Disclaimer: I do not own Tiny toons or Looney Tunes or any of the characters here. They belong to Warner Bros. Please don't sew me!

Ok so I'm currently obsessed with Pepe le Pew. He is so adorable! His girlfriend Penelope is awesome! I was watching Tiny Toons not too long ago and I thought to myself 'Why isn't Penelope in here?' and that's how I came up with this idea. Also the episode "Fields of Honey" gave me the idea too.

Chapter 1! Whoo!

It was another day at Acme University and the gang was just about to go to their next class. Everybody had nose plugs on because their teacher was a skunk. He was oblivious to the fact that he stank.

"Man! I wish our teacher didn't stink!" Babs said, "Then I wouldn't mind going to this class."

"You said it!" Buster said.

"I don't think Pepe stinks," Fifi said.

"Well yeah!" Plucky said. "You're a skunk! You're the same as him!"

They finally made it to the end of the hall where their next class was. Babs opened the door and was surprised to see her smelly teacher wasn't anywhere in sight. He was usually always there. He was never late or absent.

"Sorry guys," a grey haired rabbit chewing on a carrot said from behind them, "Pepe isn't here today. Go to study hall."

"Why?" the purple furred skunk asked.

"Pepe has been feeling a little down lately," Bugs said. "I've tried to cheer him up. In fact. Every one of our staff has tried but we just can't get through to him."

"I bet we can perk him up!" Babs said enthusiastically.

"If you want to you can try," Bugs said. "He's down in the Film Vault."

Babs, Buster, Fifi, Plucky and Hamton went down to the Film Vault while everyone else went to study hall. The Film Vault was very creepy and dark. Cob webs were all over the place. On the far wall were three doors. They entered door number one and found themselves in a movie theater. An old Looney Tunes cartoon was playing.

"Pepe?" the worried purple skunk asked.

"I am over here," they heard Pepe say while waving at them with a frown.

"Pepe, what are you doing down here?" Hamton asked.

"I'm watching old cartoons of when I was young and in love," the sad skunk said. "It is torture. Oh, Penelope I miss you so much!"

"Penelope?" the green feathered duck asked.

"Oui. She was the love of my life," Pepe said. "She is beautiful, no?"

They looked at the cartoon. Pepe was chasing a frightened cat that had a white stripe painted on her back through a military fort in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

"You know. One of the mysteries of my life is why do a women run away when all she really wish is to be captured," the Pepe in the Film said to the audience.

"Le sigh," the real Pepe said. "Those were good times. She run, I chase. Everybody happy."

"Are you sure she really loved you back?" Babs asked a little skeptic as she watched the cartoon.

"Oui. It was my stink she did not like," Pepe said surprising everyone in the room.

"You actually know you stink?" Buster asked.

"Of course. At first I didn't know but then my sweet Penelope told me," Pepe said.

"Well where is she now?" Hamton asked.

"I do not know. I have not seen her in a long time," Pepe said. "I have tried looking everywhere but still could not find my little kitty."

"You mean she wasn't a skunk?" Fifi asked.

"Non, she was a cat," Pepe said.

"Don't worry Pepe!" Babs said. "We'll help you find her!"

"Yeah!" everyone yelled.

"Oh, really?" Pepe asked. "Thank you but I have not seen her in a long time. Do you really think you could find her?"

"You bet!" Buster said. "Once we find her we'll get you two together and then you can go back to normal."

A/N: I hoped you like chapter one! Please review!