The rain hit the windows of the old mansion, adding to the melancholy of the household. The Pevensie's were leaving the Professors' house the next morning. While the children were excited to return home and see their family again, they would surely miss the Professor and their frequent talks of Narnia. The children knew that once they returned to Finchley, they would be treated like the children they now looked like. Professor Kirke knew them to have lived in Narnia for many years and they were all able to converse as adults, but that would change the moment they boarded the train. For the first time in fifteen years, they would be children again, and it was sure to be an adjustment.
The four children mentioned were sitting together in a sparsely furnished room, overlooking the acres of land the Professor lived upon. Each one was deep in their own thoughts, each one contemplating what the future had waiting for them.
Peter was wondering what it would be like to have a father and mother, after fifteen years of independence. Was he going to struggle with obedience? For so long he had been High King, he hadn't needed to listen to anybody, save his sibling. Would he be able to let go of the pride he knew he had developed?
Susan sat thinking over her loss of responsibility. While some would find it a relief to no longer be the one who had to always be responsible, she had thrived for it. She had been a substitute mother to her siblings for so long and she didn't know how to let go of that responsibility. Would she be able to fit in with other girls her age?
Lucy thought of the way she was expected to act. She had been carefree and brave; valiant. Could she act the way everyone would expect her to, could she act like a little girl? She trusted Aslan to have known what he was doing, sending them back, but she wondered whether or not she was ready. She was a grown woman trapped in a child's body. Would she be able to stand being treated as a child?
Edmund's thoughts were of a different nature. He had been quite a beast before he had gone to Narnia, and to everyone's knowledge he was still that child. He would return and people would still see him as the bully. None of them knew of the changes he went through in Narnia; how he had become his worst, only to be given a second chance by Aslan. It would be a struggle, he would have to endure the continued looks of distrust from his peers and even his parents, but it was what he deserved. There was no question in his mind of what he would do. He was going to work hard to earn the trust he had willingly thrown away.
As the four sat together quietly the Professor looked on. He would miss the children. He would never say he had a favorite child, but he and Edmund shared a common past, a common shame. As he looked at Edmund intently, he knew the boy would suffer much in the next few months. Edmund had let go of his mistakes in Narnia, now he would have to let go of his mistakes in Finchley.
It is because of the great struggle that Edmund will face that this story must be dedicated to him. Sentences could be written of a young girl who wanted to be seen as brave. Paragraphs could be written of a girl who only wanted to be an adult. Chapters could be written over a boy who wanted authority. However, novels could be written of a battle sacred boy, who would live forever in the shadow of his guilt.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Chronicles of Narnia.
A/N: It's been a while since I've written and I've wanted to do an Edmund story for quite a bit. The story will be limited 3rd person, but there will be multiple points of view throughout the story. I am taking the liberty to change the ages of the characters to be more along the lines of the movies.
Peter: 16
Susan: 15
Edmund: 14
Lucy: 13
I have not yet written the next chapter; I wanted to see how well the prologue did before I put more effort into it. Please review, I appreciate any constructive criticism.