I decided to write a bunch of oneshots to help me to get off of major writers block for Alexis in Clover.
I'll most likely write multiple one-shots for each character since i have a lot of time on my hands (since i'm still not in school and i have nothing else to do other then clean up around the house)

The characters might be OOC cause of my writers block -sigh- so just to let you know...

Alexis' Wonderful Wonder World

Chapter 1: Blood Dupre

"Alexis" I heard Blood say as he knocked on the door to my bedroom.

I opened my eyes "The door's open" I said as I rubbed my eyes.

Blood opened the doors and noticed that he basically woken me up. "Oh were you sleeping?" he asked.

I nodded "yeah" I said as I yawned.

Blood smiled.

"So what do you want at this time?" I asked as I sat up.

Blood sat down at the edge of my bed and looked at me "I was just checking up on you..." he said.

"Oh..." I said as I slightly blushed

"What kind of thing were you thinking of?" Blood said as he raised his eyebrow. "were you thinking of something perverted?" he teased

My face turned red "W...Why would I think that?" I asked "I just thought that you wanted to sleep in my bed like the twins would do whenever they barge into my room" I stated.

Blood looked at me and sighed.

"Whats wrong now?" I asked.

"you shouldn't allow them to sleep in bed with you!" Blood said.

"Hm...why's that?" I asked.

Blood looked at me "You should only allow the man you love to sleep with you" he said.

"Well Dee and Dum are just children...even when they're in their adult forms they're still children" I stated.

Blood sighed "you spoil them to much, it makes me jealous that you spoil them more then you spoil me" he said.

I looked at Blood "Why're you jealous? I'm just being a big sister figure to them" I stated. "and why would you want me to spoil you?" I asked. It took me a good minute or two to figure things out, my eyes widened "Don't tell me...you've fallen in love with me!" I said.

Blood looked at me and smiled "And you just figured this out?" he asked "boy are you clueless" he teased as he patted my head.

I blushed. I never really noticed that Blood was in love with me, I mean sure I knew he was a bit over protective like an older brother or a father, but I never thought he would ever fall for a person like me.

"well you have a weird way of showing how much you like me" I said as I crossed my arms.

Blood just smiled.

I looked at Blood "can I sleep now?" I asked.

"Not till you answer to my confession" Blood said

I let out a sigh "I'll let you know tomorrow" I said "I need some sleep okay?" I asked.

Blood sighed "alright..." he said. He then got up and then picked me up like a princess or bride.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Blood smirked "taking you to my room" he said "cause I want you to answer me first thing in the morning so why not stay in my room where you'll be the first person I see" he said

I blushed. Blood always had a way with words and he knew how to seduce women. Maybe that's the reason why I was somewhat attracted to him, he knew how to treat women even if he had an odd way of showing it.

Blood smiled and walked into his bedroom and placed me on his bed.

I looked up at Blood

"What?" he asked

"your not going to do anything perverted to me while I sleep right?" I asked.

"not if you want me to" Blood said.

I blushed and turned to the side where I wasn't able to look at blood. I just lied there looking at the wall.

Blood chuckled and then got into the bed and placed the covers over us.

I didn't say anything I just placed the covers over my head and tried to get some sleep.

I didn't hear Blood say anything so I suppose he was asleep so I turned around so I could take a peek at what Blood's sleeping face looks like. I have seen mostly all the looks of Blood from angry, worried, happy, upset, irritated, jealous, and perverted. But I havnt seen the relaxed look on his face when he's sleeping. All this time, I have been completely oblivious to Blood's feelings for me, I felt horrible for not noticing but I couldnt help myself after all I am still recovering from Ace's rejection.

"what?" Blood asked.

I blushed "I thought you were sleeping" I said

Blood slightly laughed "Sure I had my eyes closed but I wasnt sleeping" he said.

I blushed even more.

"Whats on your mind?" he asked.

I looked at Blood "I'm just thinking" I said as I lied on my back "if I have truly forgotten Ace...and if I love you more now then I did back then" I stated as I let out a sigh.

