When Hogwarts discover fanfiction.

-Hogwarts version of my friend Phoenix of the Ice's The Horror :))

A/N: Don't worry… I haven't abandoned my first story, if you're still sticking to it…but this came as an inspiration during French class :D

Btw… GO check out Phoenix of the Ice- Her stories are AWESOME!


Rated M for… Oh, do I have to explain?

Summary: "A GIRL who is a Friend," mumbled Hermione, immediately correcting his little fact. She hated herself when it pained her to see the difference.


After the last battle, where Draco Malfoy proved his alliance by killing several Deatheaters, he proceeded to befriend the Golden Trio :D

One fateful day


A loud crack echoed through Hermione Granger's apartment. She spun around and beamed.

"Hey handsome!"

"Hey, babes."

"DRACO MALFOY!" Hermione screamed as she punched the tall lean figure on the arm.

"Ow, that hurts. What now?" the arrogant silvery blonde smirked at the brunette who was tackling him.


"I'm sorry, how 'bout Brown Beauty?" he said, brushing off an imaginary speck off his suit.

"Merlin, what are you? The Beast?" Hermione snorted.

"A very hot beast," Draco answered, checking his reflection in the hall mirror.

"Yes, well. Time to be somber," Hermione looked pointedly at him. "I called you here for a reason."

"Yes?" Draco grinned, flashing his perfect gleaming teeth.

"Ron asked me out on a date," she blurted out, then covering her mouth, guarding herself for his reaction.

Draco's face fell.

Hermione could see the hurt in his eyes, and she regretted calling him to her flat.

"I'm sorry," She whispered as he turned and tried to hide his face.

"No, I apologize for behaving as such. Come on, let's get you ready for your date," Draco muttered, his face expressionless as he pulled Hermione into his arms and apparated to his manor.

Seating herself in the gigantic dressing room, Hermione closed her eyes as Draco began his magic.

"You're really great at this you know," Hermione found herself saying.


"All this beauty stuff… if I didn't know you, I would think you were gay."

Draco chuckled and she smiled at the familiar sound.

"You weren't the first to inform me of that little fact."

"That basically points to the fact that you do take too much care of your looks."


"That's me," murmured Hermione as she drifted off to sleep under Draco's featherlike touches.

She was suddenly awake, "You're not gonna charge me for this, right?"

She could practically hear Draco rolled his eyes.

"Of course not, doofus. You're my best girlfriend, what more could I ask for?" he chuckled.

"A GIRL who is a Friend," mumbled Hermione, immediately correcting his little fact. She hated herself when it pained her to see the difference.

For a first, Draco remained silent as she went back to her little nap.



"Wake up."


"Seriously woman, you'll be the death of me. WAKE UP."


"You're drooling."

"WHAT? OMG!" Hermione shook herself as she jumped up.

Draco promptly bursted into laughter at the look on her face.

"Kidding, Granger," he snickered.

"Ughhh! You foul cockroach!"

"You love me still."


"Your face was priceless."

"Oh shut up."

"Seriously! It was—"

"Now shut up before I hex you, and I won't regret it."

Draco dutifully fell silent.

"Thanks by the way. I might have to agree with you when you say you're the best at this beautifying," Hermione snorted at the obnoxious word. "I actually look great!" she beamed at her reflection.

"You've always looked beautiful," added Draco, and he smirked at the pink tinge on Hermione's cream-coloured cheek.

Hermione piped up after an awful long time of awkward silence.

"We have two more hours until he comes and pick me up."

"Yes, thank you Granger," Draco answered with a roll of his eyes. "I have a Sandkeeper too actually," he smirked, nodding to the said instrument on the wall.

"Well, can't you think of anything to pass the time?"

Draco bit his lip in concentration. Then he visibly brightened.

"Mother just bought a computer, I think."

"But that's a Muggle invention!"

He frowned at her.

"I've told you since forever that we do not care about blood status anymore, remember?"

