When Brittany's lips touched mine, it was like... music. We were making music. Our bodies connected to form a perfect harmony, our legs weaving chords in and out of each other, our hearts beating the rhythm in unison. Everything around me was a blur; all I could sense was the soft touch of Brittany's left cheek as she continued to kiss me gently. I didn't want to stop. I'd done this a million times before but for some reason this was completely different. It was almost as if...

Brittany jerked away. Oh shit, I thought, what have I done?

"Britt..." I whispered.

"Yeah?" she replied, with not even a hint of uneasiness in her tone.

"Erm, about that..."

"I like your sweet lady kisses, Santana."

Oh crap, bugger, shit. What had I done? Brittany was a female. I didn't date females. I was completely, one hundred percent, straight. So I grabbed my coat and ran. I ran as fast as I think I ever had, down the huge stretch that separated mine and Brittany's houses, breathing rapidly until I reached my front door, at which point I turned the key and sped up the stairs to my room. I had no idea what to think.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Brittany came up to my locker a few days later.

I slammed the locker door shut, turned around, and walked away. She followed closely behind. "What have I done?"

"Nothing, so leave me alone." I snapped back at her.

"Is this because of the bird I put in your locker?" She questioned again. That was her? I'd assumed it'd been some dumbass football player.

"Look, Brittany. I don't want to talk about this right now." My back was still turned.

"But what is it Santana? I want to know what it is!"

I turned around to shout, but the desperation and confusion in her eyes stopped me. It was like trying to be angry with a puppy. I gave in. "Meet me at my house, tonight. My parents are away and we need to talk. Don't be late."

I waited nervously on the edge of my bed, scared to hear the noise of the doorbell. I didn't know what I was going to say to Brittany. She really had no clue what happened. She seemed so confused... I jumped. The doorbell had rung. Several times, actually. Brittany liked to make cool rhythms up with the 'dong' sound, it was cute... and slightly odd.

"Hey San!" she exclaimed and grabbed my waist as she flew across the landing towards the stairs. She was such a free-spirited girl. I wondered how she managed it. How anyone could manage to be so happy in this world. I trudged across the landing and up the stairs to join Brittany in my room. And I prayed, prayed to the good Lord that something good would come of this.

I enjoyed school after that. Ever since Quinn Fabray had gotten herself knocked up, I was head cheerleader. People respected me more than ever, and if they didn't, then I'd show them who was boss. So what if I acted kind of bitchy? High school is like the wild. You are the predator and you've got to do anything and everything to stay at the top of the food chain. And yeah, there was Glee club. I didn't like to admit it, because then I'd totally have to go and live in Loserville, but I kind of liked it. I mean, it was okay. Sometimes it was a bit lame, and Rachel really got on my nerves because she was just constantly shrieking, but apart from that it was pretty good. Quinn loved it because it gave her something to do while she was carrying Puck's baby. I made a big fuss over that because I'd done the dirty with Puck several times and I'd kind of always figured that if he wanted any he'd come to me first. And so I went all mean on him and Quinn, which was kind of understandable. I didn't actually care. I had other things to be thinking about. Of course, Brittany loved Glee. Partly because Quinn did, and partly because she loved to dance. Ever since I'd first met her, Brittany always had a pair of dancing shoes in her bag, ready to put on and tap the night away. She once mentioned that her mother was a dancer and so from a young age she'd been put into all sorts of lessons, which made sense. She was pretty damn good. And very flexible. Of course, I knew that without having to see her dancing...

Life went on as usual. I'd see Brittany all the time, by then we were inseparable. Our lockers were next to each other's, we shared all the same classes and of course we had Glee. Often, about three times a week, we'd see each other after school. We did the normal stuff, stuff that girls do. Brittany always had something to talk about, usually cat related, but I didn't mind listening to her. She listened to me too, when I had any problems. I knew the outside world saw me as a heartless bitch, but I didn't care, because I knew Brittany didn't. And that was what scared me more than anything in the world.