A/N: Alright, before you guys throw your leftovers of yesterday's dinner at me for being MIA, let me thank all those who reviewed/favorite-d/alerted this story. I really appreciate them!

Okay, now you may proceed.

Well since I'm slowly hacking away a writers' boulder for WTUC, I shall continue this story and AnM while taking a break from WTUC. *Another bout of displeasure ensues*

Oh well, let's hope that my updating speed can be faster than a few months….

Answer to reviews:

Just Watch Me:….opps…..uh…Kenpachi-taicho? Sorry! Wrong delivery! That's not a bomb from the Twelve!...Okay…I'd better go change it later…

Keiriala: Let's just say that Forks works differently than Karakura, since they have vampires and werewolves and all that.

LittleKatreina: Oh, right, there's summer break. I'm not from America so I'm not very familiar with the holidays. I only read that this scene was set somewhere in June so I just put it as summer. Oh well, let's just ignore that little error~!

SilvermistAnimeLover: You'll find out…*insert evil laughter*

SaturnXK: Thanks for the edits! I'll go get them changed as soon as I can! Eh, I guess vampires have also 'died' but not genuinely, while Toushiro has literally died. At least, in Jasper's point of view, that is.

Prince of Winter Dragons: Oh well, he can have his moments. Thanks for the review anyways!

So without any more author's note, here comes Chapter Seven of Shiro-chan's strange adventure!


"English, or the native language of the place/characters."

Disclaimer: I DONOT own Bleach or Twilight

Toushiro's POV

A cold breeze blew a few dried, fallen leaves into the air in a graceful dance. Little crisp noises were made as the heavier leaves scraped against the ground. There was not a soul around, nothing to make a noise. It was quiet.

In fact, it was much too quiet.

Such a silence was not normal, at least for places that supposedly contained life.

The warehouse was run down—there was no doubt about that—but the various parts that should have already collapsed in was mended rather messily, just like how you would sew a patch onto your ruined clothes. In the dark shadows of the surrounding trees, the old warehouse seemed to blend in with the dark background.

It was a great spot for a hideout; far enough from the civilization to avoid prying eyes, yet close enough to allow easy excess to the more populated areas.

Toushiro smirked. He wouldn't have picked a better place. His sandals made no noise at all as he took step after step towards the abandoned place. His drawn zanpakuto glinted even in the weak moonlight.

It took quite a while for the little white-haired taicho to track down the lair of this bunch of vampires. They moved individually—mostly—during the night and are always far too consumed in their bloodlust to actually answer his questions with proper words. What's more, their speed and strength far exceeds those of the Cullens, Jasper definitely did mention that newborn vampires tend to do that, which is why they were even created to form an army in the first place.

He reached out a pale hand to rest on the rusted metal handle. There are only a few vampire reiatsu signatures inside, made sense considering he had been decimating their numbers for the past few nights. Slowly, he turned the rusted handle, the unused metal giving a little creak as it turned.

The door opened outwards to reveal a thick black cloth covering the doorway. Toushiro snorted. Talk about paranoid. These vampires must have taken the myths about sunlight rather seriously. Without any more hesitation, the shinigami-taicho ripped the cloth off the hedge in a flourish, the black thing falling to the ground in a dramatic announcement of his arrival.

POV of random vampire

"Argh! Damned that Riley! Why can't we go out? I wanna hunt!" Elliot grumbled, grabbing his sandy-blond hair in annoyance. He was rather well built with toned muscles, which he proudly exposed to the world with his opened shirt. A huge tattoo of a panther took up the right side of his chest, the black ink standing out in contrast to his typical pale vampire skin.

"Shut up and stop whining! You heard Riley, now is a bad time for vampires to go out even at night! Since the planets are all in a line or something like that. All the others had already died from going out! So you better not complain about being alive." Elise scolded from her corner as she stared at her reflection in her hand held mirror, tugging a stray piece of blond hair into place on her perfect hair-do. Ever since she had became a vampire, she became so obsessed with how beautiful she was that she never let go of her mirror, even when she was hunting.

"Bullshit. Like I care about that bastard's words, I bet the idiots just died fighting each other over some petty thing again." Elliot grumbled, poking a hole in the wooden table—just so that Riley would be angry that another useless furniture was damaged.

"If you really didn't care then you wouldn't still be in here whining your mouth rotten." The black-haired vampire leaning against the wall with his arms folded, Carl, supplied. He looked less muscular and much weaker in comparison to the larger Elliot. But the sinister smirk present on his face—combined with his crimson eyes—gave one the feeling that he was more of a devil.

This earned a growl from the sandy-haired vampire. Elliot clenched his fists, the wood splinters from the table crushed into dust in his palm.

"If Riley didn't threaten to push me into the sunlight for killing anyone else, I would have crushed every single bone in you and dance around your body as it burned like a caveman." Elliot stood up in a threatening—he hoped—manner.

"I did love to see you try." Carl sneered, pushing off the wall as he did so. The two guys marched right up to each other until they were staring down the other's nose. The air between them cackled as if charged with electricity. Elliot's eye twitched and suddenly, his fist was flying at Carl's face.

