Season 9

Chapter 19

A week later


There was a weird vibe around the office, everyone had heard the news of the Admiral's retirement. On top of that Harm was worried about Mac and her condition, she hadn't wanted to talk about it so it was difficult for him to know what she was feeling. They had finally gotten their house in a close to tidy condition and it was starting to feel like a home.

Mattie had spent some time with her dad lately and Harm knew that they were close to a reconciliation. It made him feel both happy and sad. He was happy that Mattie was happy, but at the same time sad that she probably would be moving back to her father in the near future.

Harm looked up when he saw Mac enter his office. "Did you hear the news?" She asked.

"Yes, he's actually retiring. I never thought that he would. It's weird and I can't really picture JAG without him."

Mac sat down in front of Harm's desk. "It's going to change things."

"You mean regarding our working relationship?"

Mac nodded. "Yes."

"It'll be fine Mac, let's not worry about it yet." Harm stood, he went to close the door and came to sit down in the chair beside her. "It'll be a while before a new JAG will be appointed and we'll just have to take it from there."

"Yeah, I guess." Mac agreed. "Mattie will be spending the weekend at her house with her father. Looks like they're starting to heal."

"It looks like it and I'm happy for her." Harm reached for Mac's hand. "Pretty soon it'll be just you and me in the house."

"About that." Mac leaned close to him. "I've been thinking. How about if we get busy making a baby?"

Harm hadn't expected her to say that. "Oh...Okay, we can do that. Is this what you've been thinking about all week?"

Mac nodded. "Pretty much, yeah. I just needed some time to wrap my head around what the Doctor told us, but now I'm thinking that we better get busy before we run out of time. Neither of us is getting any younger and with my condition..."

Harm cut her off with a kiss. "I think it's a great idea Mac."

Mac gave him a sweet smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed her again. "So much."

Three days later

Mac and Harm's house

Harm was busy straightening his uniform on the bed, just to see if everything was as it should be. They were going to the Admiral's retirement party, a final farewell with their boss. It was weird to think about JAG without Admiral Chegwidden, he'd be a hard Judge Advocate General to follow for whomever would have the position next.

Harm watched Mac come out of their bathroom only clad in bra and panties. "Your formal wear for the night Colonel?"

"I was thinking about it, but I fear it might not be too well received in public." Mac gave her hair a final look in the mirror. "My hair was so much easier to deal with when it was short."

"I think a lot of people would be thankful if you walked around in your underwear." Harm smiled teasingly.

Mac ignored him and started dressing. "It's going to be different at JAG when the Admiral is gone."

Harm nodded. "I was just thinking about it, the next JAG will have big shoes to fill." He gave his uniform a final look before he started dressing.

"The next JAG might not be too happy about us being in the same Command either. Have you thought about what you want to do? Who will stay at JAG?" Mac had finished dressing and looked in the mirror. "I look good in blue."

"You look good in anything." Harm had finished dressing as well and stepped up behind her. He gave her a short kiss and wrapped his arms around her. "I don't care who stays at JAG as long as neither of us is sent far away."

Mac relaxed into his arms. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

"I guess we will." Harm kissed her once more, before letting her go. "We better leave soon or we'll be late."

The next day

Harm and Mac's house

Harm stretched in bed and found the spot beside him empty. The clock on the night stand told him that it was six o'clock in the morning and it was a Sunday morning. Why wasn't Mac in bed this early on a Sunday? He got out of bed and put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt before he went to look for his wife to be.

He found her outside on the porch, on the swing.

She turned her head when she heard him. "What are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He sat down by her side.

"I never went to sleep actually." She leaned into his side and put her head on his shoulder.

Harm wrapped his arm around her. "Why didn't you sleep?"

"I wasn't tired."

"I'm tired." Harm complained.

"Then why are you up?"

"I was lonely. And I thought maybe you had run off with the gardener or something?" He joked.

"We don't have a gardener." She pointed out.

"Is there any way that I might be able to persuade you to come back to bed with me?" Harm whispered in her ear.

"I like it here." Mac snuggled closer to him.

"But the bed is just so much more comfortable."

"I wasn't talking about the porch swing, although I must say I like that as well, I was talking about this house. I like it here, with you. I'm happy."

"That's a good thing." Harm kissed her head.

"I want us to be able to make a baby together."

"We will."

"What if my condition makes it impossible for us to have a baby?"

"Then we'll adopt. It doesn't matter to me how we have children as long as we have them together. The important thing is that we have each other, I never want to lose you."

"You won't lose me Harm, and I don't ever want to lose you either."

Harm pulled her even closer and kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you more." Mac kissed him again.

They sat in silence for a while, just enjoying the silence of the morning.

"Should we set a date for our wedding?" Mac asked after a while.

"We should." Harm agreed.

"Any suggestions?"

"I'd marry you right now." Harm said.

Mac sat up a little straighter. "Let's do it."


Mac stood and dragged Harm up as well. "Tomorrow, we arrange the wedding certificates. We find a church and see how soon the priest can do the ceremony, we'll call our closest friends and family with the time and place and we do it. No fuss, no crazy planning, we just do it."

Harm laughed. "That sounds crazy enough to be successful. Okay, I'm in."

Mac kissed Harm deeply. "Let's go to bed." She grabbed his hand and dragged him inside.

Three days later

It was a sunny day when Mac and Harm stood in front of the priest, promising to be together forever. Their closest friends were there and Harm's parent's. Harm wore a simple black suit and Mac wore a simple white dress, there was no fuss or stress, just a relaxed couple joined for life.

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you might kiss the bride." Harm did kiss the bride and she kissed him back, a little while later congratulations filled the church before the bride and groom left to spend a week locked away from the world.

A year later the happy couple welcomed their first born into the world, their own little miracle.

The End