Smut, absolute, unrepentant smut, don't read any further if you don't want to see Harry and Cedric get together.
You have been warned.
They had been back nearly a week, Cedric was getting absolutely beside himself, he hadn't been able to get Harry alone at all, not after class, not on the Quidditch pitch, not even in the hallways. Ron Weasley, or Hermione Granger, and even Draco seemed to be perpetually glued to his side as if they felt some kind of need to protect him or something. Cedric had no idea, he tried not to get involved in politics and rumors, and all he did know was that he couldn't get Harry's last words to him out of his mind, and the memory of his body rested there as well. It was so hard at night, as he lay by himself in his single bed in the dorm to not remember how it had felt to be pressed up against Harry's body, and feel his response to him and vice versa. It had taken a few solitary showers to work out the tension and frustration so he could even concentrate on his schoolwork.
He was having dinner in the Great Hall, all but having given up on the idea of ever getting Harry to himself again when something brushed his leg. He looked down to see an obviously transfigured piece of dinnerware with legs and hands holding a little notepaper out to him. He tried not to be obvious and he bent down, on the pretext of retrieving his napkin to take the scrap and secret it into his pocket. It fairly burned there as he hurried through the rest of the meal and the necessary pleasantries afterwards. It killed him not to stare over at the Gyrffindor table to seek out Harry's face.
As soon as he was reasonably able to he hurried away to his dorm to read the note in the privacy of his curtained bed.
Can you meet me tonight, around 8? Hufflepuff second floor hallway? By the rampart window?'
It was signed with only an 'H', but Cedric knew exactly who it was from, and he checked his watch, bemoaning the fact that it was only 7 and that he'd have to find a way to kill another hour without going totally insane.
Thankfully the hallway was empty when he arrived, spot on eight o'clock. Cedric had no idea how he was going to explain his presence to anyone he happened to meet up there, he could hardly keep a rational thought in his head as his arousal took over his senses. He found a little niche, where a suit of armor had likely once stood, and folded himself into it, to watch for Harry's arrival. Footsteps drew his eyes to the right of his concealed position, and sure enough he recognized the form that approached. Being as they were still alone in the corridor he stepped out into the light again and held up a hand in a little silent wave. He noticed that his knees were quaking slightly and that he felt just a bit nervous all of a sudden.
Harry didn't speak, but motioned him over to a panel in the wall with a wave of his hand. Cedric joined him and watched as Harry pushed on the molding around the panel, and then heard a soft 'click' as the panel swung inwards to reveal a small alcove. Beyond that passage, he could see nothing, but he followed Harry inside anyways.
"Lumos." The tip of Harry's wand illuminated the small room and revealed the bedroom Harry had described to him a week earlier. Another spell and the candles in the wall sconces flared to life, dispelling more of the shadows, and bathing the room in a warm amber glow. Cedric looked around the room carefully taking in everything that was there. The two chairs by the fireplace, a table between them, a wardrobe, and the bed, typical of Hogwarts, four-postered with curtains that could be drawn around it, covered with mounds of pillows and a thick quilt. His eyes settled back on Harry, who was slipping off his school robe, and putting down his book bag on one of the chairs. Harry smiled at him.
"Hi?" he offered shyly to Cedric.
"Hi back."
They smiled at each other for a moment sussing out each other's intentions before finally stepping closer together to kiss, passionately, pawing at each other in their thirst for the intimate contact.
"I have been thinking about you ever since we got back Harry."
"I'm sorry it took me so long to find a way to get together."
They kissed again and then parted.
"I needed to make sure that Ron and Hermione and Draco were otherwise occupied."
"I guess that's hard."
"Really hard, but it doesn't matter now. Draco's away to see his family, and so is Ron, and Hermione is studying in the library tonight, and she didn't want me distracting her with too many questions, so here I am."
"Here we are." Cedric smiled, and threw his own school robe over Harry's on the wing-backed chair.
"I missed you Cedric, you've been on my mind too." That admission made Cedric smile.
"Really?" His response was a little shy, but utterly charming to Harry.
"Yeah," a pause, "are you still alright with everything?"
"Yes Harry, more than alright." Cedric took a step towards Harry and reached out for his hand to squeeze it. "I really want to be with you, that way."
Harry's grin was just as shy as Cedric's voice, but he pulled him over to the bed, and before sitting, began to undo the buttons on Cedric's shirt, encouraging him to help so that it quickly joined his robe over the chair.
Cedric's athletic prowess was visible in the cut lines of muscle across his chest, and the beautiful grooves that trailed from his abdomen down below the waist of his black pants. Harry drew in a breath as he ran his hands over the soft, but hardened skin there. Cedric trembled under his touch.
