Warnings: Xel/Zel 1x2 3x4 5+13 Relena bashing along with a Relena finds out, OOC.
A Simple Mission
By: Emmy and Erin
Heero_Yuy: What are we doing here again?
Justice_4_All: That's what I want to know.
Shinigami_chan: Why are you asking me?
Trowa_no_koibito: Because you're usually the one who does these things. Why this time, Duo?
Shinigami_chan: It wasn't me! I swear on Shinigami's honor!
Heero_Yuy: Then who was it.
Justice_4_All: And since when does Shinigami have honor!?!!?
Shinigami_chan: Baka. Ask Quatre.
Heero_Yuy: Quatre?
Trowa_no_koibito: Eep, Trowa!
Razor_Bangs: It wasn't him.
Justice_4_All: Then who was it?!!? Yuy??
Heero_Yuy: Do you even have to ask?
Shinigami_chan: Bet it was you Wu-man!
Justice_4_All: Why you... Duo! What in the world are you talking about! I can't believe you would ever say that I would do something as honor less as this!
Damn_hot_J: It was I. Heero, this is a time to improve you and your pilot's social skills. It's your mission!
Shinigami_chan: I don't need to improve anything!
Damn_hot_J: Don't' talk back to me! Then help them improve! Now, I will be leaving.
Justice_4_All: What was with his addy? Was that Doctor J?
Heero_Yuy: ...
Razor_Bangs: Quatre...
Trowa_no_koibito: Yes?
Razor_Bangs: Nothing
Shinigami_chan: I don't take missions from him! See ya!
Heero_Yuy: Duo, you leave now and I'll kill you.
Shinigami_chan: You always say that!
Trowa_no_koibito: What is it Trowa? We are supposed to be working on social skills!
Heero_Yuy: If you leave now you will be sleeping on the couch.
Shinigami_chan: What's that supposed to mean?
Heero_Yuy: You know exactly what it means and I mean it. You stay or you will be sleeping on the couch.
Shinigami_chan: KISAMA!!
Heero_Yuy: So are you going to leave or stay? I want to know whether to leave sheets out for you.
Shinigami_chan: I'm not going to say anything else.
Heero_Yuy: I need an answer.
Shinigami_chan: I'll stay but I won't talk.
Justice_4_All: So we need improve our social skills? How are we going to do that?
Heero_Yuy: If you don't talk then that treat goes double.
Razor_Bangs: By talking
Shinigami_chan: Double?
Trowa_no_koibito: Umm, I guess we should start by talking about how our day went.
Razor_Bangs: Wufei starts.
Heero_Yuy: Yes, double, you will be sleeping on the couch twice as long so just tell us how your day went after Wufei.
Justice_4_All: Um, I worshiped my goddess Nataku.
Shinigami_chan: What if I don't come home?
Heero_Yuy: Your loss.
Razor_Bangs: Is that all?
Justice_4_All: I blew up Oz mobile suites with my Nataku.
Shinigami_chan: My loss? Who's going to be cold tonight?
Razor_Bangs: And...
Heero_Yuy: You are. I have had plenty of cold nights before it's not like one more will matter.
Justice_4_All: And nothing. That is what my day consists of!
Trowa_no_koibito: What about Treize and Zechs?
Trowa_no_koibito: Do you two know what they're talking about?
Justice_4_All: I'm not sure I really want to.
Trowa_no_koibito: Lovers spat.
Heero_Yuy: Trowa, you tell what you did today.
Razor_Bangs: Performed in the circus.
Justice_4_All: Quatre, drop it.
Heero_Yuy: Is that all?
Trowa_no_koibito: Drop what?
Justice_4_All: Never mind.
Razor_Bangs: Played with the lions.
Trowa_no_koibito: Heero, what am I supposed to drop?
Heero_Yuy: Trowa, you did nothing with Quatre?
Heero_Yuy: Wufei told you to drop it.
Heero_Yuy: What else?
Trowa_no_koibito: DROP WHAT!!!
Razor_Bangs: Nothing of importance.
Justice_4_All: Quatre! SHUT UP!!
Heero_Yuy: Is Duo still there?
Shinigami_chan: .......
Heero_Yuy: Looks like I'll be leaving sheets out.
Trowa_no_koibito: ABOUT WHAT?
Shinigami_chan: .....
Justice_4_All: Grr, %^& you! What you said about Treize and Zechs!
Heero_Yuy: Trowa? Aren't you going to do anything about the way he's talking to Quatre?
Trowa_no_koibito: What about them?
Razor_Bangs: Wufei, be nice.
Justice_4_All: Shut up everyone! I think Duo has the right idea! I'm only going to be here from now on and not type!
Heero_Yuy: Duo, you started a trend.
Heero_Yuy: Duo. Say something.
Trowa_no_koibito: So Trowa, how was your day?
Shinigami_chan: .............
Heero_Yuy: Duo, why aren't you typing?
Shinigami_chan: .......
Justice_4_All: Damn all of you! Just talk!!!
Shinigami_chan: ............
Heero_Yuy: Duo, say something other then the (...)
Razor_Bangs: I was. It's Heero's turn.
Shinigami_chan: ???
