"Shiver me timbers! Sail ho off the starboard bow! Ladies, to your battle stations! Sexily now!" Hayate shouted.

Nanoha sweat dropped. "Captain Yagami, we're not pirates, we're privateers."

"Actually that only applies to TSAB ships. I added a loophole to the contract when no one was looking before we signed it." She chirped happily.

Nanoha sighed. She just hoped it wouldn't turn out like last time her lover got like this. Captain Turner and the Flying Dutchman had had to be summoned in to help ferry the crew and passengers of the unfortunate merchant vessel they had pirated after a shot from their cannons inadvertently punctured the cargo hold that contained a large amount of alcohol and started a fire. No one had been killed, luckily, but half of the upper hull of the ship had been blown to pieces. The Dutchman and their own ship, The Heart's Reinforce, had to attach lines to the damaged ship and tow it back to port.


By: LowFlyer1080

"Just remember what happened last time. Captain Turner wasn't much pleased at what he had to do."

"Don't worry, nothing of the sort will happen this time Captain Takamachi."

"Yes Captain Yagami." Nanoha replied before turning to shout out orders. "Batten down the hatches! Full canvas! Raise the colors and loose the forward long nines! Helm, bring her around twenty degrees starboard! We'll take them head on and strafe pass on their port side! Starboard batteries to full power!"

"Aye Captain!" came the shouted reply as the women on board rushed to fulfill their orders.

Heart's Reinforce surged forward as Signum Nedes led twelve other women in dropping all sails to full canvas. The winds filled the beige cloth as the ship surged ahead. Down below on the gun deck, the short-statured armory chief, Lt. Vita Graf, shouted out orders to her crew even as she powered up Reinforce's main battery generators. Shells were loaded into the cannons and the covers on the starboard side were raised. Vita rushed forward to the bow of the ship to check on the six woman team that was in charge of the forward long nines, twin nine inch long barrel cannons that were used when Reinforce gave chase to an enemy. Checking to make sure the large clips holding the shells were in place and that the breeches were working smoothly she rushed off toward the main deck to check the deck batteries.

The Heart's Reinforce was an experiment on behalf of the government of the city of Mid-Chidlan on the small island of Mid-Chidla. Her crew had been handpicked by her captains, whom had been handpicked in turn by the Trade Safety Administration Branch of Mid-Chidlan's ruling council. While the city and her surrounding properties were small, the amount of sea that was within their protectorate was the largest around. The Reinforce was a test to see how well the new style of cannon and armor held up versus the traditional weaponry of other rival nations as well as the quite large pirate problem in the waters surrounding the small but essential island port. The council tried to minimize casualties as much as possible and the weapon systems on board the Reinforce were prototype cannons the council had termed Materiel-Assault Gun Eliminator batteries, or MAGE Cannons for short. Magic wasn't uncommon on Mid-Chidla, but it was kept highly secret from other countries and precautions were taken to ensure that none of their advancements in technology fell into the wrong hands.

"You realize that if we're caught doing this, we could be hung right?" Nanoha whispered to Hayate as she stepped behind the slightly shorter woman.

"Don't worry about it. We won't be." Hayate said as she leaned back against the softness of her lover's front. Arms snaked around her waist and held her gently.

Their relationship was made known from the start to their crew. And they were much relieved when they had taken it in stride. Hayate and Nanoha had in turn shown little surprise and much support when other members of their all female crew had eventually worked up the courage to make their own relationships known to their comrades. Their first mate, Commander Signum Nedes, was in the process of being pursued by the ship's doctor, Shamal Masati. It was always entertaining to watch those particular incidents. It was a known fact when they had recruited Carim Gracia and Schach Nouera that the two women were an item, and that in itself helped immensely because there wasn't a navigational problem they couldn't solve when they were together.

As the Reinforce gained speed, sprinting forward, the lookout on the other ship saw the sails of the Reinforce in the distance. He frowned, rubbing his eye before bringing the spyglass back up to look closer at this ship. That's when he saw the colors being hoisted to the top of the mainmast; crossed white sabers beneath a bandaged heart against a black background. Then he saw the flashes from the front of the ship, bright pink and white flashes.

"CANNON FIRE!" He screamed out, just as the shots impacted the side of their ship, rocking it violently to the side. He felt himself fly over the side of the Crow's Nest, and reached out to grab hold of the rope netting, catching himself from a very nasty fall. "We're under attack!" He shouted, grabbing a nearby free rope and swinging down to the deck.

