His Father's Eyes 1/?
By: A.D. Price

Disclaimer: Marvel Comics owns the X-Men. Marvel Comics owns the Ultimate line. Marvel owns Lee Forrester. I created Christopher. This is also my first attempt at fan-fic, so a read and review would be nice as I don't have a beta.

Archive: If you want to post this someplace that I haven't already posted it to. Let me know, I'll most likely say go ahead.

Rated: PG, I wanted to kind of start off light. Some of my other work (To be posted later, after the editing process)

Word Count:1361, Not including the above information.

"Scott, could you come down to the main hall?" The Professor asked telepathically, as Scott a.k.a. Cyclops double-checked the Blackbird's supplies.
"Is everything okay?" Scott asks, pulling his hair back away from his ruby quartz goggles.
"Just someone I think you should meet."
"I'm on my way," Scott wiped his hands on his pants and headed for the elevator. Meet some one? Professor Xavier had been hiding something lately, he wasn't sure what it was, and he wasn't sure he liked it.

Professor Xavier sat in the foyer, seemingly alone, next to him sat a basket, covered in a blanket. Scott walked in, his hands shoved into his pockets.
"What's going on? I thought you said there was someone here,"
"There is, Scott, and he's right here," Scott walked closer to look into the basket, inside, lay a sleeping baby boy, with fine blonde hair. Professor X handed Scott a note written on what looked like a page from a legal pad.

It took me forever to find you after you disappeared that morning after we were together. His name is Christopher Alexander, just like you told me your father and your brother's names were right? He's eight months old. I'm terrified that he might have his father's eyes. I'm sorry, Scott, I don't want to sound like a bigot but I know so little about mutants, and genetics, and all that other stuff. For all I know he could throw a tantrum and kill me. Please take care of our boy Scott. I know you wouldn't have left if you'd known, you always were such a boy scout. I just can't deal with all this right now. My parents have let me move back in for now, while I finish up school. I love you, and maybe when I can make sense of all this, I'll be back.

Lee Forrester

Scott's brown eyes widened behind his ruby quartz glasses.
"He's my son?" Scott asked, shocked.
"We can run some tests Scott, but I can't be positive how they'll turn out."
"Do we know if he really is_." Scott started, rubbing his forehead,
""A mutant? Not yet, but when I do the DNA tests we'll be able to tell."
"I'd appreciate a little discretion Professor,"
"Of course, son, but I expect you to take responsibility for your own child, unless proven otherwise, when we can take appropriate action through child services."
"Thank you, sir."

Late that night, screams echoed through the mansion. Not screams of terror, but screams of a small child. Piotr knocked on Scott's door, his dark hair scattered all over his head, his robe wide open to reveal the smiley face boxers underneath.
"Scott for the love of God tovarisch, please, turn down whatever you're watching, some of us are trying to sleep."
Scott answered the door, with Christopher screaming at the top of his lungs clutched tight to his chest.
"I'd like to Peter," he replied, "but I haven't found the volume control yet."
"Where did you get a child?" Peter asked.
"He was left here, the professor thought it was best that I take care of him,"
"You? Why not, Ororo, or Jean?"
"Thought that I needed to explore the softer side of leadership, in other words, parenthood."
Jean came out of her room wearing a short, light blue bathrobe. Something she had obviously gotten from Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood, Scott loved those outfits, he just never told her directly, he figured she was a telepath, so she must already know. Jean rubbed her eyes and yawned as she stretched her arms above her head, which only meant the silken fabric moved that much further up her legs, any further and nothing would be left to Scott's already active imagination.
"What's going on?" She moaned, exhausted, "did I miss something?" Her eyes widened further when she saw Scott's little bundle crying loudly. "Is that?" Scott rolled his head back slightly.
"Yes, it's a baby,"
"Why Scotty I didn't even know you were expecting," came Logan's gruff voice from another door. His teeth clenched around a cigar. Scott wondered if he ever stopped smoking.
"I wasn't. " Scott replied shaking his head. Jean's voice filled his head.
"Is it yours?"
"Don't you know already?" Scott returned the question.
"I don't probe your mind Scott, I thought we had agreed on that."
"In that case, I don't know." Jean's jaw visibly began to drop; she caught herself, and turned away for a moment, stunned.
"Can I hold him?" Jean asked when she turned back, opening her arms.
"Don't think it could hurt," Scott said, offering her the young boy.
"Ohh the poor thing's hungry, " she noted as she curled her arms around the child's back and held him close. Scott almost felt jealous for a moment.
"How can you tell?" Piotr asked.
"Jean has something better than a maternal instinct, Pete, unlike some mothers, she actually DOES read minds." Logan remarked.
"I never would have guessed it, Jean, thank you."
"Sure thing, Scott." She said, as she started to walk towards the kitchen. Scott followed closely. Logan turned to Piotr.
"You know those kids may make decent parents someday."

In the kitchen, Scott pulled a bottle from the care package that was left for Christopher.
"Formula, check." Scott said nonchalantly as he pulled a canister.
"Why is it everything we do sounds like we're preparing for a military action?" Scott smiled sheepishly.
"I guess it's just something I'm good at."
"What can you tell me about_"
"Christopher?" Scott finished her question.
"Or his mother?" Jean lowered her head, to try and avoid the question.
"If you think you can talk about it."
"I was an orphan before the Professor brought me in, I got run around a lot as a kid, but I always ended up back at the orphanage because nobody ever thought it was a wise idea to integrate a kid whose eyes could level mountains into a normal family."
"What does this have to do with the mother?"
"I'm getting to that," Scott replied, then took a deep breath. "When I was eighteen, I left the orphanage on my own accord, set out into the world to see if I could survive in society, I bummed around a lot, rode the rails, saw the world through cargo ship portals and boxcars."
"You never told me before."
"Some things I like to keep to myself." Jean lifted Christopher up and tapped on his back gently until she heard a tiny burp. Scott laughed quietly "Sounds more like Wolverine's kid to me."
"Don't change the subject."
"Right, so anyway, I got work on a fishing boat in Maine, I met a girl named Lee on the streets, we shared about a month together, just helping each other get on our feet. Got an apartment. Never did anything sexual, y'know." Jean looked down at Christopher crossly.
"Ohh how sweet, you're the product of a virgin birth."
"Can I finish?"
"Go right ahead," Jean said.
"We didn't do anything sexual until the last night I was there. It wasn't that I didn't want to until then, but I didn't want her to think I was taking advantage of her."
"But that last night?"
"She told me she loved me, told me she wanted to make love to me, the next morning, I got on a ship, and never went back."
"She tracked you here and left him on your doorstep?"
"Seems like."
"Do you love her?" those words caught him off guard. He should have expected it, but he wasn't sure what to say. He always had feelings for Jean, things he just couldn't tell her he felt, now she's giving him a question that just might damn him in her hard green eyes.
"I don't know, Jean." She smiled as she looked down at Christopher.
"Aw, he's asleep."
"I'll take him back to his crib," Scott said cradling the child in his large arms. "Thank you, Jean, for everything."
"Sure thing," she replied cradling her head in her hands running her fingers through the short red hair, "Anytime."

End of Part One.