
It wasn't until that day I realized that I was still scarred from what had happened to me.

One call was all it took to bring it all out.

I was in the kitchen that morning, satisfying my cravings for chocolate pancakes, when my cell phone rang. Happily I skipped to the phone and answered it, I blamed my constant skipping on the hormones.

"We found him Lily."

Alex didn't have to say anything else. I understood what he meant.

Trying to steady my beating heart I pulled myself together and spoke in the calmest voice I could muster up.

"Where is he?"

"He's at the cabin, with us."

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." I could hear my brother begin to protest but I didn't give him the time to continue as I hung up.

Taking the pan with the pancakes off the stove I stuffed my cell in my pocket, got the keys to my car and barely had the time to rip my coat from the hanger by the door before I was heading down the street, just keeping under the speed limit.

Seeing him again wasn't what I thought it would be. I always imagined I'd be scared, lost or even angry... But seeing him tied to that chair in the empty barn, looking like Happy had just begun to sunk his teeth into him I just felt... Empty.

Like it wasn't finished yet.

"Lil, you shouldn't be here." My brother met me at the door.

"If anyone should be here, Alex, it's me." I just looked at him, knowing that there was no other place I was meant to be.

I snuck a glance at Happy to see if he would protest along with my brother but as usual he trusted my judgment enough not to say anything.

"I think she's right, Tig." Koz placed a hand on Alex' shoulder when he came up to us. "If this is what you need to be done with it then so be it." He spoke to me and I mouthed a quiet "Thank you" to him which he answered with a small smile.

And so I just sat there through it all. I watched every single thing Happy did to him and I heard every scream that came out of Kyle's mouth.

I could feel my unborn child kicking up a storm but when I softly rubbed my belly he, or she, eased up. Watching the events that took place should have made me sick to my stomach but this was what I needed, I knew he deserved every single thing my boys did to him and I would be lying if I said that I didn't find it satisfying watching him bleed while pleading for his life.

"I wanna do it." I said when the torture had gone on for hours and hours and Happy begun to ready his weapon to end it all.

All three Sons looked at me, gauging how serious I was, but when I didn't give them a reason to doubt me Happy reached the gun to me.

"Do what you have to do." His gravelly words echoed in the silence of the barn, such a contrast to when the screams had filled it.

Neither Alex nor Kozik said anything but I knew they didn't like it. They weren't stupid enough to try and stop me but I could tell they were as against it as you could possibly be.

Lifting the gun to his head I could feel the memories flooding through my head as I relived them all. The knife leaving scars all over my body, the beatings, the rapes...

"I'll see you in hell, Kyle."

One shot.

That was all it took for him to be gone from my life. From the world.

I didn't feel different.

I had killed a man and I felt nothing. I didn't think of his kids who had just lost their father, I didn't think of how my kid now had a murderer for a mother.

All I did feel though was relief.

The feeling of not having to look over my shoulder every waken moment was exhilarating and it was with a calm smile that I handed the gun back to Hap before turning to my brother and husband.

"Let's go home."

Two days later our first daughter, Alexandra, was born and much to her uncle's surprise Kozik suggested we name her after him.

She grew up to be a rebel just like the man she was named after, trying anything and everything at least once but never lost sight of her family and what was really important.

Two years after Alexandra was born came Daniel, our first and only son. He was a sweet kid and had inherited all of his father's charm and my pigheadedness, along with my interest in cooking which he later turned into a very successful career in New York.

Four years after Daniel came our second daughter and everyone's little princess, Taylor. She was the cutest little girl you had ever seen and she had the brains to use it to her advantage, before she could even walk.

Like her siblings she was successful at anything she truly put her mind into and went to Brown to become a lawyer.

Despite everything that happened around the MC-life we were a very happy family.

Sure we weren't all perfect, but really. Who would want to be perfect?

This was my story and I hope you enjoyed it!

Until we met again.

Sincerely yours

Lily Trager, singer, song-writer, mother and Old Lady


This was the last chapter to Trouble, it's sad to have this end but I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have.

Thanks to all of you wonderful people who have liked this and followed it, your support has kept this story floating.

This chapter was to all of you!

Until next time

The End