"God you are so gorgeous Cedric." Harry whispered, "I want you so badly right now." Cedric's hands reached to tug at Harry's shirt.
"I'm all yours Harry." He slipped the sleeves from Harry's arms and let the shirt fall. Harry's body was just beginning to develop the 'v' shape that would mark him as a man. The taper from his shoulders to his waist was more gentle than harsh, and made Cedric think of something more like a dancer's physique than anything else. Muscle flowed in a continuous wave, not broken up like on his own body by the lines of hard, physical work. Harry was not defined, so much as graceful, and placing his two hands on either side of Harry's neck, he traced them down his sides gently, softly apologizing for them being so rough. When he wasn't at school Cedric worked alongside his father at home, or helping out the neighbours. While many tasks could have been accomplished with magic, his father still believed that true physical labour was a good lesson, and Cedric did not disagree, but just then he regretted the calluses, which never completely disappeared from his fingertips and palms. He watched Harry's face as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the attention.
"Lay down on the bed for me Cedric, let me have you." Harry spoke even as his eyes remained closed. Cedric did as he asked, lying back onto his elbows so he could still look at Harry, who came over to sit beside him at first, and then to straddle him.
"Let me take these off." The long, smooth fingers worked at the buttons and zipper at Cedric's waist, loosening the fastings and sliding them down to leave Cedric in only his underwear, his arousal beginning to show. Harry bent to kiss his chest, and trail the tip of his tongue down to his bellybutton. Cedric remained quiet, except for the gasps of indrawn breath as Harry's fingertips and mouth teased him.
"You trust me, don't you Cedric?" Again the voice was whispers.
"I do."
"I won't hurt you, I promise."
"I know."
"But if you want me to stop, I will, at any time, okay?"
Cedric nodded, not believing he would ever ask Harry to stop now that he finally had him; having played the fantasy of their lovemaking over and over in his mind for days.
"It'll be a lot easier if you are relaxed Cedric, so I'm going to help you get relaxed, okay?"
The bedside table had some little bottles on it, which Cedric hadn't previously noticed. Harry reached for one.
"I'm going to give you a massage Cedric." Cedric liked the sound of that, but had a request first.
"Take off your clothes Harry. I want to see you and feel you on my skin."
"Okay." Harry stood up again and slipped out of his socks, then his trousers, and finally, shyly, out of his underwear. Cedric watched him, chest heaving with the anticipation, and without looking, slipped off his own briefs. He lay back as Harry returned to straddle him again, pouring oil from the bottle into his hands, to warm it first.
Harry's hands were gentle as they slid over the skin of his chest, kneading tenderly at his muscles, forcing Cedric to release the tension that was building. Harry was careful to hover just over Cedric, not touching his pelvis at all, and not letting himself touch Cedric's either, not just yet at least. He traced the cut muscle, and leaned in to kiss Cedric's nipples, playing them with his tongue to bring them to attention as his hands worked over his abdomen. He could hear Cedric's breathing slow, which was exactly what he wanted.
With the tempo even and measured with the rise and fall of his chest, Harry slid his own body down further onto Cedric's legs and finally let his hands stroke Cedric's rod. His eyes opened almost lazily at the touch, it had been so prolonged and gentle. He smiled at Harry.
"I'm going to bring you to your orgasm first Cedric, then, when you are spent I'll have you." Cedric nodded, the words bringing further life into his stiffening penis. Harry continued to stroke him slowly, building the arousal gradually. It was an absolutely delicious feeling for Cedric, having such attentions paid to him, and he closed his eyes and enjoyed it.
After a few minutes, with his erection quite full Cedric felt Harry's mouth descend onto him, pulling at him as softly as his fingers had just been doing, and he moaned with the pleasure of it. Harry added his fingertips, stroking at his balls and the skin behind them, kneading just gently as his tongue continued to build towards the inevitable release.
Harry's mouth went deeper and deeper onto Cedric's shaft as he increased the pressure of his fingertips, delving closer and closer to his ultimate goal, and preparing Cedric for the sensations of being penetrated there. It was hard for Harry to hold his own excitement in check, but he managed it, knowing that after his orgasm that Cedric's body would be its most accepting of him.
He felt Cedric begin to tremble beneath his hands and knew the time was short. He pulled at him a little harder, brushing his teeth over the tip as he drew him in and out of his mouth. Cedric's voice was hardly a whisper.
"Oh God Harry, I'm going to come for you." And with a noiseless convulsion of his entire body he spurted himself into Harry's mouth.