IT's finally here ! the squeal for What do I do now! Lol I am so excited for this story. There is going to be action, adventure, comedy, romance, friendship, family, and even sad moments. …

We left off with Rose in the middle of a fight with the Strigoi when she here's a scream…she runs to see Jake killing Li..Rose was on the verge of giving up but she couldn't let that happen..Rose used all her power to send off a powerful light and she chanted a spell..then her world went black…meanwhile Lissa hears Rose's screams and see the light from the power that rose is using and when it all dies down..she and the rest of the gang look outside the window to see that all the bodies disappeared….


"Damn what the hell is this light," I muttered. Why the fuck do I feel like I just woke up.

"Welcome back Queen of Shadows," I heard a heavenly voice say. I couldn't see because it was to fucking bright. I tried to feel my way up and around. What the fuck? It feels like I am lying down on mist? Ugh that light is pissing me off.

"Ugh! Can you turn off the fucking light? It's too bright!"I complained. It was starting to hurt my eyes even though my eyes are closed.

"Sorry…the light is pure and can nullify darkness. I forgot about your shadows, Queen," and with that the light died down. It was bright, but not bright to hurt me.

As my eyes came into focus again I was able to get up and see the girl who was talking to me in the most graceful voice I have ever heard. She had a long white dress that looked like a wedding dress. Her complexion looked like she was an actual spirit. She had long blonde hair that was just past her knees. It looked like it was made of silk. Her face full of innocence as she smiled at me and her bright blue eyes reminded me of the sky with twinkles of clouds.

I looked around to see only white mist surrounding us.

"Where am I?" I asked looking at the girl. "Am I dead?"

"No. I am here to give you a message from myself and my mother." She said. I looked at her confused. Who's her mom? Who's she? "Dearly sorry. I forgot introductions. I am Destiny and my mother is Mother Nature," I looked at her shocked. What the hell is going on?

"You have got to be shitting me!" I exclaimed in disbelief staring at Destiny with wide eyes. This has to be bullshit, right?

"No, I am afraid I am not." She chuckled. Her laughter sounded like thousands of violins playing the most beautiful song that makes you cry.

"What happened to me?" I asked. "Where exactly are we? Is everyone safe?"

"One question at a time," she chuckled.

I looked at her waiting for my answer.

"When you were fighting you forced the shadows back to your land, which in other words it is the shadow lands. You forced yourself and the Ruler of Fire with you by accident. Your power is great but…"

"Wait Li is here," I asked franticly looking around. I couldn't see anything except Destiny and the mist. Where is she?

Destiny moved her right hand up and the mist moved a little to reveal Li lying on the ground.

"Oh my god, Li!," I yelled and ran franticly to her. When I got to her I dropped on my knees grabbing her body to me. I let my tears fall. I can't feel her pulse. "Please! please wake up! Please Li! I need you!" I yelled crying more. My loud sobs echoing around me. Please I need her.

Then I felt a light presence behind me, but I didn't want to turn around. I was still clutching to Li protectively sobbing over her.

"Child, she is not dead," I felt a hand on my shoulder and I instantly felt myself calming down. I sighed and looked up to see Destiny looking at me with a sad smile on her beautiful face. "She is not dead, I assure you. If I may I would like to show you,"

I moved reluctantly to the side and watched as Destiny was holding what seemed to be golden flames on her right hand over Li. She then sent the golden flame to Li. Li's whole body was surrounded instantly by the flame. I watched in amazement as I saw her body lift slowly in the air with the golden flame around her and on her. She was shining so bright that I had to cover my eyes with my hand.

I can hear Destiny chuckling. Then the light died down back to how it was before. I should move my hand, but I am afraid to. What if it didn't work? Did I lose Li forever? What will I do?

"You may open your eyes now, Queen," Destiny chuckled. Man she likes to chuckle a lot. I slowly moved my hand down and slowly opened my eyes.

Are my eyes deceiving me?

Right in front of me I see a smirking Li standing next to Destiny. Li still had on her fire element outfit. Her bright red and orange hair moving with the breeze. Her ,what seemed like to be black eyes with orange fire in them, looked at me with such joy.

"Li?" I questioned. Hesitating to go forward. Reaching my hand out like if she was a ghost.

"Rose!" She squealed and ran to me full force. She jumped on me to give me a hug ,but I lost balance and we both fell down. We cried in joy. Destiny chuckled at us.

"I am so glad your ok," I sobbed. I turned toward Destiny who was smiling with joy. "Thank you," she nodded at me. "What was the message you wanted to give me though," I asked remembering that she said something about a message when I got here.

"Queen of Shadows, Ruler of Fire please stand," Destiny said looking at us like a mother looking at her newborn babies. With pride and joy. We stood up and looked at her. "Your destiny has been set. Lots of pain and joy will come to you, but you must stick together to overcome them and your obstacles,"

"Are we going home?" Li questioned looking at Destiny hopefully.

"I am afraid not. You must find your own way home through the Shadowland," Destiny sighed.

"We can't go home?" Li whispered in horror. I looked at her worriedly. Will she be ok?

"Our time is fleeting. You must return to the Shadowlands," Destiny said in a hurry.

"Wait! How can we get home?" I yelled franticly as I saw Destiny fading little by little.

"You must find a man named Noah. Rose, He is your… ," Her voice fading more.

"Wait," I yelled as I tried to run after her franticly. "He is my what?"

"You will have protectors who are…..they will protect you ….. on your journey," Destiny said that last thing before fading completely.

Everything is pitch black now.

"LI!" I yelled. Where is she? I can't see her.

"ROSE!" I heard her yell my name. I tried run toward where she was yelling my name, but then I am starting to fall. I yelled as I was falling more into the black darkness.

Making it through the dark is hard...

but in every darkness there is always hope...

hope for a new beginning../

hope to go back home...

Falling inside the black...

is never easy...

you just got to fight..

So what do you think about the first chapter of the squeal? Review! plz tell me :D