Disclaimer: I do not own Tiny toons or Looney Tunes or any of the characters here. They belong to Warner Bros. Please don't sew me!

This is what chapter 2 originally looked like before I deleted everything except the first few paragraphs. I'm posting this because I'm bored and too lazy to make the next chapter of Fifi La Fume's new found lover. It's really nothing special and you dont have to read it.

The original Chapter 2 unedited.

They searched Acme Acers the whole day leaving no stone unturned but still didn't find anything. They asked nearly everybody and half of them claimed they didn't even know who Penelope was. They took a short break from looking. Buster was panting and leaning on a street lamp looking like he was about to collapse. Everyone looked tired. They had ran around the place the whole day.

"It's no use!" Pepé exclaimed. "We will never find her."

"Don't worry. We'll find her. She couldn't have just vanished into thin air!" Plucky said.

"It sure seems like it though," Babs said.

"Hey, Pepé. What made you think of her anyways?" Buster asked. "You say you haven't seen her in a long time and you always look all happy in class."

"I was cleaning out my attic Saturday when I found an old photo of her," Pepé said. "I really wanted to see her again so I searched the whole day Sunday and couldn't find her. After that I just gave up and went to the Film vault to watch old episodes of when we were together."

"Where did you even see her last?" Fifi asked.

"Well, I was walking around Paris looking for her when I spotted her. She looked anger for some reason. I ran up do her did the usual thing I did every time I saw her….."


Pepé was walking on the sidewalk singing to himself when he spotted Penelope across the street coming out of a shop looking mad.

"Darling! I have been looking everywhere for you!" the male skunk said running into the street not caring if cars were passing by. When he made it across he started kissing her and saying stuff about love.

"Get off me you creep!" the black cat said surprising Pepé. He was surprised because of what she said and the fact that she had actually said something. She and Pepé had been a couple for about a month now and she had stopped struggling to get away because Pepé was wearing perfume so she wouldn't have to smell his horrible stench. She also never talked that much. She always either nodded or shook her head to answer a question.

"What?" Pepé asked.

"Get. Off. Me." Penelope said again.

"But I thought-" He began but was cut ff.

"So did I until I saw this," she said holding a picture up of Pepé and another skunk kissing. "I should have seen this coming. Once you see a pretty girl you just can't help yourself can you?"

"I can explain!" Pepé said.

"I don't need any excuses. I'm out of here!" she said and then ran away crying.

"Penelope!" he shouted after her. He tried chasing after her but she ran into a crowded park and he lost her.

He had spent the rest of the day and night trying to find her. That morning he saw a ship take off to America and didn't think much of it until he saw who was on it. It was Penelope and she was looking down at the water sadly. The poor skunk tried calling Penelope's name but she couldn't hear him.

He got in the water and tried to swim to the boat. When he caught up with it he climbed a rope hanging off the side of the ship to get on it.

"UN SKUNK DE PEW!" a man shouted. He grabbed Pepé by the tail and threw him off the boat.

-End Flashback-

"You deserve it!" Babs said. "You cheated on her!"

"I did no such thing!" Pepé said.

"Then what was with the picture?" she asked.

"It was an old picture of my ex-girlfriend!" he said. "It was taken before I met Penelope. I don't know where she found it. "

"Well she had to get it from somewhere," the boy rabbit said. "Or maybe someone gave it to her."

"You think someone tried to break them up?" Plucky asked.

"Yeah. How else could she have gotten the picture?" Buster asked.

"Whoever they are, they are despicable!" Fifi said. "How could anyone get in the way of true love?"

"Pepé do you have any idea who could have done this?" Hamton asked. "Maybe it was your ex that was in the photo."

"But why would she try to split us up? She's the one that broke up with me," he said.

"Maybe it was the guy cat on the boat," Hamton said.

"It doesn't matter now. She is probably already married or something. I quite trying to find her," Pepé said.

"You shouldn't give up on her. Maybe she isn't married and maybe she still loves you," Fifi said.

"I doubt it," he said. "I'm going home."

Deleted scene from my story that just didnt cut it. I could not make a story out of this but I do feel like adding how Penelope got that photo into my new story just so the tiny toons have something to do instead of just going to school.