Heero_Yuy: I went on three missions to destroy Oz mobile suite bases. After that I went to the apartment Duo and I are sharing and got an urgent message to meet you all in this chat room. And now Duo is being an ass and not talking to me and I think I am about to kill something, Quatre.
Shinigami_chan: --------
Heero_Yuy: I really will kill you.
Razor_Bangs: Yes, Quatre?
Trowa_no_koibito: Um, I had a pretty normal day, nothing exciting happened. Didn't get any missions and I think I'm getting along just fine with my koibito, unlike Duo and Heero, Duo, will you please talk?
Shinigami_chan: ....
Trowa_no_koibito: Duo, I'm just warning you, I'm on the verge of going into Wing Zero mode.
Heero_Yuy: I guess I will just have to take Relena up on her offer.
Shinigami_chan: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trowa_no_koibito: Trowa? Are you there?
Heero_Yuy: If you don't talk I will just have to take Relena up on her offer.
Razor_Bangs: Yes
Shinigami_chan: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trowa_no_koibito: Good! I thought you were going to go do a Duo/Wufei thing on us.
Razor_Bangs: Why would I?
Trowa_no_koibito: People are just acting strangely lately, I have the feeling that Duo's about to crack.
Heero_Yuy: Well, I might as well call her right now.
Razor_Bangs: Crack?!
Trowa_no_koibito: Yea.
Shinigami_chan: -__-
Trowa_no_koibito: I feel bad for him.
Razor_Bangs: How so?
Heero_Yuy: You know, I might forget about everything if you take up J's mission.
Trowa_no_koibito: He is doomed.
Shinigami_chan: ??????
Razor_Bangs: Doomed?
Trowa_no_koibito: Trowa, do you have any idea what I'm talking about?
Razor_Bangs: No
Trowa_no_koibito: Never mind. Duo, you still hanging in there?
Heero_Yuy: There is the phone...
Shinigami_chan: ...........
Heero_Yuy: Dialing...
Shinigami_chan: -__-
Justice_4_All: Duo, he will do it...
Heero_Yuy: Damn, it's busy.
Shinigami_chan: ^_^
Heero_Yuy: Whom could she be talking to?
Pink_Princess: At last I have found you Heero!!
Trowa_no_koibito: Eep.
Razor_Bangs: Apologize Heero. You're hurting your koi.
Razor_Bangs: It's okay Quatre. She won't hurt you
Pink_Princess: But I just got here, how could he be hurting me?
Razor_Bangs: ..........
Justice_4_All: There is not a single shred of justice in this world at all anymore.
Pink_Princess: Oh hello Wufei! Who all is here?
Razor_Bangs: Me
Trowa_no_koibito: Quatre
Justice_4_All: I'm half here.
Shinigami_chan: .............
Pink_Princess: Duo? Is that you? Where is Heero?
Shinigami_chan: .......???????
Trowa_no_koibito: How are you doing, Relena-sama?
Pink_Princess: I am fine Trowa. Thank you
Pink_Princess: Gomen Quatre!
Trowa_no_koibito: That's okay...
Trowa_no_koibito: Where IS Heero?
Pink_Princess: You don't know?
Razor_Bangs: No
Trowa_no_koibito: Duo, do you know?
Shinigami_chan: ??
Pink_Princess: Duo, why aren't you talking?
Shinigami_chan: ...........
Trowa_no_koibito: It's a long story...
Pink_Princess: I order you to tell me!
Trowa_no_koibito: Huh? Umm, Dr. J gave us a mission and well, Duo didn't want to do it.
Pink_Princess: What was it?
Trowa_no_koibito: Well, it was to be social.
Pink_Princess: WHAT?
Trowa_no_koibito: It was to be social and Duo refused to do it, what's wrong?
Pink_Princess: He didn't want to be social?
Trowa_no_koibito: I guess not, could you try to talk him into being social, Relena-sama?
Pink_Princess: Where is Heero?
Trowa_no_koibito: He should be here, why?
Pink_Princess: I wish to talk to him.
Trowa_no_koibito: Heero, if you don't make your presents know I will tell Dr. J that you didn't complete your mission.
Heero_Yuy: Damn you.
Pink_Princess: HEERO!
Heero_Yuy: What?
Razor_Bangs: Nice to see you.
Heero_Yuy: Shut up. All of you.
Pink_Princess: I missed you, Heero?
Razor_Bangs: You want us to be like Duo?
Heero_Yuy: Don't you dare! What Relena?
Trowa_no_koibito: Please Duo?
Pink_Princess: ...
Heero_Yuy: ...
Shinigami_chan: ..........
Heero_Yuy: Duo, please talk.
Razor_Bangs: Don't start acting like Duo.
Shinigami_chan: ...
Heero_Yuy: I thought that that would be a line delivered from you to Duo about me.
Heero_Yuy: Duo please.
Razor_Bangs: Heero, apologize to your koi.
Pink_Princess: Koi? What?
Heero_Yuy:. . . .
Heero_Yuy: . . .
Shinigami_chan: .........
Heero_Yuy: . . . .
Heero_Yuy: . . .
Heero_Yuy: I'm
Heero_Yuy: Sorry.
Razor_Bangs: Duo...
Pink_Princess: Sorry?
Shinigami_chan: ^__^
Heero_Yuy: Now will you talk?
Shinigami_chan: ...........