Blood smiled he then got on top of me "so you're saying you love me eh?" he asked as he moved his head closer to mine as if he was about to kiss me

I turned my head so he wouldn't be able to kiss me "maybe" I said as my face began to heat up. "now get off of me" I whined.

"And what if I don't want to" Blood asked. "I mean your to weak to push me off of you..." he teased.

"Shut up! I'm not that weak" I said.

Blood was correct, I was weak, in strength that is, he knew that I couldnt carry anything heavy or try to get someone off of me. It was only my personality that made it seem as if I wasn't weak.

"Come on Blood get off!" I said as my face turned red "what do I have to do to get you off of me?" I asked.

"I want you to kiss me or allow me to kiss you" Blood said.

I blushed "Why does it have to be that?" I asked.

"What you want me to do something perverted?" Blood asked

I shook my head. "Fine you can kiss me" I stated

Blood smiled as he lowered his head towards mine again and placed his lips on mine. Blood then slipped his tongue into my mouth my face turned so red I quickly turned my head away which broke the kiss.

"I...i didn't want that" I stuttered "T...That was more of a lovers kiss" I stuttered once more as my face was probably as red as a tomato now.

"You didnt like it?" Blood asked.

I blushed "It wasnt that I hated or liked it...i just want to do that stuff with my lover" I stated as I took the pillow that my head was resting on and placed it over my face. I didnt want blood to see how embarrassed I was.

Blood got off of me and lied down "You're so stubborn" he said.

I placed my pillow down and turned towards the wall and closed my eyes.

In the morning I turned towards the side where Blood was sleeping and noticed that he was still sleeping I just smiled. 'now thats the look I wanted to see last night' I thought.

It took me a good hour or two while I watched Blood sleep that I thought real hard about my feelings for him. I did love Blood, I just didn't notice it till now, Blood was right, I was clueless, extremely clueless. I slightly laughed.

Blood opened his eyes "Whats so funny?" He asked.

"Ah sorry I woke you up didnt I?" I asked.

Blood smiled "If its you I dont mind if you wake me up" he said. He then yawned and sat up.

I sat up as well and looked at Blood. "Blood" I said.

"Yeah" he said as he looked down at me.

I blushed and let out a sigh "Blood I love you okay?" I said as I tried to avoid eye contact with him. "Are you satisfied?"

Blood only smiled "are you only saying this to make me happy?" he asked.

"no! I'm saying it cause I do love you! Probably more then the previous ones I have loved" I stated.

Blood smiled and embraced me and then somehow got on top of me again. "good" he said.

Suddenly we were interupted by the bloody twins and elliot.

"Hey Boss have you seen nee-san?" the twins asked.

I could see how red in the face Elliot was.

"Ah nee-san! What're you doing here?" the twins asked.

"Elliot get these two out of my room so I can secretly seduce my lover!" Blood said as he got off of me and glared at Elliot and the twins. He seemed irritated that they interupted him.

"Eh nee-san's your lover?" The twins asked.

I blushed then nodded "I guess you could say that" I said

Blood nodded "of coruse she's my lover now get out!" Blood said.

Elliot sighed and then dragged the twins out of Blood's room and closed the door.

Blood let out a sigh. "seriously they should learn how to not barge in when i'm seducing you" he said.

I didnt say anything, I was still getting used to being called Blood's "lover".

"Shall I continue what I was going to do to you or shall we do it later?" he asked.

"later...and next time..." I said as I got up off the bed "Lock the door its embarrassing enough when they came barging in!" I stated as my face turned red "or atleast put up a sign that says "Do not disturb!" on the door!" I said.

"I didnt know you could be so bossy!" Blood said.

I let out a sigh "I'm not bossy its just embarrassing that they saw that you, my lover was on top of me about to do something either perverted or just to kiss me" I stated as my face turned red.

"I see...well i'll do that next time" he said as he got up off the bed and then walked towards me to give me a kiss.