Bridge to Love
Chapter 8
Disclaimer: I do not own Bridge to Terabithia (if I did this story is what would have happened ;))
A/N: Hey everyone! Wow, I am definently impressed with ya'll this time! I mean come on, 20 reviews! Ya'll are soooo awesome! Anyways, here is the long awaited next chapter! I know it isn't very long, but I hope you all enjoy the content. So with out further ado... Chapter 8!
Leslie POV:
"Les, look at me." Jess said firmly, with every bit of courage I could muster, I slowly lifted my eyes to meet his. Instantly, I was drawn in to them. His eyes were an ocean of confusion, as if a battle raged in his mind; and I could not stop watching. Then, he seemed to make a decision, and just as I expected him to make some huge speech or something, he rubbed his neck and asked me a simple question.
"When are you leaving?" This took me by surprise, as did the entire ordeal. I didn't expect such a normal question from him, and quite frankly, I didn't know what to say. The realization of his words then struck me, I was leaving in just five days. Five days until I never see Jess again. Never again see his face light up when we speak of Terabithia, or the cute dimples on his cheeks as he grins, or those perfect eyes of his that I could stare at forever. Not even the adorable look of concentration on his face when he begins creating a masterpiece. Yes, I would miss him, more than anything else, and I was not ashamed to admit it. It was time to tell him the truth.
I sighed a deep and sorrowful sigh. I can do this. I shut my eyes tight to await his response. "I leave this Sunday."
Jess POV:
My breath caught in my throat. This Sunday? No, not now! Not so soon! The sound of my steady heart beat was the only thing constant at that moment. Half of my body seemed to scream in frustration and the other half was so depressed, that I was surprised my heart was still beating. It just kept going in its ever steady tone. Thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump... on and on. The one thing that I could depend on until the day I died. Not Leslie, not anymore. Leslie was leaving me, and I didn't care. At least that is what I told myself. Only the false words never seemed to make since to me, for they contradicted with what that ever constant heart of mine knew to be true. And yet despite it all, I still didn't listen to it.
"That soon huh?" I settled with saying.
"Yeah..." A long, terrible silence followed. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and offend her, but the silence was becoming too much to handle.
"You know what?" I said with my voice strong with determination. "We are going to have as much fun as possible for these last few days. I don't know about you, but I just want to live these days as if you weren't even leaving." Her face lit up with a smile I had missed these past days and the lugubrious expression on her face became defunct.
"Thanks Jess." That was all she needed to say, for her placid eyes told me the rest.
A/N: Well that is it! I hope you enjoyed and I am looking forward to reading all of your fabulous reviews :) Oh yes, and thank you for all of the birthday wishes! So yea, tell me what you think cause the more reviews I get, the sooner I am likely to update. Love you all!