ME: Today is such a sad day you guys. It's the final chapter of Who I Am. The final freaking chapter oh my lanta. But thank you soooooooooooo much for reading, reviewing, and everything. It seriously brings a smile to my face when I see a review or when i see how many people have at least glanced at my stories. This is my passion and I more than happy to provide just a small part of something greater. Again thank you my friendos for everything.

And now without a further delay let's get on with the last chapter of Who I Am.

P.S. I don't own anything except the things that are mine.

~ Chapter 17 ~ It's Time

My eyes are open, but my body won't move. It's midnight right now and I can already feel death knocking at my door. I raise my arm watching as the clock leaves the twenty four hour mark. I let my arm fall to my side afterwards and sigh.

I get up and sneak past Aqua's room into the living room. I stop and look at all the wedding decorations, magazines, you name it was all there. I smile sadly remembering the day Aqua showed me the ring and how excited I was for her, but the excitement soon left when she remembered my condition and soon enough she began to cry. I had asked why she was crying and she had answered that she wanted me to be her maid of honor.

She and Terra thought about getting married as quickly as possible so I could see their happy moment, but I told them not to. Aqua cried and I in turn hugged her. Terra was trying to be strong. I'll admit I've let a few tears fall since coming into reality I would most likely not be around for their holy matrimony. But that didn't stop me from helping Aqua plan her wedding.

I go outside throwing on a hoodie and step outside for a quick walk around the town. I walked past everyone's houses and to each house that held a friend dear to me I placed two fingers to my lips and then held them in the air. When I finally get to Terra, Vanitas, and Riku's house I do my little goodbye and then look at Riku's window praying that he somehow was awake and saw me, but I highly doubted he was awake especially with it being three in the morning.

As I walking through the town plaza I look at all the decorations for tonight's festival. The Destiny Festival to be exact. I crack a smile finding it ironic that today my destiny would be revealed and for some odd reason it gave me a slight hope that somehow everything would work out in the end, but you can't place your hope on a few balloons and food stands.

I get back to the house around 3:30 and find Aqua wide awake with a cup of coffee in her hands. She smiles at me and poured me a cup of coffee. I thank her and bring cup to my lips taking in a sip of the amazingness the Aqua had made.

"I swear Aqua you need to open your own coffee shop."

She laughs at my excitement of her simple drink and gets up from the couch.

"Well hold on a second and close your eyes."

"Your not gonna throw something at me face are you?"

"No, I'm not but it's does have to do with your face. Now close them."

I close them and wait for something to hit somewhere on my body, but praying it doesn't hit me in that one spot that make's go to my knees. I swear I'll never laugh at a man getting kicks in the balls again after witnessing it myself. Anyways I hear Aqua's footsteps coming towards me and as she's set something that sounded heavy on the coffee table.

She tells me to open my eyes.

I open them and immediately I begin to tear up. Because right in front of me was a small carmel cake with homemade buttercream icing and nineteen burning candles on top.

"Happy Birthday Jaden."

"Th-thank you s-so much Aqua." I say as I cry trying to wipe to tears from my eyes.

She hugs me tight which causes me to cry even harder.

"No, thank you Jaden for always having a smile on your face no matter how hard life has been for you. Thank you for coming to destiny islands and being apart of my life. Thank you for everything." She lets me and smiles.

Tears are still falling from my face but I'm smiling. I nod my head and then turn to the cake.

"Make it count." Aqua says to me.

And I do.

Aqua and I meet up with everyone at the plaza as they wish me happy birthday and oddly enough I find that the guys are not with us. I look around all the girls as they giggle at me because I stick out like a sore thumb with me being a boy at the moment.

I sigh but then smile and point my hand to the sky.

"Alright ladies it time to have some fun. Let's make it a night to remember!"

The Aqua, Kairi, Namine, and Xion cheer at my sudden shout of excitement and immediately we all go out having the time of our lives. Eventually I manage to slip by everyone and walk towards the shoreline. Without anyone noticing I take Kairi's boat and slide it into the water.

When I climb in I have coughing fit. When it ended I washed my hand from the blood and begin to row out the the child's isle. I eventually get there after much trial and tribulation and tie up the boat. Once I get out of the boat I go to the paopu tree and take a paopu fruit. I then go back to the shoreline of the child's isle taking off my shoes in the process and plant my feet into the warm sand and lay down clutching the star shaped fruit in my arm. Once I'm on the ground I raise my free arm and look at my time. I only have an hour left.

I let my arm fall to my side and I watch the stars.

"Well at least I have a nice view."

~ Third POV ~

Riku along with his friends Vanitas, Terra, Sora, Roxas, Ventus, and Axel walk around the plaza glancing at the games and busy food stands as they head over to where they were supposed to meet the girls, but when they got there they only found Kairi. As Riku got closer he found that Kairi had a worried look upon her face.

"Kairi's what wrong?" Sora asked.

"Jaden's gone missing."


"Where did you see her last?" Terra asked.

"It's was about thirty minutes ago. She said she needed to go to the bathroom, but she's a guy right now so none of us went with her."

"Maybe she really had to-"

"Axel I'm being serious. She would've texted someone if she wasn't feeling well."

"Kairi's right guys we need to find Jaden and fast." Vanitas said beginning to panic.

