The End

Or is it?

Chase stared at her notebook; or really, her notebooks. Then she looked up at Timothy and Alex.

"So, that's it?" she asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Alex laughed. "That was only the beginning of our adventures! Chase, you must keep in mind that we're both over 300 years old- and that was simply two of those years. But that is not for now,"

"No kidding," Chase said. She stood up and stretched. "Well, I'll be getting these off to Willow now. But I will come back to hear more of your amazing stories,"

"Amazing is an understatement!" Timothy said, laughing.

Chase grabbed her guitar and her bag and then headed back home- far, far to the south. Her silver fur glinted in the sunlight as she walked. But that is Chase's story, not Alex and Timothy's.

Alex looked up at Timothy and smiled. "A lot of things have happened since then, hasn't there?"

Timothy smiled and ran his paw through her hair. The faithful Silver Bow was still there, after all these years. Then he reached down to his own chest, lightly touching the Relic Fragment that hung from a worn cord around his neck.

"Yes, many things,"

Timothy and Alex sat and looked at the setting sun from the bluff. Many things had changed since that time- Treasure Town had expanded, gotten a hospital (Under Marowak's Administration), and even a new exploration guild that was partnered with Wigglytuff's place. Sharpedo bluff also had gotten a little bit of a renovation- Dugtrio and his son had dug tunnels that led into Alex and Timothy's children's rooms and other rooms for extra storage. They had long since run out of room at Kangashkan's storage.

"Want to go down to the beach?" Timothy asked.

"I would love to," Alex said. And so, they did. Three hundred years had come full circle for Team Diamond. You have heard two years, readers. And soon, Chase will return to document the other 298. She will document them and then send them to me, Willow-of-Johto, to write for your enjoyment.

Well, that's it for now. Let's let Alex and Timothy have a little bit of peace before sending them back into another story of their youth… Who am I kidding?