Well this is the first part of what my mind has come up with now. I would have typed out more but I really wanted to have at least some of this up before tomorrow so…

Thanks you guys who read my first one. It was my first yaoi and it definitely made me happy.

Well I won't drag on cause I got nothing else to say really.

Disclaimer: Don't own the Naruto characters.

Sighing for the hundredth time that day, Sasuke looked outside the window from his room. Earlier Itachi had come in, given him a sweet kiss on the lips, and said that he needed to stay in the room until he came and got him.

As soon as he left, Sasuke tried opening the door but Itachi must have locked it from the outside since it wouldn't budge. Giving up he laid on his bed and thought of what Itachi was up to.

After an hour of thinking the only thing he could come up with was that he was working on his 'project' in the basement. A few months ago Sasuke woke up in the middle of the night but he couldn't sense Itachi anywhere. When he explored the house he heard him in the basement.

Before he could take a step down Itachi said from the bottom, "Don't come down yet Sasuke. It's not finished." "What's not finished?" Feeling him smirk at the question he just said, "You'll see when it's done."

Too tired to argue he went back up. He sneaked a peek the next morning but nothing looked out of the ordinary. When he went back up Itachi was there, looking annoyed and said that I couldn't go back down there until he said so.

To emphasize his point, later that night when they were making love Itachi stopped when Sasuke was about to cum and tied his hands behind his back and taped his legs together. When he finished he just stared at him and went to bed, leaving him with a hard on.

Since then he kept away from the basement and just let Itachi finish his project. Today apparently he was finally finishing up and wanted to make sure everything was probably perfect.

Another hour crept by and by the time the sun was setting, the sound of the door unlocking caught his attention. Looking up as the door opened Sasuke knew that something was definitely up.

Itachi was looking at him with his sadistic smile, meaning that whatever he finished, it must be interesting. "Are you ready for my surprise, Sasuke?" he asked.

Just nodding, a little scared, he went over, recieving a quick kiss on his nose. "Good," he said, his lips by his ears, "Now follow me." With that he walked away while the other got up and followed behind him.

Finally stopping at the basement door Itachi opened the door and flicked on the lights. Releasing a breath he didn't realize he was holding, Sasuke tried to hide his disappointment when he saw that there wasn't anything which also confused him.

Seeing his change of mood Itachi chuckled saying, "Come down and I'll show you what it is." Just nodding Sasuke followed him down the steps turning his head everywhere trying to figure out what the surprise was, much to the amusement of Itachi.

Reaching the bottom he said, "Ready?" When the younger nodded he went to the far wall, ushering Sasuke closer. Standing by his brother at the wall, Itachi began knocking. Immediately he could tell that something was behind the wall because there was a hollow sound.

Touching one part of the wall, Sasuke backed away in surprise and the wall moved to the side revealing a room behind it.

It wasn't any regular room that Sasuke had seen though. For one it was very spacious, probably a little bigger than the eleven by eleven basement but it was hard to tell in the low light.

Another thing was that there was a king size bed covered in expensive looking silk red sheets. The top and bottom bedpost had shackles that would go on the wrist and ankles. Also attached to the bottom was a long chain that had a spiked leather collar that had a lock. Hanging from the ceiling were more chains that could be heightened or lowered with a pulley system by the bed.

A few feet away was a spot that looked like it was taken from a torture dungeon. Chains and shackles nearly covered the entire wall with a few more hanging again from the ceiling.

Across from it was a wooden cabinet that looked like it was lock. The door was closed but Sasuke blushed at what was probably in there.

Seeing his face start to turn red, Itachi smiled as his kissed the top of his ear. "Do you like it?" "H-How could you build this with me upstairs?" "Well you sleep heavily so that's one way but can you guess the main reason?"

Looking around all he could tell was that Itachi would have had to build this whole thing by hand but his hands would have been scratched if he did. If he did use power tools then even if all the doors were closed Sasuke still could have heard it.

Shaking his head he just looked at the older. "Can you just tell me?" Smirking he replied, "In medieval times torture was a most common form of punishment. To keep others from hearing the pained screams of the tormented they did something 'special' to the rooms. Do you want to guess what it was?"

Thinking for a few seconds he finally said, "Soundproof walls?" "Correct. The victims could scream as loud as they could and no one was disturbed except those in the same room."

"Why did you build this room?" the younger asked. As he finished talking, Itachi slowly kissed Sasuke's neck until came up to his eyes. His eyes held the usual mix of love but also his sadistic nature that turned them both on.

He slid the wall back into place, hearing what sounded like a lock click into place as the room turned black. With a flick of the switch the lights turned on but only enough to cover it in dim light.

"Would you like to find out?" Itachi whispered, lifting Sasuke's chin as he snuck his other hand under his shirt. Itachi placed his lips over Sasuke and the two began to have a small battle of dominance with their tongues.

The battle was cut short when the older brushed his hand over the younger's nipples, making him lose his concentration. As he relaxed the other kept running his tongue in his lover's cavern, tasting everything that was in there.

Breaking for air Itachi gently led Sasuke to where the chains were, feeling his heart beating wildly from the pulse on his wrist. As they stood in front of them Itachi's mind raved wildly of the things he could do and it showed through his eyes.

After about a minute Itachi finally thought of what he wanted to do. Tightening his grip he led the other further and made him stop. Letting go he took one of the shackles and locked them on the other's wrist, hearing the other squeak a little in shock as he did the same to the other.

As the boy tried pulling the chains from the wall, Itachi went over to the cabinet and unlocked it, smiling at the various items that covered the shelves. Taking out a knife he walked back over to his struggling lover.

Gently stroking the boy's back he felt him calm down and relax again as he grabbed the shirt collar. Taking the knife he sliced his shirt off, barely cutting the skin but enough to draw a slight trail of blood.

While he discarded the pieces of clothes Sasuke shivered a little when the cold air hit his slightly heated skin. A second later he felt the metal cut off his shorts leaving him in his boxers and thin scratch lines on his back and thighs.

Setting the knife aside Itachi got behind him, placing his hand on the boy's member and the other tracing from his neck to his chin. With his other hand he slapped Sasuke's member, earning himself a surprised yelp as he arched into Itachi's chest.

Quietly chuckling at his brother he lightly nibbled his ear as he soothed his brother's member. The boy sighed a little in relief but screamed out when his ear was bitten, hard.

"Now now Sasuke you're already screaming," he said, tsking, "We haven't even gotten to the best part yet."

*blushes* Well here is the first part and I don't know how long it will take me to finish but I'm hoping soon. Oh the plans I have in store of what will happen in this room. I'm glad none of my friends, as far as I know, can read minds otherwise lunch table converstaion will definitely be akward. Ideas are greatly appreciated and flames will be taken seriously then used to bake cookies ^^ Thanks for reading and review/flame if you want to.