This is my first fic! Please let me know what you think! I am in love with Kurt & Blaine! (And Chris Colfer and Darren Criss too…) Sadly, I don't own Glee! Hope you like it!

Kurt stared at the door. It wasn't anything special. The door, that is. The scratch-less mahogany surface practically glowed while the gleaming brass door handles managed to look as menacing as door handles could possible look. The door seemed to smirk at him—it was a tease, trying to seduce him into opening it. His hand drifted toward the polished knob, hovered for a moment, and suddenly he snatched it back.

'Jesus, what am I thinking?' Kurt muttered to himself. He had somehow deluded himself into thinking that the door handle was menacing and that the door was trying to seduce him. Not even Brittany, dear, sweet, lovable Brittany, would stoop to this level. Groaning internally, Kurt prepared himself to face the truth of the situation:

Here he was, a death grip on the strap of his Marc Jacobs bag, wearing a starched, regulation Dalton dress shirt, standing outside his dorm room. And he was scared shitless.

He had already hugged and kissed his dad goodbye, Burt's gruff "I love you kid, I'm going to miss you" meaning the world to him. Carole had promised to take care of his dad and to make sure he ate all the right foods. Finn had already brought Kurt's bags into his room, given him a quick tight hug, and tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to change Kurt's ring-tone to "Just the Way You Are."

A single tear began to roll down Kurt's cheek as he remembered how, just moments before, he had stood at the steps of Dalton, waving good bye to his family as the drove away. They were long gone by now, and he was here alone. He had texted Blaine once he arrived, but he hadn't heard from his mentor-crush-no-just-mentor-okay-maybe-huge-ass-crush.

Footsteps running down the hall behind him jerked Kurt out of his reverie. He shifted his weight, crushed the Dalton campus maps and class schedule into his bag, and grabbed the door handle.

Okay, there is nothing to be afraid of! Kurt muttered under his breath, realizing that giving himself a pep-talk wouldn't help but to make him feel even more pathetic. Shaking his head, Kurt began to hum to himself. "I can do anything you can do better. I can do anything better than you…"

A second later, Kurt took a deep breath and turned the door knob.

The door swung open noiselessly. Kurt stepped inside, shoes sinking into the deep plush carpet, and dropped his bag. It took a few seconds for Kurt to realize that, contrary to what he believed, he was not in fact alone in his single dorm room.

"Erm-oooof! Stop-Dav! C'mon guys….ouch! URg We-mph! Please! Don't!" Kurt could heard bodies rustling together, and froze. There were people, right around the corner, struggling in his bedroom. Quickly, he took two steps, turned the corner, and stopped dead.

Two people stood, wrestling with a third, all their backs turned towards Kurt and the door.

"Jesus Blaine, will you stop trying to fight us?" said David, smirking as Blaine glared at him. "Because you know just as well as anyone that Wes knows Krav Maga…"

Wes grinned, nodding enthusiastically as Blaine tried unsuccessfully to pull himself out of their hold. "Plus, Blaine, we know you will thank us for this one day. Really. You were probably wishing that you had thought of this yourself!"

"This is in fact NOT how I was planning on first seeing Kurt!" growled Blaine, elbowing David as he laughed. "I hoped to make a calm, normal, APPROPRIATE welcome for him…not THIS!" cried Blaine, pointing to his head.

David and Wes exchanged a look, their matching Cheshire-cat grins growing even wider.

"But Blaaaaaaaine" they pouted, waggling their eyebrows at him. "He will just love it! We know!"

"His beautiful, perfectly coifed hair will appreciate it!" said Wes, nudging his friend.

"Oh yes! As will his gorgeous, deep, almost blue green grey but undeniable sexy eyes," laughed David.

"I bet he'll sing his praises with his amazing, unforgettable voice-"

"And that hot, rosy blush will fill his cheeks and make him look utterly adorable-"

"And then your mouth will do that weird open-close fish thing like it always does when you think about him…"

"And you'll start to drool then catch yourself then turn beet red like you are turning now and we will laugh…"

"OKAY, that's ENOUGH!" Blaine practically yelled, finally freeing himself from his friends' grip. It wasn't very difficult by now though, for said friends (if they can be considered friends) were rolling on the floor in hysterics, unable to speak.

"Guys!" Blaine glared at Wes and David, forgetting about why he was so angry at them in the first place. "Get up! Kurt will be here any minute and I can't even imagine what he would think if he walked in right now…" At that Blaine turned around and froze at the sight of an equally frozen Kurt, five feet away from him.