Heero_Yuy: Please?
Pink_Princess: What's going on Quatre?
Shinigami_chan: ?
Trowa_no_koibito: Umm, I think it's something between Heero and Duo.
Heero_Yuy: Please Duo, talk?
Shinigami_chan: ??????
Pink_Princess: Wufei, I order you to tell me what's going on!
Justice_4_All: When was I brought into this picture?!
Pink_Princess: NOW!!!
Justice_4_All: It's a lovers spat, okay?
Pink_Princess: Then why isn't Heero arguing with me?
Heero_Yuy: I really need to get rid of her, wait a moment while I disconnect her line...
Terminate file connection Pink_Princess
Logging off
Please wait...
File terminated
Heero_Yuy: There, she is gone.
Razor_Bangs: Quatre, what are you doing?
Shinigami_chan: ^_^
Trowa_no_koibito: Mainly waiting for Duo to say something, what about you?
Heero_Yuy: Duo, where are you?
Razor_Bangs: Nothing.
Shinigami_chan: ......
Trowa_no_koibito: Where are you exactly, Trowa?
Razor_Bangs: In a safe house.
Trowa_no_koibito: Could you give me the address?
Razor_Bangs: Why?
Trowa_no_koibito: I think you know why.
Razor_Bangs: Where is Heero?
Heero_Yuy: What does that have to do with anything?
Trowa_no_koibito: Why?
Razor_Bangs: Where is Wufei?
Justice_4_All: Logging off! It's getting too mushy in here!
Logging off: Justice_4_All
Razor_Bangs: Damn.
Trowa_no_koibito: Huh? Why are you swearing?
Shinigami_chan: ???
Heero_Yuy: Duo, are you ever going to talk?
Shinigami_chan: Not after this.
Trowa_no_koibito: You talked!!
Heero_Yuy: Not after what?
Shinigami_chan: ...........
Trowa_no_koibito: I'm confused...
Razor_Bangs: Duo, you need counseling.
Trowa_no_koibito/Heero_Yuy: You said it.
Shinigami_chan: -__-
Trowa_no_koibito: Trow-chan, you never did answer my question!
Razor_Bangs: About what?
Trowa_no_koibito: About why you said a bad word and the address.
Razor_Bangs: Oh that...
Trowa_no_koibito: Oh yes, that!
Razor_Bangs: Why?
Heero_Yuy: Shi-chan?
Trowa_no_koibito: You know why!!
Shinigami_chan: ???
Razor_Bangs: SHI-CHAN??!!
Heero_Yuy: Shut up Barton!
Razor_Bangs: No I don't Quatre.
Trowa_no_koibito: SHI-CHAN?!?!?!
Trowa_no_koibito: Yes, I think you do.
Heero_Yuy: Shut up, Winner!!
Razor_Bangs: No, I don't.
Trowa_no_koibito: Yes you do
Razor_Bangs: You want us to be like Duo?
Razor_Bangs: Oh...
Heero_Yuy: *&^#^*%&$&$@#^&*$%^$%^&$%^&*$%^&*$%^&*$%^&*#$%^$%^&*#$%^&*$%^&*(#^*@
Trowa_no_koibito: Yes, you know.
Razor_Bangs: Sorry Quatre, but I have a guest.
Trowa_no_koibito: Who??
Shinigami_chan: A friend.
Trowa_no_koibito/Heero_Yuy: NANI??!?!?!!?
Heero_Yuy: I think I need to self-destruct...
Razor_Bangs: Don't you dare.
Trowa_no_koibito: You mean, Duo is there?? What in the world is going on?
Razor_Bangs: He didn't want to stay with Heero.
Trowa_no_koibito: My uchuu no kokoro...
Heero_Yuy: Trowa, where is the safe house?!
Razor_Bangs: That's classified
Shinigami_chan: Now whose is going to be cold Hee-chan?
Heero_Yuy: DAMN YOU!
Trowa_no_koibito: My uchuu no kokoro...
Trowa_no_koibito: My uchuu no kokoro...
Razor_Bangs: What about it?
Heero_Yuy: You killed Quatre...
Heero_Yuy: I think he's broke.
Shinigami_chan: ????
Razor_Bangs: Broke?
Heero_Yuy: Yep broke. How long have you been there, kisama?
Heero_Yuy: TELL ME NOW!
Shinigami_chan: No
Heero_Yuy: Why not?
Shinigami_chan: ................
Heero_Yuy: Don't you dare go quiet on me.
Shinigami_chan: ???
Razor_Bangs: Koi?
Heero_Yuy: You heard him 'My uchuu no kokoro.'
Heero_Yuy: I think he's broke
Trowa_no_koibito: ...
Razor_Bangs: Talk to me Quatre!
Trowa_no_koibito: Need drink
Trowa_no_koibito: My uchuu no kokoro...
Razor_Bangs: Quatre? Quatre?!
Trowa_no_koibito: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Razor_Bangs: QUATRE?!!!
Trowa_no_koibito: Nnnnnnnnaaaaaannnnniiii?
Razor_Bangs: Are you all right?
Trowa_no_koibito: Sore wa himitsu desu...
Shinigami_chan: Koi?
Heero_Yuy: Don't worry, I'm with him right now, just a little fainting spell.
