Hey Everyone! I kinda just had this idea and I would like to thank MaryaBadica-Ivashkov for helping me expand on it. YOU ROCK! Which is why im dedicating to you! Yep! You got it!

I hope you like it…I didn't like it that Dimitri was turned!


Enjoy Awakened!

Xx FiConta


Chapter 1

As I walk further away from the caves, I can feel the nausea dimming. A sign that the Strigoi aren't close to me any more. When suddenly, only one voice matters. Not my mother hammering away in my ear, not Alberta congratulating me, not even Eddie's whimpering and thanks. Only Dimitri. Without a second thought I break out of my mothers iron-hard grip and pelt back towards the cave. One thought and one goal. Get to Dimitri! I pushed my legs harder and I heard the screams of my mother behind me.

"Stop now or he dies!" A voice called from the shadows. The cold voice of a strigoi. I jerk to a stop and pull out the stake Dimitri gave me this morning, scanning for the owner of the voice. Suddenly the blonde strigoi I fought earlier that escaped emerged from the shadows. A pale, unconscious Dimitri in his arms.

"Let him go" I whisper in determination. The blonde strigoi laughs. That sends me over the edge. I charge at the blonde and knock him off his feet, he didn't expect it. Pushing Dimitri into the light of day where he cant be harmed from strigoi I grapple for my stake and whip around and receive a blow to my face. I grip my stake tighter and try to remember Dimitri's training. Don't hesitate. I throw myself at the strigoi and when he pushes me off him it becomes apparent he's pretty old. And very strong. As he throws me off he leaves his chest unguarded and I thrust my stake forward and it embeds itself in his chest, but not quite in the heart. And yanked it out, And then, as I had the opportunity to stake him again, I did what Dimitri spent hours teaching me not to do. I hesitated. The blonde takes advantage of my absence and throws me on the ground and pins me. Suddenly, I see my mother and Alberta appear at the face of the cave. I hear my mothers screams and watch as Alberta leans down to help Dimitri. I just have time to whisper

"I love you Comrade" as the blonde strigoi sinks his teeth into my neck. At first all I can feel is pain and my mothers tortured screams. Then, I cant help but enjoy the rush the endorphins offer as I fall unconscious.

Where the hell am I? I think as I stir. Suddenly, events from last night rush back to me. Dimitri, the blonde strigoi, fighting… Being drained of my blood…. Dying. Oh no… no no NO! I cannot be a strigoi. I reluctantly bring my hand up to m face to see the pale complexion. My original light tan gone. I see a mirror on the other side of the room and I slowly bring myself to check it. I drag myself of the bed and take small baby steps towards the mirror. Hoping that the long I take to look, the longer I'll be a dhampir. Even though it's not true. I reach the mirror and squeeze my eyes shut. Count to three I tell myself One, Two, Three OPEN! I open my eyes and In amazement. The usual red ring around the eyes of a strigoi is absent in my eyes.. I touch my pale skin in confusion. What am I? Answer… No clue! I sit back down in the bed and try to sleep. But I can because its old and smells ready bad… like blood! The sheets are covered in it. And so it my neck from where the blonde strigoi drank from me. Suddenly there is yelling from outside my prison door.

"I did change her!" I recognised the blonde strigoi's voice

"Then why isn't she a strigoi!" Another female voice yelled

"How should I know" the blonde strigoi yelled over his shoulder as he strolled into my jail cell. I glared at him before running at him and trying to throttle him.

"Easy!" he yelled and pushed me onto the bed. "Sit!" he ordered. Actually, he compelled me. But after having two best-friend spirit users, you kinda become immune to it.

"Don't try and compel me!" I spat. He looked at me, amused.

"You sure are a piece of work" he remarked. I glared again.

"Yeah well… I grow on people… Like a wart" I reply. Sarcasm's my best friend. The strigoi just laughed.

"I'm sure" he laughs. "Nathan" he said offering his chalky hand to me. I grabbed one of the fingers and tried to bend it back. Making him wince in pain. But he shook it off.

"Rosemarie Hathaway" I reply. Not wanting a strigoi to be calling me Rose. Or anything else.

"Of course you are." He replies. "That's why I tried to awaken you. But your stubborn aren't you?"

"And your persistent! Works out well don't you think? Now What am I if I'm not a Strigoi!" I demand.

"You haven't figured it out yet?" he laughs. "Let me give you a clue… Your mouth watering!" and then I realised. But no…. it cant be true! I cant be…

"A Moroi" I breathed. Touching my pale skin.

"And I thought you were brighter than that Rosemarie" he purred. I pulled away from him.

"How?" I gasped "I'm a dhampir!"

"You shadow kissed" he said "You died! Spirit held you to the earth, it was the only thing. And when I tried to awaken you I could only change… half of you. Your half strigoi, half moroi. I believe you have strength and speed like a strigoi, but the feeding habits of a moroi and…" He hesitated "A moroi's powers. You will specialize in an element." I gasped. I remember all the times that I had dreamt of having powers like Lissa or any other moroi. But never too much because I knew they wish they could fight like me. If I could use an element and be as strong as a strigoi I'd be unstoppable.

"Not possible" I breathed.

"You'll see!" Nathan laughed "Come eat" he said motioning for the doors.

"Your letting me go?" I asked in astonishment.

"Nope" he replied popping the P. "Your coming to eat. And then we'll find you some new clothes… then you'll meet Galina and she'll tell you how your going to help us.