"Oh, um….hi" said Kurt, glancing shyly at Blaine.

Blaine gaped, a hot blush covering his cheeks, as he reflected on what Kurt possibly could have heard, forgetting to say hi back. His eyes strayed to Kurt's rosy cheeks, drinking in the junior's appearance like a drug. Even though Kurt was in uniform, he still managed to look better than everyone else. Kurt's top two shirt buttons were undone, exposing the delicate skin of his throat to Blaine's probing eyes. The teenage-boy-hormone-influenced part of Blaine's mind fleetingly wondered what it would be like to kiss Kurt's neck; how would he taste? Blaine's stomach fluttered ever so slightly at the sight of the pale V of flesh that he could see above Kurt's tie. Blaine grimaced internally, now was NOT the time to have these completely-non-mentorish feelings about his new adorable-super-mega-foxy-hot-nice-gay-friend.

Internally, Kurt couldn't help but freak out at Blaine's silence. Crap. Blaine wasn't answering him; was that the wrong thing to say? Probably not, seeing as this WAS his dorm room…but why wasn't Blaine answering him? He was making this awkward maybe he should just leave. Wait no, that would be dumb, where would he go? Damn it, he should've said something other than "Oh, um, hi." Oh my Gaga, he was the queen of witty one-liners and smart responses, and all he could come up with was that?"

"Oh HAY, Kurt, so glad you could make it-"

"Yes, we were just wondering where you were!" David and Wes rushed past a stunned Blaine to crowd around Kurt. "We're here to entertain you until Blaine stops undressing you with his eyes and regains the ability to form coherent sentences again."

"Yeah! We're Des and Wavid," grinned the two, laughing at Kurt's face. "Wait, no Wavid and Des! I mean David and Wes. It's so great that you are here, FINALLY. Welcome to our humble abode! Actually this is your room, see? We made you a welcome sign…or it used to be a welcome sign. Blaine accidently tore it down during his little tantrum."

"He never seems to learn…" said David.

"We've tried to teach him to behave but he just won't listen…" Shaking his head in mock disappointment, Wes smirked at Blaine, who had yet to move from his frozen position. "Good think you are here though, Kurt! We won't have to listen to Blaine complain about not being able see you any time he wants, though you may have to find a lock for this door because Blaine will want to visit you so often…He's like a puppy!"

"Wes…" warned Blaine under his breath.

"Lo and behold! The beast haseth spoken!" cried David, running over to Blaine. "Wes, I believe our dear Blaine has risen from his love-induced stupor! Oh look, his cheeks are turning red again!"

Blaine growled.

Kurt's knees went weak; he couldn't believe how sexy that sounded coming from Blaine. 'Oh no no no…' thought Kurt. BAD THOUGHTS! BAD!

"D'awww how adorable!" cooed Wes, going over to stand by Blaine. "Good boy Blaine, Sit!"

Wes went to pat Blaine's head, but was forced to stop by an unexpected barrier. Laughing, Wes remembered the entire reason for their argument in the first place, and winked at David, ecstatic that Blaine hadn't remembered yet.

Blaine finally shook himself out of his momentary inability to say anything coherent phase and took a step towards Kurt.

"Hey Kurt, I apologize profusely for these two right here. They don't have any manners what so ever and have an uncanny ability to freak people out. Don't listen to ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING they say. So completely disregarding anything these two may have said in the past twenty minutes, welcome to Dalton!" Blaine smiled warmly at Kurt, forcing any less than appropriate thoughts about the way Kurt's shirt was almost see through in this light to disappear.

Well shit, thought Kurt, a bubble of disappointment rising in his throat, Blaine obviously didn't like him any more than a friend, otherwise why would he be so adamant about ignoring Wes and David's comments? Kurt gave Blaine a small smile in return though, furrowing his brow slightly.

"Don't worry, they'll need to work harder to make an impression on me—I've seen QUITE the freakshow!" said Kurt with a smirk. He tilted his head to the side, staring at Blaine. "But, uh, Blaine? Why are you wearing a party hat?"

Blaine indeed was wearing a paper cone shaped party hat squished over his unruly dark curls.

Praying he had taken it off before Kurt came in, Blaine raised a hand to pat his head, only to be reminded that he was, in fact, wearing a kid's party hat and looking like a complete idiot in front of Kurt.