Razor_Bangs/Shinigami_chan: NANI?
Heero_Yuy: What?
Razor_Bangs: Why are you with my koi?
Heero_Yuy: Why are you with my koi?
Heero_Yuy: He is going to be out for a while.
Razor_Bangs: He came here. I didn't know he was coming.
Heero_Yuy: Sure, that's your excuse.
Razor_Bangs: What?
Heero_Yuy: Duo?
Shinigami_chan: Huh?
Heero_Yuy: When will you come home?
Shinigami_chan: Damn.
Heero_Yuy: What?
Shinigami_chan: ...........
Razor_Bangs: Umm Heero...
Heero_Yuy: What.
Razor_Bangs: Does Duo normally roll around on the floor while grabbing his stomach?
Heero_Yuy: What are you talking about?! No!
Heero_Yuy: Duo? Duo?!
Razor_Bangs: Oh
Razor_Bangs: He can't hear you.
Heero_Yuy: What?!
Razor_Bangs: What did he eat today?
Heero_Yuy: I don't know! I wasn't with him all day! Only last night! We both had missions in the morning, what is happening over there?
Razor_Bangs: What about last night?
Heero_Yuy: I was with him last night and he didn't eat anything, what is going on over there?
Razor_Bangs: What happened last night?
Heero_Yuy: *glare* What do you think happened last night.
Razor_Bangs: Enlighten me
Heero_Yuy: You really don't want to be enlightened.
Razor_Bangs: Yes I do.
Heero_Yuy: Is Duo okay?
Razor_Bangs: I'm not a doctor.
Heero_Yuy: Just tell me what you think it is. You should have half the brains to figure that out.
Razor_Bangs: He's turning blue
Heero_Yuy: Then give him the hemlock maneuver or something baka!
Razor_Bangs: Umm Heero....
Heero_Yuy: WHAT?!
Razor_Bangs: What would you do if I told you Duo wasn't breathing?
Heero_Yuy: I would say that you need to get him breathing or else you won't be breathing.
Razor_Bangs: He isn't
Heero_Yuy: Then make him breathe!!
Razor_Bangs: Sorry, I'm too late.
Heero_Yuy: What?!?!?!?!?!
Razor_Bangs: Looks like we're down to four pilots.
Heero_Yuy: OMAE O KOROSU!!
Razor_Bangs: Guess I need to go plan the funeral.
Heero_Yuy: Are you this sadistic about everything?
Razor_Bangs: What are you talking about?
Heero_Yuy: What do you think...
Trowa_no_koibito: Oh, My Uchuu no Kokoro...
Razor_Bangs: NANI?
Heero_Yuy: I think I'll kill Quatre now...
Razor_Bangs: Yuy....
Heero_Yuy: Yep?
Razor_Bangs: Don't you dare.
Heero_Yuy: And who are you to stop me?
Razor_Bangs: Gundam Pilot 03
Heero_Yuy: You think that will stop me?
Razor_Bangs: Why are you doing this?
Trowa_no_koibito: Doing what?
Heero_Yuy: Your up?
Razor_Bangs: Quatre!
Trowa_no_koibito: Looks that way to me, hi Trowa!
Heero_Yuy: Damn, there go my plans of killing you...
Trowa_no_koibito: Huh?
Heero_Yuy: Never mind.
Razor_Bangs: Are you all right Quatre?
Trowa_no_koibito: Trowa! What has been going on?
Trowa_no_koibito: Okay, I guess.
Razor_Bangs: Heero was going to kill you.
Trowa_no_koibito: How could he? I'm no where near he is!
Heero_Yuy: Damn, now I can't threaten.
Razor_Bangs: What?
Trowa_no_koibito: I'm no where near him at all.
Pink_Princess: Heero!
Heero_Yuy: Damn, now I'm going to have a hell of a time with her here.
Trowa_no_koibito: Is that your new favorite word?
Trowa_no_koibito: Hello Relena-sama!
Heero_Yuy: Shut up Quatre.
Pink_Princess: Is Duo talking yet?
Trowa_no_koibito: I think he's dead.
Razor_Bangs: Relena-sama.
Heero_Yuy: Shut up Quatre.
Razor_Bangs: Yep
Trowa_no_koibito: Is that your new, new favorite word?
Heero_Yuy: No, my favorite work is ^&*( you.
Razor_Bangs: Yep
Pink_Princess: Dead...
Trowa_no_koibito: Yep.
Heero_Yuy: Would you all stop saying 'yep?!'
Pink_Princess: What happened?
Heero_Yuy: Trowa killed him.
Razor_Bangs: Nope
Heero_Yuy: You all really want to die don't you?!
Razor_Bangs: Nope
Pink_Princess: I'm confused...
Razor_Bangs: Nope
Pink_Princess: Nope what? I demand all of you to tell me what's going on!
Razor_Bangs: Why?
Trowa_no_koibito: . . .
Razor_Bangs: Duo died.
Pink_Princess: How?
Razor_Bangs: He stopped breathing.
Heero_Yuy: You know, everyone does do that when they die, I think she wants more detail, you WERE there.
Razor_Bangs: He rolled around on the ground and quit breathing.
Heero_Yuy: . . . . . .
Trowa_no_koibito: Why? What lead up to it?
