gets back to camp in The Battle of the Labyrinth)
Too early for a campfire and I didn't figure they were roasting marshmallows. I ran toward it.
Before I even got there I heard Chiron making an announcement. When I realized what he was saying, I stopped in my tacks.
"—assume he is dead," Chiron said. "After so long of a silence, it is unlikely our prayers will be answered. I have asked his best surviving friend to do the final honors."
I came and circled to the front of the amphitheater behind Annabeth as they burned my shroud. A couple of people saw me, but I put my finger up to tell them to be quiet. I snuck up behind Annabeth as she started her speech.
"He was probably the bravest friend I've ever had," she said and I tapped her on the shoulder. She didn't look behind me.
"What's going on?" I asked curiously. She turned around sadly and looked me in the eye.
"I'm burning Percy's shroud for he's gone…" her voice broke. I patted her on the back.
"It's okay, Annabeth," I consoled. "Do what you have to do."
She nodded and turned around to start her speech.
"He…," her voice trailed off as she saw everyone about to laugh, and it dawned on her.
"Percy!" she screamed and tackled me
Funny or what? I know OOC but oh well!