It was a pretty much normal day in post-war Ba Sing Se. Birds were singing, boys were Earthbending, and Team Avatar was relaxing in the Jasmine Dragon, enjoying Pai Sho, and the delicious tea. Katara and Aang, celebrating that they were finally a couple, were just talking quietly and holding hands.

Suddenly Suki and Sokka ran into the shop, out of breath.

"You guys are not going to believe this" Sokka cried, "There's a play about us".

Most of Team Avatar groaned. Zuko said "If this is one of the Ember Island Players"-

"No, no", Suki interrupted. "This is something else. Someone called the Four Nations Players".

That stopped the mumbling pretty fast. Aang walked over and took a rolled up paper from Sokka, and unrolled it. On the paper was a large picture of a war-torn landscape, with the outline of a figure with airbender tattoos on him. At the top were large-print words saying The Avatar and the Fire Lord: The Opera.

Aang rerolled the paper. "It looks okay…but we should all see it too make sure. The opening's tonight."

Everyone went back to what they were doing, but with a new question on their minds. What would the play be like?