Razor_Bangs: I don't know.
Heero_Yuy: Then find out!!
Razor_Bangs: How? I can't ask him.
Trowa_no_koibito: Yes you can! I'm sure even if Duo was dead he would still talk! Try!
Heero_Yuy: ?
Razor_Bangs: He hasn't said a word since he turned blue.
Trowa_no_koibito: What did he say before he turned blue?
Razor_Bangs: Damn.
Trowa_no_koibito: Why did he say that?
Heero_Yuy: Well, I wonder, maybe because he was turning BLUE!
Razor_Bangs: He said that right before he fell to the floor.
Trowa_no_koibito: What lead up to it?
Razor_Bangs: I don't remember.
Pink_Princess: Have I been forgotten over here?!
Heero_Yuy: Shut up, Relena.
Razor_Bangs: Nope
Trowa_no_koibito: What are we going to do without Duo?
Razor_Bangs: Don't know
Heero_Yuy: *grumbling* I learned a song to resurrect the dead but there is no way I'm singing it.
Razor_Bangs: A song?
Heero_Yuy: It was from one of those damn Slayers fics of Emmy's...
Razor_Bangs: Slayers? Emmy?
Heero_Yuy: Never mind, you don't have good Internet connection.
Razor_Bangs: .....
Trowa_no_koibito: Heero! Sing it! We need Duo back! Besides, without him you'll be cold!
Pink_Princess: Heero singing? DOKO DOKO DOKO DOKO?!?!!?
Razor_Bangs: Shouldn't we notify Wufei?
Pink_Princess: I'll get him!!!!!!
Razor_Bangs: Thank you.
Justice_4_All: What do you all want?!?
Razor_Bangs: Duo's dead.
Justice_4_All: Who killed him.
Justice_4_All: And what do you want me to do about it?
Razor_Bangs: Just thought we'd tell you. I know you want Deathscythe.
Justice_4_All: Yes! Now I have the spare parts I wanted!
Heero_Yuy: Don't you dare.
Razor_Bangs: Something wrong Heero?
Trowa_no_koibito: Trowa? What are we going to do now?
Heero_Yuy: Shut up.
Razor_Bangs: Jealous?
Heero_Yuy:. . . .
Justice_4_All: Oh yeah, that's right. Heero's koi died. Damn.
Pink_Princess: Jealous? Koi?
Heero_Yuy: I think I'm just going to leave now.
Shinigami_chan: Why? It was just getting good.
Heero_Yuy: WHAT???!??????????!?!?!?!!?
Heero_Yuy: What the hell are you doing alive?
Trowa_no_koibito: That's what I want to know! Trowa?
Pink_Princess:. . .
Justice_4_All: I guess there is no justice in this world, I wanted Deathscythe.
Shinigami_chan: Sorry guys
Heero_Yuy: Sorry? Sorry won't cut it! What happened!?
Trowa_no_koibito: * Feels lost * was I caught up in a lover's spat
Shinigami_chan: Someone's crabby.
Heero_Yuy: What happened?
Shinigami_chan: Sorry Q-man
Trowa_no_koibito: Was I?
Shinigami_chan: Not till you apologize
Heero_Yuy: Apologize about what?!
Razor_Bangs: It's all right Quatre.
Shinigami_chan: You threatened me.
Trowa_no_koibito: -__-
Heero_Yuy: I ALWAYS threaten you! Since when did it start bothering you?!
Trowa_no_koibito: Which threat?
Shinigami_chan: Sorry Quatre. I'm sure Tro will make it better.
Trowa_no_koibito: ^__^
Shinigami_chan: I don't like being cold.
Razor_Bangs: ^__^
Trowa_no_koibito: Oh! That one!
Justice_4_All: * chills * Trowa .... smiled
Shinigami_chan: You're smarter then you look.
Heero_Yuy: I still don't think that needs an apology. It was for a mission, you should know your place.
Logging off: Justice_4_All
Log off complete
Trowa_no_koibito: I think you scared Wufei away...
Shinigami_chan: Why does he keep doing that?
Trowa_no_koibito: Doing what? And that wasn't very nice, Duo.
Shinigami_chan: Signing off like that.
Trowa_no_koibito: Oh, I see. Well, it's Wufei, what do you expect?
Shinigami_chan: Something about justice?
Trowa_no_koibito: Hey, is Relena still here?
Pink_Princess: Koi...
Trowa_no_koibito: Who would you be addressing that to, Relena-sama?
Pink_Princess: WHO IS YOUR KOI?!
Shinigami_chan: * Snicker *
Trowa_no_koibito: Eep, Trowa? You still on?!!
Razor_Bangs: Of course
Trowa_no_koibito: Kowai...
Razor_Bangs: Why?
Trowa_no_koibito: * Eeps again *
Shinigami_chan: Hehehe
Trowa_no_koibito: Duo? Where did Heero go?
Shinigami_chan: HEERO!
Heero_Yuy: *grumbles* What?
Shinigami_chan: Relena asked you a question.
Heero_Yuy: What?
Pink_Princess: WHO IS YOUR KOI????!!!!!!
Heero_Yuy: My koi?
Pink_Princess: Who is it?
Razor_Bangs: I can see why you're scared.
Heero_Yuy: Duo.