Riku however seemed to not care one way or the other. However that wasn't true, Riku was planning on making amends with her today since it was both of their birthday's and everyone claimed they wanted to celebrate both Jaden's and his birthday together, but if today wasn't that day Riku was willing to wait for her. He understood her reasons for not telling him and he was determined to break that curse because he was still in love with her no matter what.

"Well we have plenty of time to find her." Riku said trying to calm down the situation but no one was convinced instead Kairi shook her head.

"Today is the day her destiny is finally determined Riku and if that curse is not broken by midnight she'll die. My older sister will die." Kairi broke down as Sora tried to calm her down but the news had already been spread and claimed Riku's mind.

He didn't know when he started running but as soon he started he wasn't planning on stopping. He was going to find her and nothing was going to stop him.

Every time he got a place he knew Jaden would be he shouted her name but no reply came. He eventually came to his apartment and raced into inside thinking maybe she was here, but that proved to be another dead end. He collapsed on to his bed holding his head in his hands.

"Where are you Jaden?" He asked himself looking at his phone, it read 11:30 p.m.

He sighed and looked up only to find the book Jaden have given him back still lying in the same position of when he threw it from his sight. He picks up the book and little note falls from the book. He picks up the note and reads it. Immediately Riku stormed out of the house and to the shoreline. He knows where she is. He only hoped he wasn't to late.

I'll be waiting for you by the place where destinies can intertwine. Don't be late. P.S. I love you.

Love, Jaden

Riku gets there and finds Jaden, only for her to be covered in darkness.


He hops out of the boat into the water and swims to her, but's too late.

When Riku gets there the darkness is gone, but the damage is done.

He looks at Jaden turned back into a beautiful girl with scars and in a simple black dress. Riku falls to his knees and takes the paopu from her hand setting it to the side.

I scans her body searching for any signs of life but nothing is found.

Riku claims his love in his arms and sobs in her shoulder.

"Please forgive me, Jaden. If only I had come sooner. If only I had understood." Riku thought.

"Then maybe you would still be with me."

He wipes his eyes raises her face towards his.

"I love you." He then seals his confession with a kiss.

Without the heartbroken man noticing the green skinned woman watched the scene with a evil smile upon her face, but as she walked away the Witch of Birth noticed a light, that only Maleficent could see,emit from the shadows. When the light faded a tall pale skinned woman with long white hair and green eyes came into view. She was wearing a long white gown.

"Yumiko." Maleficent growled.

"Evening Maleficent."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to set things right."

The dark witch only cackled.

"Just because your the Witch of Death the doesn't mean you undo the curse."

The Witch of Death only smiled and walked over to poor victim named Jaden and grabbed her wrist where her timer had been.

"True but I can give these lovers what they truly need and that is time."


With the slightest bit of effort the Witch gave the victim a minute, but that was all she needed because the man she loved was already kissing her. With her work done Yumiko rose with grace and walked past Maleficent.

"It's over." She said and with that curse had been lifted.

~ Jaden POV ~

I'm standing in front with Riku beside me as we wait for our cue to start the process of everyone to walk down the aisle. I could feel my heart race as I tugged onto long my dark blue dress with my hair pinned up.

"You look beautiful." Riku said as he place a kiss on my temple. I smile and look at him from head to toe.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Bernard." I said giving him a smile.

He smiles and looks forward as the music begins.

"Remember that i'll catch you if you fall." He pulling me a tad bit closer.

"Don't I always."

We walk down the aisle and one by one we all present ourselves to the friends and family of Aqua and Terra. Eventually it's Aqua's turn to walk down the aisle Everyone turns to her and they continue to stare because she looks absolutely breathtaking. She was a wearing white a-line chapel train ball gown with lace beadwork. Her didn't wear a vale but she did have a small pale pink flower in her hair. She smiles with tears streaming down her face and she clutched her bouquet of pale pink roses. I take a quick glance at Terra and I notice he has tears streaming down his face as well with the most genuine loving smile he could give.

When Aqua finishes her walk the ceremony begins.

After the wedding Riku and I are dancing among a few other couples at the reception. I look around noticing Vanitas dancing with that girl he's been talking too for a few months now. He blushing to no end and obviously acting awkwardly around her while she's only smiling at him trying to hold in her laughter.

"Jaden." I look towards Riku as he nods his head over to side smiling.


I do look and smile instantly as I watch Aqua and Terra smiling at each other as they dance.

"They look so happy."

Riku kisses my forehead grabbing my attention.

"One day we'll be like that." I blush instantly thinking he was talking about us getting married, but I set those thoughts aside for now and wrap my arms around Riku's neck pulling him to me.

I kiss him sweetly and then look at him.

"I'm already happy Riku and that's perfect enough for me. Besides we have enough time as long as your not late."

He smiles and kisses me again.

And it is perfect and now I can say that stupid curse did make it that way, but that doesn't mean I think you should piss off the Witch of Birth because in the end you don't need magic to get that happiness you want. What you really need is to be who you are.

ME: Well there you have it my friendos the end of the chapter and the end of another story. I hope you guys enjoyed this journey as much as I have and as always if ant to leave a comment go for it or whatever else you feel like doing. Thanks for everything and until next time I'm Lindzeldia and this is Who I Am.