Well. I haven't written anything for ages. It's mainly down to exams, to be honest, but they're finished now and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I've had a stroke of writer's block concerning my latest series, Double Chemistry, but I'm hoping to update it soon. I thought I'd do this little one shot anyway, seeing as I've been roleplaying quite a bit of AloisxCiel recently. It's purely fluff that I started writing when I was bored, but I might do a bit of angst concerning Alois and Ciel if I feel like it. So anyway, I hope you enjoy, as always, please review and thanks for reading. ^^
The bed sheets smelled of roses.
The sunny head of blonde hair next to him smelled of roses.
The covers were pink and silky, rather like rose petals.
Ciel Phantomhive stirred as the cracks of sunlight drifted through the drapes which hung, partially closed, over the windows. As a small grunt left his mouth and he raised a hand to push his hair back, he became aware of the warm breath fanning over his ribcage. A pale hand curled more securely around the pink sheet and Alois Trancy murmured something unintelligible under his breath, nuzzling into the grey-haired boy's side.
"Don't leave, Ciel."
Ciel frowned down at the mop of golden hair resting on his chest. "I have to. You know I have to."
Stubborn hands held tighter to the smaller boy as a yawn escaped Alois' lip and sky blue eyes opened docilely, blinking up slowly.
"I don't want you to leave," the blonde boy stated, thin brows furrowing. A moment passed between the two, azure eyes staring into crystal ones. It was a battle of will, one that Ciel usually won when such situations arose. Although smaller than Alois, Ciel was, well, scary. Especially when he was wielding the cane that he was so proud of... Then again, Alois' tendencies of being stubborn could often mean that he came close to winning... not that he often did. One soft lip jutted out and the blonde decided to take a new approach, settling down against Ciel again.
"Please stay, Ciel. Please," he mumbled, giving a gentle purr.
The grey-haired boy considered, before groaning and relaxing again.
"Well, I suppose a few more minutes couldn't hurt."
Alois was infuriating at the best of times. However, he was warm and Ciel was tired. Eyelids like lead, it was so easy to simply doze off again in the peaceful silence. That was, of course, until the ringing soprano of a certain blonde girl came bursting in.
A giggle. "Hi, Lizzie. Feeling left out?"