A/N First of all I own no claim to Covert Affairs. I just like to play with the characters.

I do hold all claim to There Will Be (A you and Me)

Thanks to all still reading and reviewing. Enjoy.


Because of continuing dizziness it was Monday before Jai was able to go home and he was more than ready to do so. It was close to lunch time when the door finally opened to admit Amari and a nurse.

"Ready to go home, Jaiya?" Dr. Johar moving to her son's side.

"I've been ready all morning," Jai answered getting to his feet to sit down in the wheelchair although he felt that he could make it all the way out to the car unassisted. However he knew from experience not to argue with his mother.

"Do you have anything that needs to be done before you sign out?" Amari asked.

"I have a couple of prescriptions that needs to be filled at the hospital pharmacy but that shouldn't take too long," the young man answered reaching into the plastic bag for the prescriptions.

"As soon as we get home I shall start on lunch and you will take it easy," Amari decided following her son as he was wheeled out of his room and toward the pharmacy.

Back home in his apartment Jai went to put away the stuff he'd been sent home with while Amari busied herself in the kitchen. Returning to the living room he decided that since it was Valentine's Day he'd send Annie some flowers as an appreciation gift.

Sitting down at his desk Jai idly flipped on the radio recognizing a song he'd heard a few times. The song was There will Be (A You And Me) by Myra Aden Aryn an up and coming singer in the DC area.

Everyday I watch you…Standin' from afar…And every night I'm wishin'…Upon the brightest star…That someday will be a day…There will be a you and me…But to make a couple…Two people must agree

And my thoughts all run together…Like the rivers to the sea…Thinkin' of a future time…There will be a you and me

In the early morning' darkness…I'm callin' out your name…Knowin' when I see you…It'll all just be the same…I wish you knew the way I feel…When I look into your eyes…Because the words that I am sayin'…Are all just merely lies

And my thoughts all run together…Like the rivers to the sea…Thinkin' of a future time…There will be a you and me

Now I see you walk away…Without a word 'Goodbye'…And all I wanna do…Is hang my head and cry…I wish that you could love me…The way that I'd love you…For it would be…A love so pure and true

And my thoughts all run together…Like the rivers to the sea…Thinkin' of a future time…There will be a you and me…There will be…a you and me…You and me…

As he listened to the song Jai quickly located the website for the DC area flower shop closest to where he knew Annie lived. Scrolling through the selections and prices he paused a moment to look at a simple vase of red roses and wished he could send it to her but he knew she wasn't ready for something like that from him. Remembering what he'd once read about the color of roses he settled on a mixed bouquet of peach and yellow. Appreciation and friendship. If she knew the meanings then she'd get what he was trying to say. And maybe there would come a time he could send the red roses. But in the meantime he'd just enjoy the friendship they had.

The young man quickly filled out what he wanted the card to say which was simply Thank you for everything you've done. Jai. Adding the extra cost to insure a prompt delivery he entered his credit card number and the address for Danielle's house. That way if Annie was gone for a few days the flowers would still be cared for.

Stepping into the living room Amari noticed Jai at his desk and sternly said, "No working."

"I was just sending a gift to a friend," the young man replied.

"Annie?" Amari asked her expression softening.

"Yeah. Kind of a thank you for her helping me while I was sick," Jai answered. "Hey, is lunch ready yet?"

"It is. I'll bring you out a tray," his mother replied.

Annie was sitting at her desk doing paperwork the vase of bright red carnations she'd received from Auggie at lunchtime setting by the computer. Hearing the ring tone that signaled that she had an incoming text she quickly picked up her phone.

The text was from Danielle and it said, You got flowers.

Annie quickly texted back, What kind?

Roses. Peach and yellow. Who from? Danielle replied.

Her sister quickly sent a message in return. I think I know. Tell you tonite. Putting away her phone Annie resumed her work. She suspected the flowers were from Jai and she appreciated his sweet gesture.

When she was finished for the day Annie stopped by Auggie's office to let him know she'd catch up with him at Allen's later. "I just gotta run these home and I'll be right there," the young woman said.

"Okay. Just don't be disappointed that we started the party early," Auggie joked.

Arriving at the guesthouse Annie carried the carnations inside and set them on the coffee table. Then she headed for the main house to see about the other flowers.

"About time you got here," Danielle said handing over the vase of roses.

"Are you jealous that Michael didn't send you flowers?" Annie joked

"Oh this past weekend was more wonderful than roses. Thanks again for staying home and baby-sitting," her sister replied.

"It was my pleasure," the younger woman answered. As she was speaking she was taking the card out of the envelope smiling at the simple message she read. "They're from Jai. A thank you gift for helping him when he was sick with the flu last week," she told Danielle.

"Now aren't you glad that I made you get that flu shot," Danielle asked.

"Yeah I am," Annie replied giving her sister a hug. "I'm going to take these over to the guesthouse and I'll see you in the morning. I'm going meet up with some friends and hopefully get a few last minute Valentine gifts for the girls. I can't believe I forgot."

"I think the girls consider a weekend with their Auntie Annie as good a gift as they could get. Now run along and have fun," Danielle said smiling as she watched her sister bustle out the door the vase of roses in hand.

A/N For those interested Auggie's carnations represent admiration, friendship, deep love and affection. As for how I see Jai & Annie-I pick up on how the show plays it. In reality they are just friends but Jai would like it to be something more. At least that's what I got from last season.

If you haven't guessed by now but Myra Aden Aryn is an anagram of my own name. Anybody who can figure out my name and pm their guess, I will personnally write you a poem for any occasion just tell me wht you want in it and any facts. All I ask is that you keep it clean and decent as I have a certain reputation as a writer. My first name is easy to figure out if I ever reviewed anyone's fic I try and sign my name. 2 clues to the rest-common spellings and my middle name is kinda old fashioned.