His Father's Eyes Part 3/?
By A.D. Price
Disclaimer: Marvel Comics owns the X-Men. Marvel Comics owns the
Ultimate line. Marvel owns Lee Forrester. I created Christopher.
This is also my first attempt at fan-fic, so a read and review would
be nice as I don't have a beta.

Archive: If you want to post this someplace that I haven't already
posted it to. Let me know, I'll most likely say go ahead.

Rated: PG, I wanted to kind of start off light. Some of my other
work (To be posted later, after the editing process)

Three days passed, Christopher had been placed in a sensory
deprivation tank to avoid exposure to light or heat. Scott never
left the lab, he sat silent. Jean came in occasionally to leave a
plate of food that would often go untouched.
"Scott?" she asked as she left a plate of meatloaf and mashed
potatoes on a nearby lab table.
"It's my fault," Scott mumbled as he placed his hand, fingers
spread wide across the glass, "I should have been more responsible."
Jean Grey placed a soft hand on Scott's tense shoulder,
"you couldn't have known," Scott started to turn his head,
but stopped.
"I'm sorry I'm not better company right now Jean,"
"It's alright, I'd probably be the same way if I were in the
same situation," Jean caressed Scott's cheek, feeling the stubble
under her long, tapered fingers. "Just remember you aren't alone
here." She turned and headed for the elevator, stopping just long
enough to glance at the sullen man sitting on a lab stool.
"Jean?" Scott called in the darkness, his voice wavering
"Yes?" Jean pivoted on her heel to face the lab again.
"Don't leave me alone right now?" He pleaded, not wanting to
turn and face her, but his head lifted as he heard the clacking of
her footfalls on the hard metal floors, and sighed as he felt her
arms wrap around from behind him, her head resting against his back.
"I promise," she whispered as she rubbed her cheek against
his shoulder blade, "I'll stay as long as I can."
Scott whispered back in choked and muffled words, fighting
back tears as his hand covered hers,
"T-thank you."

In the morning, Jean sat up at the lab table, feeling the
pins and needles in her hands from where she'd fallen asleep on her
forearms, an imprint of her watch on her right cheek. She looked up
to see Scott, the side of his face pressed against the glass of the
tank. She took the blanket she'd brought down to him yesterday and
draped it over his broad shoulders, then whispered to him
"Sleep, you need it."

For the next few weeks, Jean spent more time with Scott,
sitting with him as Hank and Professor Xavier ran more tests, trying
to determine their best possible course of action. She attempted to
keep his mind off of Christopher's dilemma, and when she couldn't,
she just tried to keep his spirits up.

"We're doing all we can, Scott," Xavier promised, "the tank
has slowed Christopher's energy build up, but seems to be unable to
stop it."
"So what do we do then?" Scott asked, looking at his child,
his helpless little boy, surrounded by tubes and wires.
"When Jean first arrived here," the professor explained, "I
was able to put up a mental block, to keep her powers dormant until
she was able to develop them at her own pace."
"And you can do this for Chris?" Scott asked hopefully,
Xavier lowered his eyes, folding his hands in his lap.
"I wish it were that simple,"
"then why tell me this?" Xavier could hear the anger and
frustration rising in the young man's voice without reading his mind,
but continued anyway."
"There is an island near Scotland, that does genetic
"The Muir Island Research Facility?" Scott interrupted.
"Yes, the head of the facility, Dr. Moira MacTaggart is an
old and dear friend of mine,"
"She says that what Christopher is going through is becoming
more and more, a common problem."
"And she can help?"
"She says she has developed a containment suit that works in
a way similar to your visor or jean's mental block, It would allow
Christopher to release the energy, and it would merely dissapate,
perfectly harmless."
"When can I take him? Scott asked, standing quickly and
determined, a glimmer of hope shining through his ruby quartz glasses.
"The Blackbird is ready to go, Scott but there is a reason I
had to talk to you about this first." the glimmer of hope resided,
and was replaced by a cynical and quizzical look. "Christopher would
have to stay there for a few years, until he's old enough to
understand his gifts, it would also allow them to be able to keep up
with his growth so the suit would never fall into disrepair."
"So I need to take a leave of absence?" Scott inquired,
looking into Professor Xavier's eyes as his head slowly shook.
"I'm sorry Scott but right now, they are horribly under-
funded, and there is very little extra space for staff and.." Scott
interrupted, fuming.
"You're saying I'd have to leave him there?!?" he hollered at
the crippled man before falling to his knees, and crying out, "No! I
won't do that, I won't be…"
"Like your father?" Xavier asked, "Your last memory of your
father was when he threw you and your little brother from that doomed
plane," Scott rocked backwards, his head in his hands, pulling his
chestnut brown hair away from his face.
"Please stop," Scott begged in a whisper.
"Scott he did that to save you, or else you and your brother
would have died on that plane with them." Xavier placed his hands on
Scott's shoulders, "He left you to save you both, Scott, and now
you've been given the same choice to make, the difference is you'll
still be able to see him."
"Isn't there another way?" Scott asked, turning his head to
look up at Christopher, not wanting to lose him so soon.
"Christopher's mutation is still a mystery to us, there is no
way to tell how he may release this stored energy, he may even have
been holding back instinctively to prevent from hurting those around
him already, but there's no telling the damage he may cause should he
lose that control." Scott heaved a sigh before reluctantly agreeing
with the Professor.
"I understand," he said finally, "When can I leave?"
"I would prefer if you didn't go alone," Xavier offered, "I
know how hard this is for you, maybe better than you think, so you
may need someone there with you, to comfort you, take any students
you'd like, or, I am also available for you if you so desire."
"Jean," Scott mustered after a moment or so, I'd like to take
Jean with me."
"Of course," Xavier wheeled backwards a bit to face a nearby
panel and pressed a button, illuminating the lab, "it will take about
an hour or so for Hank and myself to get the tank on the Blackbird,
go gather some clothes and inform Jean that I've given you both the
go ahead to take the next few days to Muir Isle." Scott sprinted to
the elevator, turning to press the button to go the top floor.
"Thank you, Professor," He said as the lift doors closed.
"Don't thank me yet," Xavier sighed.

End part 3