Trowa_no_koibito: *triple eep*
Heero_Yuy: Is that all?
Pink_Princess: I wasn't asking Duo. I was asking you Heero.
Heero_Yuy: No, Duo is my koi.
Shinigami_chan: Kakakakaka
Trowa_no_Miko: Huh? Tomo
Pink_Princess: Don't lie to me.
Trowa_no_koibito: Oops, screwed up on my addy.
Heero_Yuy: I'm not. Ask Duo.
Razor_Bangs: Miko...
Pink_Princess: I don't want to talk to Duo.
Trowa_no_Miko/Koibito: Um, I guess?
Heero_Yuy: Then you will just have to hear it from me.
Pink_Princess: Hear what?
Heero_Yuy: That I am with Duo and not you.
Shinigami_chan: This is getting good!
Heero_Yuy: Shut up, Duo.
Pink_Princess: I know you two are partners.
Shinigami_chan: That isn't the way to shut me up.
Heero_Yuy: But you don't know what goes on out side of that, do you? Duo, just shut up. Your hentai mind comes in at the worst times.
Shinigami_chan: But that's why you love me!
Pink_Princess: Love...
Heero_Yuy: . . . . .
Heero_Yuy: I guess that's how you could put it.
Pink_Princess: LOVE?!
Heero_Yuy: Yes.
Razor_Bangs: Put what?
Heero_Yuy: The word 'love.'
Shinigami_chan: What so you love Hee-chan?
Pink_Princess: Good question
Trowa_no_koibito: I'm not following...
Heero_Yuy: What? Duo, Relena, just ask your questions.
Shinigami_chan: Guess you aren't as smart as you look...
Heero_Yuy: Who were you directing that comment to?
Shinigami_chan: Quatre.
Pink_Princess: Who do you love?
Heero_Yuy: Duo.
Pink_Princess: What about Duo?
Heero_Yuy: . . .
Heero_Yuy: I. Love. Duo.
Shinigami_chan: I going to faint now. Bye
Heero_Yuy: Trowa? Are you there with him?
Razor_Bangs: Yes.
Heero_Yuy: Make sure he doesn't faint.
Razor_Bangs: Too late.
Heero_Yuy: Wake him up.
Razor_Bangs: He hit his head.
Heero_Yuy: Just make sure he doesn't die.
Pink_Princess: Don't lie to me.
Heero_Yuy: I'm not. And right now, I'm going to terminate your connection...
Pink_Princess: Don't you dare!
Logging off
Razor_Bangs: Why do you warn her?
Heero_Yuy: It's more fun that way.
Trowa_no_koibito: You're too morbid.
Razor_Bangs: You have fun?
Heero_Yuy: Yes, in more ways than one, but that's beside the point. How is Duo?
Razor_Bangs: I think he's waking up.
Trowa_no_koibito: Duo? You okay?
Shinigami_chan: How do you know my name?
Heero_Yuy: I swear if you have amnesia I will kill you.
Shinigami_chan: Kill me...
Heero_Yuy: Oh Suzaku.
Shinigami_chan: Suzaku?
Heero_Yuy: Shut up. I'm in a strange mood...
Razor_Bangs: Behave Heero.
Heero_Yuy: What are you implying?!
Trowa_no_koibito: Duo, what do you remember?
Razor_Bangs: Don't take advantage of him.
Shinigami_chan: Not much
Heero_Yuy: Barton, don't tell me what I can and can't do!
Trowa_no_koibito: What do you remember?
Razor_Bangs: He looks lost.
Heero_Yuy: Duh.
Shinigami_chan: Mind telling me who you are?
Heero_Yuy: Which one of us?
Shinigami_chan: All of you
Heero_Yuy: I'm Heero Yuy.
Razor_Bangs: Trowa Barton
Trowa_no_koibito: I'm Quatre
Shinigami_chan: Is that supposed to sound familiar?
Heero_Yuy: I would sure hope so.
Justice_4_All: Okay, I'm back from worshipping Nataku. What did I miss?
Shinigami_chan: Who is he?
Justice_4_All: Okay, what did I miss?
Razor_Bangs: Not much.
Heero_Yuy: You missed a lot Wufei.
Shinigami_chan: Who is he?
Justice_4_All: Anyone want to clue me in?
Justice_4_All: I'm Chang Wufei baka. Does this mean I can get Deathscythe?
Razor_Bangs: Nope
Heero_Yuy: Duo lost his memory.
Justice_4_All: He had one to lose?
Shinigami_chan: Who you calling baka?!
Justice_4_All: You, Maxwell!
Razor_Bangs: That isn't funny.
Heero_Yuy: It wasn't funny because of how true it was.
Shinigami_chan: Maxwell? I thought my name was Duo?
Heero_Yuy: I'm just praying that another person doesn't come in so we have to explain more.
Trowa_no_koibito: But Heero, you said you didn't believe in god...
Heero_Yuy: I'm speaking metaphorically! Baka.
Justice_4_All: Actually your name is Raw Trash, but were being nice.
Razor_Bangs: What do you think Wufei?
Justice_4_All: About what?
Shinigami_chan: Huh?
Razor_Bangs: About this.
Justice_4_All: I think it's a bunch of idiocy and I don't understand why I choose this over worshipping Nataku. Anyone care to answer me that?
