He held up the blonde's right leg and tasted his warm and soft inner thighs, licking them over and over again until they are dripping with his own saliva. The slightly bitterness of the just-bathed skin was slowly fading away and he bit it sliding his teeth over the trembling sweetness, releasing the concealed moans out through the German's lips. "What are you saying? I can't hear a single word." The Russian deliberately breathe the heated air on the German's still sealed entrance. "I wasn't-hha..mmnh..." Ivan clearly knew Ludwig isn't able to stand up straight for a long time, that's why he used those decorations for the Christmas trees-a scratchy one, to tie his chest in a crossed shape to the branch that it would scratch and squeeze hard on his nipples when his legs shakes too much. He took the other end of the string and brushed it on his head of the erection. "Look, you made the decoration wet..." He teased some more, drowning in the pleasure of listening to Ludwig's breath-In, out, in, a large gasp, slowly relaxed, and again another full gasp-it is all controlled in his hands. But still, every move made by every piece of his well trained muscle surprises him and made his brain twirled. "Goddamnit!" Ivan suddenly shouted in his lusty low voice, and down came his hand, slapping hard on the uncovered ass which would make him go crazy everytime he saw them. He heard the German took larger gasps, but never fought back although he could easily have kicked Ivan's face from the front. Ivan bet Ludwig's face would be blushing in anger, and he turned his face around to see if the guess was right.
But he was wrong.
He saw tears streaking down the light skin. Down his cheeks, down his chin...
"Ludwig? Why are you..."