"Oh sorry," Hermione blushed.

"I thought that Muggle stuff don't work around magic?"

"It's a special one, Granger," he answered, smirking.

"Whoops, my bad, oh-so-powerful majesty."

Draco snorted.

"Only the best for the Malfoys."

He grinned as Hermione grunted and followed him out to the said device.



"Looks like we're kinda famous on this Fanfiction," Hermione said, jabbing at the screen.

"Hey, watch it."


"Sounds interesting," said Draco, his eyes trailing the screen. Then his eyes caught something interesting.


"Dramione," he snorted, "Is that even a word?"

"Huh, sounds interesting, I guess."

"Well then, let's click on it and see, shall we?"

Hermione nodded at Draco, suddenly nervous.

"Ok, so let me get this straight: This Muggle called J.K. Rowling writes down all of our adventures, except for this wrong prediction of our futures, and fans of these series (merlin-forbid they used Potter's name) write their own stories for their own amusement?"

"Afraid so," murmured Hermione, her eyes trailing along the screen of the story she clicked.

"Merlin!" she said abruptly, nearly leaping out of the chair.

"What now?"

"These people are seriously corrupted. Their grammar is horrible!"

Glancing at the screen, Draco's eyes nearly bulged out of his head.

"I agree with that statement," he gulped, clicking out of that link as fast as he could.

"Hey! I think I got it!" Hermione grinned, pumping her fist in a victorious way.

"Since all of these are rated, and based on the stories we read so far, M must be the best ones!" she summed up, practically glowing.

"Yeah, I've noticed," commented Draco dryly.

Hermione harrumphed. "Well then, let's click on this," she pointed at the screen.


Hermione stuck her tongue out at Draco and he laughed at the friendly gesture. Then they both glanced at the flickering screen. There was a pause where their eyes flitted across the screen. After a moment, their humorous expressions both turned into masks of horror. They glanced at each other simultaneously, then back into their own laps and blushed.

Hermione broke the ice first.


"We," added Draco weakly.

There was an awkward pause.

"I'd better go," mumbled Hermione as she stood up blushing furiously.

Draco remained in a state of shock until he realized that Hermione was leaving.

"Hey! Wait, Hermione!"

"Um, yeah?" she mumbled, refusing to meet his steely grey eyes.

"Look," he said, gripping her chin and turning her chocolate eyes to meet his. "I'm not really good at this confession stuff, but-," Draco inhaled and closed his eyes. Then he said in a rush, "I'm going to confess that I loved you right from the start, from the moment I saw your bushy hair on the train during First Year," he smiled, gently tugging the now stylishly set curls. "When you slapped me during Third Year," he continued, smiling at the blushing girl in front of him. "Ok, I admit I deserved it," he said, now a faintest tinge on his own pale complexion. "But that only lighted up the fire in me, and after all these years, I just want you to know that I finally admit that I've fallen for all this beauty," he murmured, gesturing at her. "If you love Weasley, I understand. But I just want you to know that I will always be there. And I don't mind firing a Killing Curse if that's the only way to get you," he said, his voice ringing through the empty hall, his hard eyes glued on hers.

There was a pause after his confession.

Hermione smiled at him through tear-filled eyes.

"That's the longest, mushiest speech you ever made," she grinned, "And the best one I've ever heard."

"And you deserved it."

"I get why they say you're a sneaky Slytherin now," she laughed.

"Who would have guessed I fell in love with a brave Gryffindor. I love you," murmured Draco, and suddenly his lips were on hers.

Hermione felt like she was on fire.

"Me too."

"You know, I think that story on Fanfiction sounds quite an interesting experience now," Draco chuckled in her ear.

"There's only one way to find out, isn't there?"

Hermione smiled as they rushed into the nearest room- for the best adventure she was going to have.

A/N: I might…make another one on what happens to Ron…

Keep your eyes open :D Please review –puppy eyes-