Razor_Bangs: Nope.
Justice_4_All: Yeah, Raw Trash?
Shinigami_chan: Who's Nataku?
Trowa_no_koibito: I have to go for a second, my tea is boiling! BRB
Shinigami_chan: Tea?
Justice_4_All: Nataku is my Goddess you insignificant bastard!
Heero_Yuy: He already left, Duo.
Shinigami_chan: Goddess? What the hell is my real name?!
Justice_4_All: KISAMA! JUST SHUT UP!
Heero_Yuy: Don't tell him to. He'll take you seriously and we will be in this mess all over again.
Razor_Bangs: Who are you talking to?
Heero_Yuy: Wuffie.
Justice_4_All: Yuy! How dare you mock me!
Heero_Yuy: Trowa? What's your verdict?
Shinigami_chan: Wuffie?
Razor_Bangs: WUFFIE?!!!
> Justice_4_All
logging off
log off complete
Heero_Yuy: Can't I make a joke?
Heero_Yuy: We scared him off again.
Shinigami_chan: What's going on?
HeartlessSwordsman: Okay, what kind of lunatics are in this chat room?
Heero_Yuy: Who are you?
Shinigami_chan: You don't know him?
HeartlessSwordsman: Zelgadis Graywords. I was supposed to meet someone here...
Heero_Yuy: No, I don't.
BSGLI: Zel! You finally got on! I have been waiting forever with all these crazy people!
Shinigami_chan: Zelgadis?
Heero_Yuy: Now who are you, BSGLI?
Razor_Bangs: Who are you?
BSGLI: The Beautiful Sorcery Genius Lina Inverse! I'm sure you have heard of me!
Heero_Yuy: Great, more people.
Razor_Bangs: Nope
BSGLI: Huh? Where the heck have you been?
Shinigami_chan: You don't know them?
Heero_Yuy: Nope.
HeartlessSwordsman: Lina, why are we here? And where are the rest?
Razor_Bangs: Nope
BSGLI: Huh? You mean you don't know either? Well, from a certain someone who should already be here 'sore wa himitsu desu.'
HeartlessSwordsman: Damn that Xelloss.
Heero_Yuy: Who are you people?
Shinigami_chan: XELLOSS!!!!!!!!!
BSGLI: Huh? Shinigami_chan, do you know him?
HeartlessSwordsman: Do you?
Heero_Yuy: Do you?
Shinigami_chan: My Onii-sama.
Heero_Yuy/BSGLI/HeartlessSwordsman: NANI?!!!!!!?!?!?
Razor_Bangs: What?
Heero_Yuy: You're an orphan? How did that happen?
BSGLI: Does that mean you're a Mazoku?
Shinigami_chan: I am?
Heero_Yuy: How did you know that and nothing else!??!?!?!
Razor_Bangs: Mazoku?
Heero_Yuy: Kami...
BSGLI: Okay, now we need to get thing straightened out, first off, XELLOSS?!!?!?! IF YOUR THERE COME OUT!!!!!!!!!
Trowa_no_koibito: I'm back! What's happening
Heero_Yuy: Quatre leave now, go to Trowa's or something.
Himitsu_desu: Sore wa himitsu desu.
HeartlessSwordsman: Damn you all together,
Razor_Bangs: What did we do?
Shinigami_chan: XELLOSS!
Heero_Yuy: I just want to knock down the number of people.
Trowa_no_koibito: * sniff * fine, if that's how you feel I'll leave.
Himitsu_desu: Shi-chan!
Razor_Bangs: Quatre...
Heero_Yuy/HS: Nani
Trowa_no_koibito: Yes
Razor_Bangs: Don't go, Heero's being a bastard again.
Shinigami_chan/Himitsu_Desu: Yes?
Trowa_no_koibito: All right.
Heero_Yuy/HeartlessSwordsman: Explain.
Razor_Bangs: Thank you.
Shinigami_chan/Himitsu_Desu: Explain what?
BSGLI: Am I stuck in a room of gays?
HeartlessSwordsman: Xelloss, what's going on? How is he related to you?
Razor_Bangs/Himitsu_Desu/Shinigami_chan: Yes
Himitsu_desu: How did you know about that?
BSGLI: I think I'm going to leave... I don't have the stomach for this. Walking in on Zel and Xel was enough...
HeartlessSwordsman: Because Shinigami_chan was talking about it earlier
Shinigami_chan: Poor you
Himitsu_desu: He was
BSGLI: Bye-Bye
HeartlessSwordsman: Yes he was
Himitsu_desu: Why
Razor_Bangs: He is related to Duo.
Heero_Yuy: Why don't you ask your 'Shi-chan'
Heero_Yuy: What do you know Trowa?
Shinigami_chan: Am I missing something?
Himitsu_desu: Why?
Heero_Yuy: Your memory, perhaps?
HeartlessSwordsman: Why did you call us here Xelloss? And if you say 'sore wa himitsu desu' I will ring your little Mazoku neck
Razor_Bangs: They act the same
Heero_Yuy: Who?
Himitsu_desu: His memory
Heero_Yuy: Yes, his memory
Razor_Bangs: Xelloss and Duo
Heero_Yuy: Yeah, it's scary
Himitsu_desu: What happened
Heero_Yuy: Ask your Shi-chan.
