Disclaimer: I do not own kyo kara maoh. I only own the thoughts in my head, whatever they may be.

Hi! I've always wanted to do a KKM story, and now I feel as though I can do it. This is my first time doing a story, so I invite you to read and enjoy. I hope you'll like it!

Chapter 1 – Determination

The sun sets as another peaceful afternoon overtakes the land known as Shin Makoku, and on the highest hill sits the infamous Blood Pledge Castle, residence of every Demon King that who rules.

Every part of the castle was busy in its own respect, and everybody had their own thing to do. Maids were buzzing about the castle, cleaning bedrooms and study rooms and such while preparing dinner for the residents of the castle. Soldiers in the courtyard trained for any danger that dare present itself in the near future, as such events occur every now and then. Everywhere people were scurrying about here and there carrying on their everyday lives around the castle.

In one of the tallest parts of the castle, in one of the rooms, were four people that were known to all far and wide.

Standing in the corner with his long dark, straight hair & steely cool blue eyes was Commander-in-Chief of the Mazoku army Gwendal von Voltarie, the eldest son of former maou Lady Cecilie von Spitzweg a.k.a Lady Celi. Decked with a usual dark green military uniform, the comander mulled over paperwork and other duties that must be fulfill later. Gwendal von Voltarie was a business person, and he made sure all needs and wants of his country were seen to. One may mark him as a harsh, uncaring, insensitive man, but then they wouldn't know the real eldest son. Gwendal may present an intimidating appearance, but never is he uncaring for he supports and loves as any other man, just hidden deeply beneath a tough exterior.

Standing opposite of him was the half-demon; the usual gentle smile and caring gaze now a trademark of the middle son of Lady Celi, Conrart Weller. Also known as the Lion of Luttenburg, the best swordsman in all the land, and generally 'Conrad' by friends and family. Fitted with his usual brown attire, with his short, neat brown hair and soft, light brown eyes that just barely contain a silver spark, he stood with a relaxed, yet alert posture that he always seemed to carry with him, and enjoyed the peace that came with everyday life as he fulfills his duties as the Maou's bodyguard.

Somewhat in the middle of the room but more towards the back, a fiery young demon sits with golden wavy locks and a pair of deep, deceitful emerald green eyes. He is Wolfram von Bielefeld, youngest son of Lady Celi and fiancé of the ruling maou of the demon kingdom. The young demon was smart, passionate, and very prideful in everything he did. All the people in the demon tribe were revered for their good looks, but Wolfram von Bielefeld was known as one, if not the most, beautiful Mazoku in history. With a strong resemblance to the original king Shinou, and an almost exact copy of his mother, it was no wonder why Wolfram is drooled over daily townspeople and soldiers alike. Fiery in looks and nature, he sat in a chair beside the Maou's desk, patiently reading while waiting for the maou to complete his work.

In the back of the room, closest to the glass wall, signing away documents that he may or may not have fully read all the way through sat the 27th Maou of the Demon tribe and Shin Makoku, Yuuri Shibuya. The teenager sighed as he scribbled his name over and over again onto what was a seemingly endless stack of work.

Yuuri was unique, with black hair and black eyes. It was a signal of royalty shared with no one but his friend and Great Sage of the Kingdom, Murata Ken. He was the king of the demon kingdom, yet he was half-human and half-demon like Conrad Weller. He is also one of the youngest kings ever crowned and the only king not of this world, but from a place called Earth. But it's not the facts or the status or the looks that make him unique, it was who he was and how he ruled.

Yuuri gave an audible sigh as he repeatedly recited his name with a pen onto document after document. He had become accustom to it over the years and it became a second nature course of action for him. Yawning, Yuuri dropped his pen on the desk and stretched his hands above his head. From there he placed his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling.

'It's been two years since I came back for the second time,' Yuuri thought to himself. 'Even though I should be used to it, there are times when everything just feels so surreal. I'm 18, although on earth I probably look 16 still, maybe even 17. Maybe it's just the same way that Wolfram's 85 but still would be considered my age on earth.' At the mention of his friend and accidental fiancé, Yuuri's eyes wandered over to Wolfram's occupied form, deep into whatever it was he was reading.

'It's been about three years since we got engaged,' Yuuri thought.

'And I still haven't completely gotten over the fact that Wolfram's a guy. That's a shame, yet I know there's no one else to take his place. He's crazy too, but I know there would be no other person to take his place. I never know what he's going to do, what he's going to say, whether he'll hurl fireballs or go into another jealous fit because I sneezed in the direction of a pretty girl. But there's something about him in which I can't let him go...'

Feeling that there were eyes on him, Wolfram looked up from his book, startled to see Yuuri's eyes staring directly at him. Wolfram blushed slightly and looked away.

"What are you looking at wimp," he asked. Instead of words for an answer, he heard a loud yawn and looked to Yuuri stretching and rubbing at tired eyes. Then Yuuri stood up and announced that he was tired and done for the day. At this, Gwendal rose from his own inner thoughts and looked to see that not even half of the large 'to-do' stack was completed yet.

