I know I said that I was going to work on updating my other two stories more frequently, but this got in the way. The chapter title comes from the Bee Gees song.

Disclaimer: I don't own Eureka. If I did, it would be on year-round instead of just during the summer.

Jo leaned back in her chair and shook her head in disgust. It was a week before Valentine's Day, but Café Diem was already decked out in pink and white heart-shaped decorations. She wasn't surprised. Valentine's Day was one of Vincent's favorite holidays. He had practically torn down the decorations for the Super Bowl to make way for Valentine's Day. It was enough to make her want to puke.

"Wow, Vincent really outdid himself this year."

Jo looked up and smirked at Carter, who was staring at the decorations in amazement, while a slightly less amazed Henry stood nearby.

"He always manages to do that," Henry said, shaking her head.

Vincent bustled over to their table and smiled at them. "I know, isn't it amazing? And the best is yet to come."

"There's more?" Carter asked doubtfully, clearing a few stray pink ribbons away from the chair next to Jo and sitting down.

"Of course there is," Vincent said indignantly, while topping off Jo's coffee. He put a burger down in front of Carter and glared at him. "Every year I make Valentine's Day special. The decorations, the food, the flowers – I do it all. Including the party, which I hope you all will come to."

After a few seconds without any responses, Vincent continued. "It starts at eight o'clock on Valentine's Day. Wear something nice. What would you like to order, Henry?"

Henry shook his head. "Nothing for me. I'll only be here for a few minutes."

"Alrighty then," Vincent nodded, turning to go back to his kitchen. "See you at the party."

Jo snorted and took a sip of her coffee. There was no way that she was going to a Valentine's Day party. Not as long as she was single and had an ounce of dignity left. The last thing that she wanted was for the entire town to see how pathetic her personal life was.

"I take it that you're not planning on going to the party," Carter said through a mouthful of burger.

"Not while I'm still breathing."

Henry twined his fingers together and looked at Jo. "You know," he said softly, "it's been months, Jo. Maybe it's time to move on."

Jo bit her lip and fought back a hurtful response. Who was Henry to tell her to move on? Henry had altered a timeline to stop the woman he loved from dying, then refused to give up on his wife from another timeline. If anything, Henry hung on tighter instead of moving on.

But still, Henry was right. It had been months since the five travelers had accidentally altered their timeline. Jo was getting tired of having the new Zane make good use of every possible opportunity to make her life difficult. Worse than that was the feeling that she got whenever she was around him. Despite all the differences between him and her Zane, they still shared many similarities. Similarities that made her heart flutter whenever she was around him, only to be crushed a few seconds later when he started being a jerk.

After another sip of coffee, Jo smiled wryly and let her head fall into her hands. "Maybe. I guess this would be the time of year to do it."

Carter and Henry both smiled at her encouragingly, though Carter noticed that Jo had briefly reached for now-empty chain around her neck.

"That's the spirit," Henry smiled. "Which is actually why I'm here. Grace and I are renewing our vows in a few days, and we were both hoping that you two would come."

"Of course," Carter beamed up at Henry. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Jo forced a smile and tried to match Carter's enthusiasm., hoping to hide the fact that watching a happy couple was one of the last things that she wanted to do this week. "I'll be there. Just tell me when."

"Great," Henry exclaimed, jumping up from his seat. "Grace and I aren't done planning, so I'll get back to you with the exact time and place later."

Carter waved goodbye and turned back to Jo, who was fingering her necklace again. "Rough day?"

Jo shrugged and twisted the chain around her finger. "Last year, Zane pretended that he wasn't getting me anything," she said quietly. "Then, on Valentine's Day, I woke up to breakfast in bed and a gigantic teddy bear holding a rose. It's just hard being around all the decorations and happy couples."

Carter reached across the table and squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry. Has Zane said anything to you since he got the ring back?"

"No," Jo said bitterly, dropping the necklace. "I wouldn't explain why I had it, so he bugged me about it for weeks. Once he realized that I wasn't going to tell him anything, he started avoiding me by keeping his pranks at a minimum."

"Hmmm," Carter replied thoughtfully, taking another bite of his burger. "Maybe that means that it's time for you two to talk again."

Jo shook her head. "Or maybe Henry's right, and it's time to move on."

She stood up and reached back down for her coffee. "I'll just have to make it through this hellish week the best I can. See you later."

As she turned and left, Jo missed the last words that Carter said to her: "You never know. The guy might surprise you."

Jo set her things down in her office and sighed. Fargo had decorated the rotunda with small floating hearts in honor of Valentine's Day. With those as a constant reminder, it was going to be even harder to make it through the week.

She sat down at her desk and logged into her computer. Instead of the normal start up screen, a message popped up on her monitor: Look in the drawer.

Jo blinked and squinted at her computer. The message was still there. She debated for a minute about whether or not it was wise to follow instructions from an anonymous computer message, then opened the drawer.

Inside was a large, heart-shaped box o f chocolates. Attached to it was a small card that read, "Enjoy them."

Jo gingerly took the top off and looked at the chocolates. All of her favorite flavors were there. As much as she wanted one, her years of military training and common sense told her not to eat something that a stranger left her. Setting the box back down sadly, Jo finished reading the card. "You've had a rough time lately," it read. "Don't think that I haven't noticed. Sincerely, Your Not-So-Secret Admirer."

Jo frowned stared at the card. Her Not-So-Secret Admirer? Who could that possibly be?

So the plan is to update with one chapter everyday, ending on Valentine's Day. I've already written a few of the chapters, so hopefully it'll be smooth sailing. The chapter titles are all from love songs...I may have spent a little bit too long browsing through the Valentine's Day songs on sale on iTunes.