Hello there readers and all who frequent the world of fanfiction!
I've been absolutely horrendous when it comes to any kind of dedication to my writing. A result of this lack of dedication is the abandonment of many stories, including several of my own original works. When it comes to my fanfiction I have not only let myself down, but you all as well. I must apologize for this. My skills in writing have suffered over the years and I've lost faith and drive to complete my works. I'm trying to change myself for the better and finish some of these ideas that have floated around my brain for years now.
Currently I'm at AIT in the US Army, so I don't have much in the way of time to write. I'll be home soon, that's when I'm going to dedicate either an hour a day or a day a week to writing. I hope I can do right by those who have taken interest in my stories and complete some of the works. I've changed a lot since I started these stories in highschool, but they are ideas I've had a lot of fun dreaming up when I'm bored or just extra hyped about.
You should see something from me soon. I hope it's up to your standards and that you, the readers, will give me critiques and advice on how to improve. I wish you well!