"Heika," Gwendal started, but then he noticed stack that Yuuri had completed, noting that Yuuri did more than he expected.

"Fine" was all Gwendal said as he went over to collect the stack of completed papers.

Yuuri beamed one of his tired, yet innocent smiles at him, then at his godfather Conrad, who smiled back. Yuuri hurried around his large desk and busted through his door before Wolfram could set his book down and follow him.

Now free of his paperwork for the day, Yuuri trudged through the halls, feeling like a new man. It was always a relief when Gwendal gave the 'ok' for him to be finished. Of course, being the king he could just order his friend to do it and leave anyway, but Yuuri felt as though it was his responsibility and he didn't want to hurt his friends by doing that, or end up getting hurt from Gwendal's quick temper either.

As he wandered through the halls, he thought about what to do next. Although liberated from his work and happy to spend time with his friends and family, he wanted to go think for a while by himself. He hardly had time for himself nowadays between paperwork, being around Wolfram and his possessive jealous fits, his lessons from his ever devoted lilac haired tutor Gunter, meeting with foreign diplomats to discuss treaties and regulations, playing and spending time with Greta, arranged parties and ceremonies, and whatever else may have popped up along the way.

His feet had been leading him in no particular direction earlier, but now Yuuri decided to go out to the garden and watch the sunset. The garden was a favorite spot of his and the watching the sun in a beautiful setting was appealing; oddly reminding him of a certain blond.

Now into the garden, Yuuri had time to gather his thoughts about his life and enjoy his solitary moments in his castle in peace. The sun was already setting low into the sky, partially hidden by clouds, producing an orange-ish color all around. Yuuri appreciated all that was given to him, but he knew that some things just weren't right.

As he settled in under an old tree, he stared off absent-mindedly, thinking about nothing and everything in particular. His eyes drifted over to Lady Celi's flower garden and rested on a few flowers of hers. She always liked growing flowers and developed new types all the time. A few of her favorites were 'Secret Gwendal', and 'Conrad Upon The Earth', and one named after him, 'Filled With Yuuri's Naiveté'. All the flowers were gorgeous, but the one that stood out the most, at least to Yuuri anyway, was a yellow flower named 'Beautiful Wolfram'.

'Wolfram,' Yuuri pronounced in his mind. He had been thinking about the blond a lot lately. 'Things just build up over time, but it seems like I never reach the boiling point.' Yuuri sighed once again.

'Gwendal's been pestering me about my trips to earth, saying it's not a clear sign of loyalty to Shin Makoku. Conrad tries to defend me by saying it's good for me to still spend time with my other family, but he's just being over protective as always. Wolfram always says I'm leaving to go cheat on him, which I can't make him see that I would never do that, even if some of the girls are cute. But none of them ever make me feel as good about myself or as at ease as Wolfram.'

'I've tried being more friendly with him, and I've been more patient with him, but I just don't know what to do. It's been three years. THREE YEARS! How can I still be so unsure after all this time!?' He shouted in his mind. Of all things happening around him, the young demon confused him the most.

"Stupid Wimp. He knows he shouldn't just run out like that" muttered an irritated blond.

Wolfram had left the office a few minutes after Yuuri because he always liked everything to be placed back neatly, in which placing his book back in its proper place gave him a few minutes to think about what he was going to say to scold Yuuri for leaving him like that.

'Now where did that wimp go?' He thought, 'The guard said he went this way somewhere.'

As Wolfram turned the corner, he ran into a smiling little girl that was the wonderful daughter he adopted along with Yuuri. Greta smiled at Wolfram, her usual sweet smile that she happened to have all the time with her auburn hair and big Yuuri-like auburn eyes. She was the picture of cute in Wolfram's mind, and the only one, besides Yuuri, that he would completly give himself to and beyond with no regrets.

"Hi Daddy" Greta beamed her wide, infectious smile at Wolfram. She embraced him in a hug.

"Hello Greta. Have you seen Yuuri anywhere?" The little girl shook her head.

"No. I was on my way to Anissina's lab to play." Wolfram sighed. Anissina von Karbelnikoff was definitely a piece of work. She was a childhood friend of Gwendal's, a strong feminist, and the inventor of the castle. The only problem was that her inventions tend to blow up and leave chaos all around. But she was good for Greta and a respected member of the castle, death bringer or not.

"Okay then, dinner should be soon. Don't do anything dangerous, and if Anissina thinks of trying an experiment-" Greta rolled her eyes at her father's over-protectiveness.

"I know, I know. Runaway, runaway and call the guards. If she starts to try an experiment, runaway, runaway and find Gunter or Gwendal for her instead. And if she even thinks of using me in an experiment, runaway, call the guards, and tell her you'll fry her like a hot potato on Friday. I get it." Greta finished, still smiling.

