DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story. Enjoy :)
Song: Poker Face
Artist: Lady Gaga
*Side Note: For this particular story, let's pretend that Luke isn't evil, and that he never inhabited Kronos's body, just for a moment.*
(Annabeth POV)
I stared down at my eight of diamonds with shaking intensity. I scrutinized every angle of every shape, trying to keep my mind off the two players sitting in front of me, waiting for my move. My eyes slowly rose up, and studied each boy in turn.
Luke. Sitting on my right, fingering his cards. The lonely sunlight streaming in from the dusty casino window gave his golden hair a subtle gleam. His deep, blue eyes were analyzing his cards with the proficiency of an experienced player. I slightly pursed my lips, thinking back to the times we'd been together. In a dazzlingly second, all those half-buried memories from my—our— childhood rushed through my head. Running from the Cyclops; fighting the monster on Half-Blood Hill; laughing by the canoe lake that glorious summer day. He definitely was a contender for my heart.
But then my eyes shifted to Percy, and my insides suddenly felt unstable. And that frightened me; what was it about him that could make me do that? But that was hardly a fair question. Just looking at his dark, jet-black hair and gazing into his other-worldly emerald eyes made my knees shake. In merely a second, memories rushed through my head, like with Luke. But these were so much more rich and remarkable… I remembered watching with awe as he defeated the Minotaur, the first time I saw him on Half-Blood Hill; seeing him as a furry rodent at Circe's island; crying into his shoulder after he rescued me from the too-beautiful picture the Sirens had shown me; the relief I felt when he rescued me from Atlas's grip; traveling through the Labyrinth; manning an army and defeating Kronos…
I snapped out of it. Regaining my poker face, I laid my cards down on the table. The two boys looked at my measly combination and scoffed.
Luke set down his cards. Lying on the table were a three of spades, two jokers and two queens: a two pair.
Percy pursed his lips and slammed his cards down on the table with amazing confidence. I looked at his cards; he had two queens and three kings. A full house.
"I win," Percy smirked.
I thought back to our memories that had run through my mind moments before. I thought about how I felt about him. I thought about us.
And I smirked inwardly. Oh, yes you have.