Wes and David giggled, nudging Blaine with their elbows.

"Well you see Kurt-"

"A party is not complete without party hats, and seeing as we are throwing you a 'Welcome to Dalton' party, we thought it would be appropriate to dress Blaine up!" said David, grinning at an obviously uncomfortable Blaine.

Blaine tried to inconspicuously slide the paper hat off his head, but he wasn't fast enough. Wes pounced on him within seconds. "Blaiiiiiiine. Oh no you don't! Did you see that David? Blaine tried to take off his party hat!"

"Gasp! NO! He didn't! Blaine wouldn't…"

"As a matter of fact, I DID, David! It's dumb if I'm the only one wearing one…" muttered Blaine.

"Nuh-uh! Blaine, you don't look dumb, it looks so cute on you!" cried Wes happily, bouncing at Blaine's side. "Kurt, don't you think Blaine looks cute in his party hat?" asked Wes, winking knowingly at the blushing, dark haired hobbit-like teenager next to him.

"Kurt! You don't have to answer that; Wes is craz-"

"I think it looks cute on you," said Kurt softly, stopping Blaine midsentence, a light blush staining his cheeks. Oh god, thought Kurt, eyes widening as he realized what had just happened. Did I really say that out loud? He glanced at David's waggling eyebrows for confirmation. Kurt groaned internally, cursing at himself.

Blaine gasped quickly at Kurt's declaration, not quite believing what he heard. The tips of his ears burned red, the blush spreading to his cheeks in a matter of seconds. Oh why did he have to blush so easily when he was around Kurt? Even though Kurt felt obligated to say it, hearing those words caused a warm, tingly feeling to spread all the way to the tips of Blaine's toes.

Between embarrassed Kurt's self-berating and Blaine's attempts to control his glee at Kurt's words, neither David nor Wes said anything to end the unnaturally quiet of the room.

Breaking the awkward silence, Blaine stepped forward and grabbed Kurt's wrist, tugging him towards the cake-topped desk and mangled poster.

With a sharp intake of breath at Blaine's sudden touch, all of Kurt's attention was focused on the feeling of Blaine's hand on his wrist. Blaine's touch was like fire, burning the delicate skin of Kurt's wrist in the best possible way.

"Well since this is a party we should probably eat cake and celebrate…" babbled Blaine, never releasing Kurt's wrist as they reached the desk. Wes and David chatted happily, and they began to cut and serve the cake.

Kurt didn't even have the chance to complain about the giant piece of cake they gave him, for he was too distracted by Blaine's thumb, which was unconsciously rubbing circles on the underside of Kurt's wrist. Blaine's touch, feather light and deliciously warm, sent shivers down Kurt's spine. He couldn't help but imagine that same touch gently lingering on his chest, tracing patterns on the smooth muscles of his back.

Abruptly, Blaine realized what he had been doing and pulled his hand away. His thumb tingled with the rush of cold air, missing the contact with Kurt's skin. Catching Kurt's eye, Blaine blushed, and tried to focus on the conversation at hand. Kurt did the same, and pointedly tried NOT to touch Blaine the rest of the night. If he practically melted at Blaine's thumb caressing the inside of his wrist, Kurt couldn't even imagine what it would be like if he touched Blaine any more tonight.

Their intimate, four person welcome party continued far into the night, and when Blaine, David, and Wes left after cleaning up the poster-party-hat-cake mess, Kurt let out a long awaited sigh. He was finally alone, he realized, and it wasn't as hard as he thought it would be.

Thinking back to those torturous moments of fear before he opened his dorm room door for the first time, Kurt was ever so grateful for Wes, David, and Blaine. Particularly Blaine. They had been there for him when he was most afraid of being alone, and their presence helped ease him into his first night at Dalton.

After unpacking, rearranging his closet three times, and going through his half hour moisturizing routine, Kurt snuggled under the covers of his new bed and could see a thin sliver of light glowing from underneath his door. Behind that door, his new friends were away, settling into their own rooms and drifting off to sleep, too. They reminded him, in their ridiculous ways, that he wasn't in fact alone. Kurt finally drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Vogue and Broadway, and oddly enough, Harry Potter. If his first night at Dalton went like this, then Kurt had nothing to be afraid of for the rest of his time here. He'd just have to take a chance and wait and see.

Feel free to review if you want! I want any comments/ideas/suggestions that I can get! Thanks for reading!