"Your completely out of your mind if you think I'm helping you" I scoffed.

"I forgot! Before you meet Galina your going to specialize. It'll take time… but you will. Now come. You need blood." When he said this I winced. I remember how often I'd watched moroi drink with disgust. Now I'd have to do it my for whole life.

"Eww" I said under my breathe. Nathans super senses picked it up. He laughed.

"Rosemarie, Rosemarie, Rosemarie" he said. Taking my hand and leading me up some stone stairs. I pulled my hand away in disgust.

"This place reminds me of a dungeon in an old castle" I muttered. Nathan just laughed again.

"Nobody told me you had a sense of humour Rose" he said. I made a irritated noise when he called me rose.

"Its part of the job description" I reply. Nathan leads me up the stairs out into the garden of what I can tell is a huge estate. But it's night. So I cant tell.

"Where are we?" I ask. Nathan eyes me curiously.

"Outside Novosibirsk. Russia" Russia! I can't be in Russia! I think

"What! How?" I exclaim.

"You were out for awhile" Nathan explains

"And whose Galina?" I ask

"Dimitri Belikov never told you?" he asks. I shook my head.

"He was her instructor when he was at school. Galina originally sent me to get Dimitri. But she was impressed when I brought back the Rosemarie Hathaway. Your going to be a valuable asset." I snorted.

"As I said before, Highly mistaken if you think I'm helping you" I retort.

"We'll see" Nathan whispers as we round a corner. Walking through the huge double doors that lead into a huge mansion. There are barely any windows, and the ones that are there I can tell won't let the light through in the day.

"Nice" I remark.

"Feeders through here. Come out when your done" Nathan smirks. I gulp.

"Alone?" I ask.

"Yep!" he replies shoving me into a dark room. Sitting on a bed is a human with bite scars all over her neck. She would've been pretty once with her long black hair and green eyes. But not now. Now, she has scars covering every inch of her neck, hair long and matted, dark bags under her glazed over eyes. She smiles and sways slightly.

"First timer eh?" she asks. Offering her neck. Suddenly I felt urge and instinct take over. I walk over to her quickly and lower my mouth to her neck. Smelling the blood pulsing through her throat. I pulled back slightly, nervous. When I notice I have fangs. Oh my god! How could I have not noticed! Then suddenly the instinct overpowered me and I bent forward and sank my fangs into her neck. The blood ran from her into my mouth and I faintly heard the woman sigh as the endorphins took over sending her on a high. Right then I decided to never, ever give Lissa or Christian crap over feeding again. It was bliss. As I pulled away I wiped the blood from my lips. I haven't quite mastered clean feeding yet.

"Thankyou" I whispered to the swaying feeder.

"No… thankyou" she whispered faintly before laying down. Nathan came and collected me from the room.

"Done?" he asked

"Yep!" I exclaimed "It wasn't actually that bad… In fact… I loved it!" I exclaim.

"Yeah. Its pretty awesome" Nathan replied absently "You need human food though too. Your moroi" Nathan licked his lips as he said this.

"You did not just think about feeding on me!" I say angrily.

"Did nothing of the sorts" Nathan says sweetly. I made an annoyed sound as we entered a dining room.

"What do you want?" Nathan asks me.

"Donuts!" I exclaim and he laughs. Calling to the chef who appeared about 10 minutes later with a dozen donuts which I devoured quickly. Much to Nathans amusement.

"Is there any other strigoi here? I can feel it" I ask Nathan

"Feel it?" he asks raising one eyebrow. Damn! Why can everyone do that but me!

"Yeah" I reply in a careless tone. "I feel nauseas every time a strigoi is around. It gets worse when there's more around. I can tune it out though. And I can also do this." I said lowering down my barriers I usually keep around my mind and letting the ghosts in. Suddenly they swooped down on Nathan he started swatting and screaming. I quickly put up the barriers again and I watched as Nathan went paler than he was already, if that's even possible.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again!" he said through his teeth.

"Yeah whatever" I reply. Returning to my last donut. I looked up to Nathan glaring at me.

"I swear, you ever do that again and your pretty moroi ass wont live till tomorrow!" he hisses. I laugh.

"I love empty threats!" I laugh. "Can I go to bed now?" I whine. Really, I just want to check up on Lissa without Nathan asking what I'm doing. Spacing out will probably lead to questions.

"Fine!" He snaps. Getting up. I can tell he's pissed about the ghosts. But I'm Rose Hathaway. And I will Not apologise to a strigoi. No matter how they act around me. We walked in awkward silence until we reached the dungeon.

"Can't I have some better accommodations?" I whine.

"No!" Nathan snaps. "Not until I'm positive you'll help us"

"Whatever!" I say shooing him out. Then I stop "You know Nathan, You should do some soul searching, you might find you have one!" I smirk at my witty comeback. He laughs and shakes his head then leaves with a quick wink and I hear the door being bolted. I walk over to the mirror and examine my new features. The fangs, pale skin, darker looking eyes. Its all new to me. And I'm itching to find out what I'd specialize in! I'd probably pick fire. Spirit would be hard. With all the darkness. Dealing with Lissa's is enough. Having both of our darkness would be dangerous. I sigh and lie on the bed so if a strigoi comes in it'll look like I'm sleeping. They don't know I can get in Lissa'a head. As I slip in I gasp at what I see and feel. How did I not feel it before!