Wolfram was full of pride that she remembered, although he expected it for she was a very bright girl for her age. "That's my girl." He crooned, ruffling her hair slightly. Greta just kept smiling then took off towards Anissina's lab.

"Now where's that damn wimp?" Returning to his former task, Wolfram decided to go to the gardens since that's where the wimp seems to like to spend his time being lazy nowadays. He took one step outside when he got there before spotting the object of his desire.

"There you are. Yuu-" He started to call out before he stopped and drank the sight before him in.

Before him, bathed in an orange sunset glow, was the boy he has given his heart to time and time again. Lying against the old tree, Wolfram gazed at Yuuri as if he was the most beautiful creature in his eyes. Yuuri was posed with one hand behind his head; in his other hand was a 'Beautiful Wolfram' flower. Wolfram couldn't tell from far away, but it seemed as if Yuuri was stressed about something. He had a calmed, peaceful demeanor about him, but his eyes seemed troubled. He was in deep thought about whatever it was troubling him and he was oblivious to the world around him. Wolfram calmly approached Yuuri and sat down beside him.

His hunches had to be right because normally Yuuri would at least acknowledge that Wolfram was there whenever he came this close, and this time Yuuri didn't even shift his gaze until Wolfram practically flopped down beside him.

Yuuri was staring at the flower he went to go pluck just a few moments ago, barely aware of someone next to him. He looked over to see Wolfram's slender frame positioned right beside him, intoxicating emerald eyes staring at him. Those eyes, they were one's that made Yuuri so uncomfortable, so nervous, so wanted, so needed, so inviting to get lost in them all at the same time.

"What are you doing wimp?" Was what he hardly heard when it brought him out of his trance-like state.

"Don't call me a wimp" Yuuri replied.

"You're my fiancé, I can call you whatever I want wimp." Wolfram said. Yuuri just let his eyes drop to the ground, too caught up in the emotions of what he was just feeling to really care about his somewhat 'pet' name. Wolfram sensed this and was instantly alarmed. He wanted to know what was on Yuuri's mind, but a direct question might not get him his answers. However he was too impatient to really try anything else.

"What's wrong Yuuri?" Wolfram asked, now in his sensitive, understanding, caring voice that he only reserved for Yuuri and small children. 'Nothing', that was the expected reply, but instead Wolfram was surprised.

"Wolf, what would you do if you felt so caught up between what everybody else wanted and what you wanted that you don't know what to do? And what would you do if you have something to tell, but are too afraid to admit it?"

Wolfram was too shocked to respond at first, taken off guard that Yuuri was so open to him. He tried to speak, but his mouth formed an O, so he had to shut it to regain his composure. He thought about what Yuuri said, about deciding what you wanted, then it hit him that Yuuri was hiding something, something that he wanted to get off his chest, and to him! Wolfram! The one who has been trying to get Yuuri to open up to him for about three years now! Wolfram's heart was racing, but he regulated himself in a calm manner, or at least tried to, to provide the answer that Yuuri was so patiently waiting for.

"First, well, Yuuri, um, know that you should always follow your heart. Do what you want. You are king. You have the right to choose your own path. You know that I'll always support you, no matter what. And second, what's on your mind Yuuri? Do you have something that you want to share?"

Wolfram hoped that this will be his time, not his brother Conrad's who always gives Yuuri advice without Wolfram's permission, or that know-it-all Sage that always aggravated him to no end. He wanted to be here for Yuuri in his time of need, as a friend, as a fiancé, as one who Yuuri could trust like no other.

Yuuri was very hesitant to talk about anything, but he knew Wolfram would never lie to him. The whole time he had been sitting here by himself he had been pondering over one of the most reoccurring questions in his mind: whether or not to try to become more open to Wolfram, who has always supported him, always been there, always right behind him to give him a push when he needed it, or in front of him to stop him from doing something stupid.

Yuuri wanted to be honest to Wolfram, for he felt like he'd been lying to his friend for a long time now and that Wolfram more than deserves to at least know honestly what's going on. But he was still having a hard time for himself exactly what he wanted.

While Yuuri pondered, the extending silence was pulling on Wolfram's nerves.

"Yuuri, whatever you have to say, please know that I'll always be here for you. I'm always your…friend." Wolfram was hesitant in saying that last word. What he wanted to say was that he loved Yuuri more than the world itself and would go through hell just so that he'd be safe. But that may have been a bit too much for him at the moment.

Wolfram placed a hand on Yuuri's shoulder, but couldn't leave it there because of the effect Yuuri's touch had on him.

Yuuri gave a small soft smile at the gesture, putting a small spark of hope and determination in his eyes to confess to Wolfram.

"Wolf..." At his name, Wolfram started intently at Yuuri, "I have something to confess..."

Thanks sooo much for reading! So what did you think? I'm really nervous. Reviews are my best friend lol. See you next time.

*AN: Story may not be re-distributed without author's permission