"Who is it?" The captain shouted back. Captain Jail Scaglietti was not known to be a kind person, and that someone dare attack his ship enraged him even further.

"It's a privateers ship, under commission from the TSAB of Mid-Chidla!" the man shouted back.

"INCOMING!" Shouted one of the other sailors just before the ship rocked and shook again, listing violently to starboard before righting herself.

"All hands to battle stations! Helm, bring her around forty degrees starboard! Ready on the guns!"

Water flashed up alongside the Saint's Cradle as more incoming shots from the Reinforce barely missed the pirate ship. Down below in the brig, the four hostages were rattled around in their cage. Three women and one young man held on for dear life to the metal bars that locked them in. They watched as the crew outside ran around, trying to load the guns and moving materiel around, sealing hatches and tying down cargo. The ship rocked yet again as two more direct hits were scored against the hull. What manner of cannons were those that were firing at them to have the strength to shake this massive ship-of-the-line like a toy?

"What's going on Chrono?" one of the two younger women asked, somewhat frightened. She couldn't swim and if the ship sank, she was afraid she would drown.

"The ship's come under attack from someone, Ami." Chrono moved to the porthole that allowed a small view out the port side of the ship.

"Who is it?" The taller woman with long teal hair asked. "Are they friendly? Are they coming to rescue us?"

Two more water geysers burst out from the ocean as more incoming shots landed in the water a few yards out from the hull, obscuring his vision with mist and what appeared to be steam.

"I can't tell, mother. But whoever they are, they seem to be more than able to take on Scaglietti's frigate." Chrono replied.

Loud thuds of cannons came from up above them on the gun deck, the smoke curling down and wafting into the porthole. He could feel the ship turning its side toward the incoming vessel. Men shouted and bustled up above them but he couldn't make out what they were saying. More thuds came in rapid succession as the thunder of the Cradle's guns let him know that they were bringing her full broadside to bear against this enemy vessel firing only her chasers. The large frigate was heavily armed, its full broadside counting twenty-two fourteen pound guns, sixteen twelve pound guns, and twelve nine pound guns. The amount of splashes that flew up around the approaching ship practically obscured it from view. His hope sank as he looked on. Surely nothing could survive that bombardment. All of a sudden, two more bright flashes of pink light broke through the geysers that blocked the attackers from view, and the Saint's Cradle rocked violently yet again as the incoming rounds slammed into her outer hull. Chrono held fast to the porthole, regaining his balance and turned to look frantically back out. Breaking through the mist came what could possibly be their salvation. The attacking vessel looked like it hadn't been hit at all as it continued to return fire, rushing headlong into the fray.

"They're still coming!" He told the three women excitedly.

"Do you think they'll rescue us, brother?" The other younger woman spoke up, her long, golden blonde hair hanging down to her waist.

"I don't know Fate, but I should hope so…it can't possibly be any worse than what Scaglietti's put us through."

On the Reinforce, things were frantic, but a great deal calmer. Captain Yagami had ordered everyone off the main deck and down into the shielded areas of the ship. On the secondary bridge, Captain Yagami stood next to Ensign Gracia at the wheel.

"Bring her around, Ensign. Give them our own broadside." She said.

"Aye captain!"

Heart's Reinforce swung slowly around, coming up into range and turning her starboard guns directly toward the side of her target. Low pops were heard from the enemy ship as clouds of smoke puffed out from them. Water shot up as some of the rounds splashed harmlessly into the sea. Loud, low pinging occasionally peppered the side of the Reinforce as the metal cannonballs bounced ineffectively off her iron armor that covered her sides and masts, the ship shaking a little with each impact. Hayate leaned toward a metal tube and shouted into it.

"Fire at will Lieutenant!"

Chrono looked on as the entire side of the Heart's Reinforce turned toward them and in the next instant erupted in bright flashes of pink and white light. He barely had time to turn round and yell for the three women to brace themselves before the shots impacted the hull of the Saint's Cradle. The ship shook so hard it threw the four prisoners to the deck, tossing them around in their cell. Amid the roar of battle, his head hit the side of the bunk and blackness enveloped him.

End Chapter 1

DISCLAIMER: I don't know Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. I also don't own Will Turner or the Flying Dutchman. Just borrowing them as a reference for the story.

A/N – Challenge issued by Major Mike Powell III for a NanoFateHayate fic. The idea struck me when I was listening to 'Ship 2 Ship' by Captain Dan and the Scurvy Crew. Battle scene greatly inspired by PotC: At World's End scene with the destruction of the HMS Endeavour by the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman. Don't ask me, inspiration can be one weird muse at times.