Author's Note:

I'm totally sorry for this long ass hiatus I had been on and had basically vanished. If I have any readers left, and to the new readers, I apologize. I will try my hardest to update my past stories in my free time sometime soon. I also want to give thanks to Hamithehamster for all the kind reviews and letting me know that people still do read my past stories.

ALSO, I must state, I do NOT own Supernatural, nor any of the characters. I'm just playing in the sandbox.

Title of the chapter: I Wish I had an angel

Reason: Only because I'm listening to Nightwish. The titles of the chapters will most likely have no actual meaning towards the contents of the chapter, they will be random song titles... most likely. ; D

Rating: T for language

References: Doctor Who/Torchwood with Retcon.

Summary: AU AH, Dean Winchester is a police detective hunting the YED, he's given a new partner whose got a couple of secrets hiding up those trenchcoat sleeves. Will Castiel do his job and recruit the man or will his loyalty waver and will he warn him? SLASH

Dean Winchester.

The all american bad ass who you wish you could be, if your a guy at least.

If your a girl, let's just say he's so good looking you practically throw yourself at him.

The only catch? He's just not interested. He's too focused on something else and hasn't even made time for his usual flings he had been known for the last year. Yeah, a celibate Dean Winchester is just a little scary, even the guys at the station murmur about how they're worried about him. Could you blame him? He's hunting.

He's on the prowl for the sick bastard that tears apart families. His M.O. is slaughtering the mother, watching the house burn and taking their youngest child of six months.

Why does Dean want to catch this guy more than usual?

Because he was a victim.

His brother had been one of the children taken years ago. It's almost a dead case, until something happened.

The Yellow eyed Demon struck again.

To think it had been so many years and out of no where, he was killing mothers and taking babies once more. It didn't make much sense but Dean wasn't going to complain about the fresh leads. Though everynow and then, quite often more than he would of liked, his thoughts would go out to his little brother and all that could of been. His only last "living" family member had probably been raised by a mad man if he was still alive. Sam...

He decided it wouldn't matter until he got rid of the Demon. I know what your thinking, how could Dean even know about the old case files when he was only four? His father was a police detective, a hunter for the wicked. His father had been consumed by this case and had been close three times until he lost his life. Dean gets scared sometimes that he's going down the same path.. being so consumed by this case that it's eating everything else away in it's path, like Abanddon, destroying everything good that could flourish. He was losing himself in the mass piles of papers one day when his boss kicked his chair to get his attention since his voice seemed to not be getting through the young man's thoughts.

Dean jumped slightly at the kick being aimed at his chair, he shot a glare towards his boss, great, he had just lost his train of thought.

" Winchester, your getting a new partner today, someone to watch your back. Better play nice, I don't need any more idijits shooting their foot with a gun... "

Robert "Bobby" Singer had been refferring to Dean's old partner that he had only been assigned to for two days before the kid shot himself in the foot. " Yeah, Andy was always a little too jumpy to have a gun in his hands, so whose the new freak? " For some reason, all of Dean's partners just seemed to be too...odd. Well, he wasn't about to be disappointed. Singer moved to the left and there stood before him was a man who roughly stood five eleven, had a messy array of black hair sticking up, the bluest eyes you would ever know.

What threw off his 'angelic' appearence would have to be the stiff posture and the fact that he looked like he came out of some business meeting. The only thing really out of place was that god awful trenchcoat. Dean raised his eyebrow at the stranger and said one thing that seemed to make the man have an actual emotion pop on his face. "Dude, could you be anymore obvious? Totally can't tell your a spook." Sarcasm lacing his words, Dean rolled his eyes and forced himself to look away. Damn weirdo staring straight into his eyes as if he could see his soul. Freaky as hell.

"I do not understand what you mean by a 'spook' but I can asure you that I am not obvious in what I do."

"Ya even talk like a weirdo. great...just great.. " He muttered to himself, though his thoughts were dwelling on how fucking deep that guy's voice was. It sounded like he had gargled with gravel. Damn and Dean thought his own voice was pretty deep and rough, this guy took the freak'n pie with it.

If there was one thing Castiel was good at, it was playing dumb.

Castiel James Novak, brother to five others. It was funny because they were all involved in the same business. No, he wasn't a "spook" persay. Sure, he was part of a secret organization, but it wasn't the CIA. They specialized in... only one trait, one need that many could agree upon. Death, they were death bringers, hit men, contract killers. Whatever word you want to use, that's what they are. Reapers.

Castiel is one of the youngest yet one of the quickest and best out of everyone. His unfailing loyalty is key as well, though most of the time he is used as nothing more as a pawn. He's even on misson now, his current objective? Bring in Dean Winchester and recruit him. But for now, it was gain his trust, help him finish his business and then offer him a much better job.

He answered to a man that liked to think himself God, Michael. His older brother, if that made matters worse.

Then there was Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel and lastly his sister, Anna.

Thought Castiel was only half brother to Raphael and Uriel due to them having a different mother. They were still the same amount of family.

His commanding officer however had no family ties, and he was a dick. Zachariah liked to think he was in charge of everything Castiel has and does. It's annoying, but Castiel knows what needs to be done and has spent a number of hours compartimentalizing his life. This should be no different.

His brother Gabriel and his sister Anna are field agents like him, the others work mainly with tech stuff along with some of the interns they have that are learning the ropes that show promise. Of course those that don't make it will be given Compound B67, also known as retcon, were they won't remember the last couple of months. As far as the agency is aware of, there are no residual side effects.

Castiel was surprised.

Though he didn't let his face betray such thoughts. For one, not only had Singer just said that Dean had a new partner but he hadn't even introduced them. He just mumbled a 'play nice' and left. Most strange. He let it go, he figured that Dean was different.. if he really wanted to know what his name was, he'd ask. Castiel could read the man he had been watching for some time now like an open book. No, Castiel wasn't a stalker persay... He had been given an assignment and liked to make note of their routines and just exactly who they were when no one was watching. Dean Winchester was truly a righteous man. He was who he showed himself to be. Not very many people in the world were like that.

Besides he knew the one thing to say to Dean if he couldn't get close to him while they worked together.

He knew where Sam was.

So there you have it, a very short chapter to just jump back into the world of writing fanfiction. Hope I don't disappoint and can start writing again.