Back to the Future

Chapter Nine

Claire sat straight up in bed. She was back in her room at the Petrelli house. She ran to the window and pulled the curtain away. Flashes of cameras blinded her from the drive where dozens of reporters milled around.

Claire flicked on the small radio in the bathroom adjacent from her room.

"In local news today, 23-year-old Brandon Miller passed away. We all know his name by now after the drawn out legal proceedings between his family and hospital responsible for his care. He had been in a coma for four years when his mother made the decision to take him off of life support."

Bounding down the stairs, Claire's grandmother's voice greeted her.

"Nathan was a great leader and now you can be too."

"Angela! You have no idea how great it is to see you again." Claire nearly knocked the older woman down as she jumped for a hug. "Oh, Peter, I'm so happy you're alright. I worried about you the whole time you were gone."

"I didn't go anywhere," he said with a confused sideways smile. "Are you feeling okay, Claire?" Peter put a hand on her forehead checking for a fever.

Someone screamed from outside. Peter flinched and gave a worried look to Angela.

"Sylar!" Claire sprinted for the front door and slid to a stop, reversing course and running back to Peter, grabbing his arm to keep herself from slipping. "Oh! Peter, you're going to take the job. And I know who your first two agents are going to be. Trust me, it's all going to work out!"

"I didn't tell you about any job…" Claire was running for the front door at top speed.

"You invited Sylar here?" Peter called after her. He looked back to his mother who was turning away with a smile slowly spreading. There was a bright twinkle in her eyes.

Sylar was laughing as the last of the reporters fled down the street. He turned back to head towards the door of the Petrelli place when a white streak hit him and knocked him to the ground.


She beamed up at him.

"You changed your hair," he said tucking a rogue lock behind her ear. "It looks good."

They got to their feet and walked up the lawn to the house side by side. Claire subtly took his hand and he laced his fingers through hers, ignoring his confusions over her sudden change of heart for the moment.

It was a brief moment. But it was a moment with little blue sparks and the smell of the air after a summer storm.



"Nice underwear."