But Carl—being less buff and therefore more agile—dodged Elliot's fist easily. Elliot cussed and threw another fist, and another, and another. Soon, he was raining punches down on the other vampire. Though only a select few actually connected.

Carl managed to get in a few punches of his own, before finally grabbing onto Elliot's left arm, and ripped it off with his teeth. Elliot howled in pain as he leapt away quickly from the black-haired vampire, clutching his shoulder.

"MY ARM!" Elliot roared at the brunette who just smirked and casually lit the pale appendage up in flames with a lighter. "YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!" (1)Seeing red, the sandy-haired vampire charged at the brunette, fueled by his anger, he became so fast that Carl wasn't able to dodge in time even with his sharp senses.

Just as Carl was about to have his head ripped off, a powerful backhand smacked the furious Elliot off course, sending him flying back.

"Enough of your nonsense. Riley won't be pleased to have you killing off Carl seeing that we are already short on numbers." The man that intervened looked to be in his thirties with a shocking head of brilliant red hair. He had a haggard appearance and even had some stubble on his chin. But like all vampires, his features are nothing less than that of a model.

"Get out of my way, Simon. That bastard burnt my arm!" Elliot growled. Simon just took a drag from the cigarette he held between his fingers, then dropped the finished stub and crushed it under his shoe.

"And the rest of you is going to follow your arm if you killed Carl." A reminder of Riley's threat seems to work as Elliot shuddered and in an instant, lost all his murderous rage.

"I'll get you later, bastard." Elliot growled at Carl and sat down where he was to inspect his severed shoulder.

Completing his job as the peacemaker, Simon turned around to face the brunette. He held out his hand, palm facing upwards. Carl looked puzzled for a moment before smirking and tossing Simon the lighter he used to incinerate Elliot's arm.

"Thank you, I was just wondering where it went." Simon mumbled and lit another cigarette with it. Taking a long deep draw, Simon sauntered back to his spot in the shadows, completely merging into them. The only sign that he was there was the steady line of smoke rising from his cigarette.

"Boys," Elise muttered, rolling her eyes before returning to admiring her reflection.

"Girls," Elliot mimicked, sticking out his tongue at her, which Elise promptly ignored.

Then, there was a soft creak that signaled their warehouse door being opened. Riley must be back from wherever the hell he always disappear off to. Elliot jumped to his feet and attempted to hide his shoulder stub but gave up after realizing his efforts were pathetic, he should face the weirdo like a man—with or without an arm.

The black cloth they used to cover the entrance to the warehouse suddenly flew up in the manner that you would most likely only see in those super dramatic movies. Okay…maybe the person coming wasn't Riley; Elliot didn't remember the man being such a drama queen.

"R—wait, you're not Riley!" it was Elise who stated the obvious.

The person that stepped through the metal doorway was a young boy with pure, snow-white hair—which suggests a really thorough dye-job or that his life just hates him enough to give him that color naturally—that stuck up in a gravity-defying manner, only one lock obeyed the laws of gravity and hung down above his left eye.

The boy wore strange black clothing that Elliot had never seen before. A white sleeveless garment with designs that looked like it had been painted on the cloth with a brush rested over his black clothing. A golden-yellow, round, clip-like thing held the green sash he wore together.

But what that made him the most intrigued by the boy was the long, Asian-looking sword the boy held in his hand. It was at least the same length as the boy himself if not longer. Elliot snorted. If the boy hoped to do damage to anyone with that oversized sword, he must have been watching too much action movies for his own good.

"Kid, if you are lookin—" before Elliot could even finish, a small breeze blew in through the open doorway, making the boy's clothing flutter.

The boy's scent hit him like a train, smacking him right in the face with horns blaring and headlights on full force.

At that moment, no more coherent thoughts formed in his mind. Everything disappeared and the only thing he could focus on is the delicious scent of human blood that's emitting from the little boy. His scent was so much more overwhelming, so much more fragrant than any human he had encountered.

If he had to make an analogy, then all the blood that he had drank before would be like a cup of water, and this blood, would be a rich glass of Cahor(2) wine.

His nostrils flared, deeply breathing in the boy's scent, he sensed rather than felt that the other vampires in the room had also abandoned all thoughts and had handed themselves over to their instincts.

A maniacal grin appeared on his face as he crouched down closer to the ground, his fingers curled into claws.

The kid was his.

He is going to be the one to drain the delicious human dry. And he is not going to let anyone get even a drop of blood. Just thinking about the taste of the sweet liquid running down his throat chased out whatever other thoughts he might have had in his mind.

Like why the kid had held the sword so expertly in front of him like he had used it in far too many occasions to count. And why the smirk on the kid's face had triggered a small noise in the back of his mind, telling him to turn tail and run like hell for his life.

The unbearable thirst is now everything.

Elliot lunged, teeth bared and longing to sink into that vulnerable pale neck.

Carlisle's POV

Strange, so strange.

