Hello everyone.
See, this is what happens: when people give me lots of feedback on my stories, it causes me to spend all my waking hours to come up with new plot ideas. It's sad, I know.
So, b/c everyone was so kind about my last fan fic attempt, I've managed to come up with a new story idea that springboarded from one of the plot bunnies listed in a group. I've got the preview ready and here it is.
Just a bit of extra info: DOGMA characters WILL be mentioned. Heck, even quoted as you soon will see. Only the Metatron will make an appearance (the Dogma one) but one or two will be mentioned for the sake of a small plot point. This is NOT a crossover and is even less than my last pseudo-crossover story.
Hope it sparks some interest!
Title: Earthly Possessions
Author: janiejoon aka omenesque2001
Time Frame: post-Good Omens
Rating: PG-13 to R for language and violence.
Summary: Sometimes the lines of loyalty and job ethics blur.
Feedback: Oh, yes, PLEASE!!! Send to: [email protected]
Archive: Sure, just send me a note letting me know first. Cheers!
Disclaimer: All recognizable Good Omens characters are owned by Pterry and Gneil. Azrael, Bartleby, Loki, and the Metatron are owned by Kevin Smith.
Of all topics of discussion circulating in the world, the most commonly misrepresented subject was interestingly demonic possession. Despite the fleet of scholars, mystics, and freelance psychics who devoted their lives to its study, current printed information on the subject was on the whole incorrect. This was largely due to the fact that other than for the above mentioned people, it wasn't a very pleasant topic for most persons and it tended to get swept under the rug along with other misrepresented topics such as causes of acne and Catholicism. But another reason was that the only ones who were truly educated in the subject of demonic possession were Satan and the few demons that had had the experience of having to possess a person here and there. And as a rule, the residents of Hell weren't keen on sharing information with outsiders.
To further illustrate how few beings, if any, outside of Hell knew anything about demonic possession, the following clip from a rather important meeting held back a few years ago has been submitted:
Bartleby (an angel): Check out this pimp! How'd you get out of Hell?
Azrael (a demon): I told them I was coming up on a routine possession. I don't have much time. If they figure out my ruse, they'll come looking for me.
First of all, one should note that there is no such thing as a "routine possession." The very term conjures up the image of one sitting behind a desk, handing out a list of names of people that needed to be possessed for the month. A rather pointless and frivolous action if one really thought about it. Bartleby, by logic and common sense alone should have realized that the demon had been lying. But he did not and the events that followed, though interesting, are not terribly important at the moment.
To educate: one should first realize that demonic possession was not exactly what people think they are and definitely do not occur as frequently as most believed. Statistics have shown that roughly ten demonic possessions are identified every few decades. This is incorrect. If figure was shaved down to perhaps....three possessions, it would be more accurate. When cases of people frothing at the mouth, swearing off to their parents and elders, and thrashing around on the bed have been reported, the cause is usually a demon having some non-possession related fun or puberty.
Possessions were usually acts that were done under the most drastic of situations. Usually, demons were not terribly fond of inhabiting a human body they had not mentally created for themselves. It wasn't very comfortable and more often than not the body they took over did not fit them very well. Kind of like wearing your older siblings hand-me-downs that always sagged and pinched in the wrong areas. But every once in awhile, a demon from Hell would be required to possess a human body for whatever reason.
Ironically, a true demonic possession has never been identified or even remotely recognized.
At least, that was what Hastur understood as he researched the topic....