appoligies in advance for any mistakes in grammar or spelling,

I have more chapters but im not sure if i should put them up xxx

enjoy :)

Dean and Cas were lazing around on Dean's bed as they continued their traditional game night on Wednesday evenings that they started when they were 12 but still do them mainly out of habit more than anything. Cas seemed to be enjoying himself although he was loosing he had conducted a strategy he was sure would earn him victory, dean on the other hand looked as if he was bored out his skull. After Cas took his go Dean mumbled to Cas;

"Well done you won." Cas rolled his eyes as his elder friend that was acting like such a baby.

"Dean the game isn't over, in fact your winning." Dean shrugged "its your go. Make a move."

This Dean did, he swatted his hand at the board game in between the two which coursed it to fall to the floor and all the little pieces went flying around the room.

"now its over, well done you won."

"Dean what is wrong with you?"

"I'm just bored."

"Cheers Winchester didn't realise you hated my company." Cas seemed genuinely upset by this, up to the point he was casually sat on the bed now he was seized up and turned away from Dean slightly, Dean didn't realise his words would course such an effect and instantly regretted it. After placing a hand on Cas' shoulder he melting under his touch.

"Cas I didn't mean it like that you now you're my best friend, its just I'm bored of these games. Don't you think were too old for them?" Cas laughed slightly and turned back around to face Dean, and leant against the head rest and legs spread down the bed as he crossed his arms he answered.

"We played last week, what has happened in the last seven days which has made you suddenly all mature." Both boy's smiles and Dean glanced over to Cas to catch that smile that always gave him butterflies.

"I looked in the mirror and you know what I didn't see?"


"A boy that plays board games, I mean I'm basically a man."

"really?" Cas said not believe how stupid and immature Dean was sometimes.

"Yeah" he lifted the sleeves of his t-shirt up to show his tops arms, making Cas unintentionally check him out. Dean tensed his muscles and even kissed his hard muscles that bulged as he tensed. "See."

"Dean, you're an idiot." Dean's smile turned into what can only be explained as a hurtful bunny look being covered up by anger dog glare.

"Fuck you, I could take you anytime." Dean jokingly threatened his best mate as he lowered his arms. Cas couldn't help but giggle a little, he simply had to play along and tease his dumb ass friend it was just to funny.

"Oh yeah? Prove it."

Cas asked for it Cas got it. Out of not where Dean lunged towards Cas throwing his body against Cas' causing as small gasp of surprise to escape Cas' unsuspecting lips only for it to be instantly silenced by the crushing of Deans lips on his, as Dean threw himself on top of him Cas' head banged against the head board behind them, he bite down out of reaction as he felt the pain. Which actually spurred the boy on more as he groaned slightly and kissed harder. Cas' eyes instantly widened what was happening was this real? Cas didn't care his eyes shut as he placed his hand on the back of Dean's head hardening the kiss even more pulling Dean closer and closer to him.

Dean shuffled slightly and now was straddling Cas pressuring his throbbing stiff cock as he buckled his hips to the rhythm of the kiss. Lips teeth and tongue collided as they shared a very passionate and long awaited kiss. The need to breath tore their eager lips apart but not far, there lips quivered inches apart from each others, their breath skating over their faces they hated the coldness they felt without the intimate contact that was just shared.

The actions of both boys were sinking in, they scanned over each others faces as they breathed into each others mouths. Their faces became more and more confused as the atmosphere became more awkward by the second. Dean sat back and widened the gap between the them, though he was still sitting on Cas which bearing in mind Cas' erection was still present it was uncomfortable for Cas about this and no doubt Dean was aware of it to if the colour he went was anything to go by. Cas moved slightly pushing himself up forcing Dean off, he turned and perched himself on the edge of Dean's bed as Dean sat in the middle.

It was the worst kind of silence both were praying the other would speak, whilst wishing they themselves had the balls too but all the time hoping what just happened never has to be spoken about. They kept opening their mouth just to close them again, they sat there for merely 20 seconds yet it felt like an hour. Dean had made his way to joining Cas on the edge of the bed, but keeping a reasonable distance between them. Heand Cas caught each others gaze, as soon as green hit blue all eyes darted to the floor as both stomachs became under attack from butterflies. Slowly their gaze rose again needing that exciting, forbidden, lustful, warm feeling that had disappeared after their one second glance stopped. That same feeling filled both boys as their gaze locked this time they froze and kept eye contact as they breathed heavily through their mouths. Dean started to lean forward again this time slowly and gently, without time to think or stop himself Cas did too. Suddenly the door swung open and a tall, slim, blonde, middle aged women walked through holding a tray of orange juice and biscuits. Dean jumped at this not expecting such an in burst, and spun around to look at the intruder as he did, he successfully managed to spin himself of the bed and onto the floor.

"Brought you boys a snack." The women said uncertainly.

"Thanks mum." Dean said as he scrambled to his feet but ended up on his knees elbows on the bed supporting his flushed red face.

"is everything alright in here?" she asked looking from here son to Cas and back again. The boys both nodded so the women left, when she did Dean laughed nervously trying to inject some comfort into the still painfully awkward room.

"well that was close. I th…" Dean couldn't finish as Cas got up and rushed out of the room head down face red and not looking at Dean. He was so embarrassed and seemed to regret everything that had just happened. "fuck," Dean mumbled to himself as his head fell into his hands. What was he supposed to do Dean didn't regret it, he wanted to do it and thought Cas wanted it to, Dean lips were still buzzing and stomach still flipping. What was he going to do, had he just ruined his friendship with Cas?

Dean went to bed that night not tired and very nervous tomorrow was school and something had to be done, he had no doubt that Cas wouldn't say anything so it was left up to him.

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