According to Alice, the visions she had been getting had grown clearer and clearer over the days, the flickers getting lesser, though they were from a more immediate future. But that wasn't what had worried him. It was the fact that the Seattle army had begun to decrease in numbers rapidly by everyday.

From nothing in particular. The newborns had just dropped dead from nothing at all.

"Oh god…" Alice breathed, interrupting his thoughts. Her small hand grabbed onto Jasper's beside her, her golden eyes met Edward's.

"What is it, Alice? What did you see?" Carlisle grew even more worried seeing Edward's grim expression.

"The army in Seattle… was completely annihilated." The expression on Alice's face told him that it was from the same cause as the previous few deaths.

This is troubling. There was an unknown force out there that had massacred a whole army of vampires without even being noticed. And so close to his home too. Would his family be put in danger? Carlisle's smooth forehead creased, his troubling thoughts leading him nowhere.

"Hey, isn't that great they were destroyed? Saved us some effort too." Emmett asked in confusion.

"The problem is the second part of the vision, they are flickers again, but I caught the glimpse of an even bigger army." It was Edward who answered. "The army itself may be gone, but apparently the person leading this army isn't gone."

Suddenly, the front door opened with a soft click. Carlisle's eyes flew to the white-haired youth coming through the door.

Hitsugaya stumbled through the door looking like the first day he arrived at the Cullen household—except this time he was conscious.

His white hair was messed and his clothes were torn and singed at several places, especially on his sleeves, where the tips were burnt off and his arms sported second degree burns. He had bruises on almost every inch of his exposed skin—probably had more on the unexposed parts. The worst bruise was the one on his neck; it was almost completely black and had a horrid swell. Somehow, the shape reminded Carlisle of a bite mark.

"What happened to you?" Carlisle immediately moved to offer Hitsugaya his hand. After staring at it for a while, the boy hesitantly let Carlisle help him onto the couch. The rest of the Cullens hurried over to them, worried. Even though they had only been with the boy for a short period of time, the Cullens have already accepted him into the family, just like how they did with all their members.

Esme covering her mouth and muffling a gasp at the state Hitsugaya managed to get himself in.

"Just gone overboard with my exercises." Hitsugaya mumbled, though his teal orbs revealed the irritation he felt. Carlisle's fingers did a quick check on his body, getting rid of his shirt to make the task easier. The white-haired youth's body was littered with bruises of various shades, and a few slight burns marred his skin. None of them was something too serious. Assured that the boy wasn't in any immediate life-threatening danger, Carlisle's inspection drifted over to the bruise on the youth's neck.

The bruised area was cold and hard, which frightened Carlisle since that's the exact same texture as a vampire's skin.

"Were you…bitten…by a vampire here?" Carlisle asked hesitantly, his fingers gently prodded the hard skin. At his question, there was a small gasp from Esme and all eyes snapped to Hitsugaya's face, waiting for his answer.

"He didn't break skin though." Hitsugaya frowned; his other hand reached up and peeled off a thin layer of transparent solid—so thin, that it would have escaped his notice if Hitsugaya didn't bring his attention to it—from the bruise. Ice. "Had to freeze my entire arm just to fend off that incredible jaw power."

Carlisle blinked. The ice explains the texture of his skin but how did he freeze his entire arm while getting away without a horrific frostbite?

"I underestimated them. They were much stronger than the others; one was even gifted with the power of fire, not my favorite element. I should have expected them to be much better since they were the last few survivors." Hitsugaya mumbled, examining the burn on his right arm while Carlisle tended to his other.

"Last few survivors?" Jasper asked, his face free of any emotion. "Of what?"

Carlisle's hands froze in mid action of applying anti-infective on the burns. Sudden realization of why the boy disappeared mysteriously every night—coming back with a few cuts and bruises that healed by the next day—hit him.

Last few survivors, Alice's vision and Hitsugaya's late-night activities.

The Japanese-in-question's teal orbs glowed as he looked into Carlisle's alarmed golden ones. If he was still human, blood would be rushing out of his face and he would have been bathing in cold sweat. It can't be…no…that's impossible…

"The Seattle army, of course."

Just a warning: no, I'm not pairing Shiro-chan with anyone…yet. I added a few OCs just for a POV of somebody, so if you hate them, rest assured since they wont be appearing again. But if you liked them…I'm sorry they're gone. R.I.A. (rest in ashes)

(1)Remind you of someone?

(2)Cahor. A type of strong wine with high alcoholic content.

Alright! Leave a review and I'll see ya guys in da next chappie!

Me: Haha! I had Shiro-chan kill off the army early! But I won't let our dear taicho get off so early! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Shiro-chan: That sounded really ominous… and STOP CALLING ME THAT!

Me: You bet! I might even kill you off with what I have in mind! Oh and I won't EVER stop calling you that~

Shiro-chan: I don't actually want to know what your evil mind has in store for me… oh you are so gonna die…

Me: *continues cackling like a madman*

Please review! (Or else…..kakakaka!)