Himitsu_desu: Why? HE won't remember.
Heero_Yuy: Smart-ass son of a ....
HeartlessSwordsman: Xelloss, answer my question!
Himitsu_Desu/Shinigami_chan: . . .
Himitsu_desu: Why?
HeartlessSwordsman: Just answer me.
Himitsu_desu: Why?
HeartlessSwordsman: Because I want to know.
Shinigami_chan: Why?
Shinigami_chan: Why?
HeartlessSwordsman: Just answer! I want to know!
Shinigami_chan: Why?
HeartlessSwordsman: I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Xelloss!
Shinigami_chan: Why?
HeartlessSwordsman: Because you wouldn't know and Xelloss would!
Heero_Yuy: Quite bugging him, Duo.
Shinigami_chan: Why?
Himitsu_desu: Why?
Heero_Yuy/HeartlessSwordsman: JUST BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO!
Shinigami_chan/Himitsu_Desu: Why?
HeartlessSwordsman: Okay, Xelloss, please tell me what I'm doing here.
Shinigami_chan: Why?
Heero_Yuy: Duo for now there is no use talking to you until you get your memory back, screw off.
HeartlessSwordsman: I'm not talking to you Shinigami_chan. Xellos answer my question!
Shinigami_chan/Himitsu_Desu: Why?
Heero_Yuy/HeartlessSwordsman: If you don't tell me I'm leaving
Shinigami_chan: Jeez Hee-chan, can't you take a joke?
Heero_Yuy: What
Himitsu_desu: Tell you what?
Heero_Yuy: Duo, were you just screwing around with me?!
HeartlessSwordsman: Tell me why I'm here
Shinigami_chan: You both need to loosen up.
Himitsu_desu: Yep
HeartlessSwordsman: Just answer me.
Heero_Yuy: Were you?!
Himitsu_desu: Aren't you having fun?
Shinigami_chan: Yep.
HeartlessSwordsman: If you call having fun getting royally pissed off and wanting to commit suicide.
Heero_Yuy: I don't know anymore.
Shinigami_chan: Know what?
Heero_Yuy: About you. I don't know what to do about you. How did you become a Gundam pilot in the first place?
Shinigami_chan: My Aniki set it up.
Heero_Yuy: I think I'm just going to go now...
Shinigami_chan: You can't you won't complete your mission then.
Heero_Yuy: I think the mission was blow to hell and back and I did improve my social skills.
Shinigami_chan/Himitsu_Desu: You did?
Heero_Yuy: Shut the hell up! What more do you want from me?! I talk more now! And besides Himitsu_desu you know shit about me!
Himitsu_desu: My otouto told me.
Heero_Yuy: What did he say!? I want a list!
Shinigami_chan/Himitsu_Desu: Why?
Heero_Yuy: Duo! Your not supposed to give out any information about Gundam pilots and I want to know what information was leaked!
Shinigami_chan: Why?
Heero_Yuy: Because I need to know that information was leaked!
Shinigami_chan: ^__^
HeartlessSwordsman: You're all crazy. I can't even get a word in edgewise. Xelloss, when are you going to answer my question!
Heero_Yuy: Himitsu_desu answer me.
Himitsu_desu: What question?
HeartlessSwordsman: WHY THE HELL AM I HERE!??????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!????!????????????????!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?
Himitsu_desu: I was bored.
HeartlessSwordsman: So you resorted to this?! When you're bored you usually just jump me!
Shinigami_chan: So you weren't lying...
HeartlessSwordsman: About what?!
Shinigami_chan: About what he does when he's bored.
HeartlessSwordsman: Nani?! Okay, what information did you two exchange?
Heero_Yuy: So that's where you get that from!
Shinigami_chan/Himitsu_Desu: Sore wa himitsu desu.
Shinigami_chan: Yep
Heero_Yuy and HeartlessSwordsman knock their heads against the nearby wall: Damn it all,
Shinigami_chan/Himitsu_Desu:. . . .
Shinigami_chan: What's wrong with you two?
Heero_Yuy: And you ask me that?
Shinigami_chan: Yep!
HeartlessSwordsman: Why so things like this always happen to me?
Heero_Yuy: Why so I tell you when you don't answer any of my questions!?
Trowa_no_koibito: Umm, Trowa? I'm confused again...
Himitsu_desu: Is this of those little spats you are always telling me about Shi-chan?
Heero_Yuy: DAMN YOU ALL!
Razor_Bangs: Me too.
Shinigami_chan: Huh?
Trowa_no_koibito: When will it stop?
Heero_Yuy: I think I'm going to need an Aspirin.
Razor_Bangs: Hopefully before we lose our sanity.
Trowa_no_koibito: I hope it's soon because I'm worried about Heero!
Himitsu_desu/Razor_Bangs/ Shinigami_chan: ?
Heero_Yuy: What do you want?
Heero_Yuy: The three of you! What do you want?
Himitsu_desu: Which three?
Heero_Yuy: You, Duo and Trowa.
Shinigami_chan: I want to know why Q-man is worried about you
Himitsu_desu: You read my mind Shi-chan!
Razor_Bangs: Same here.
Trowa_no_koibito: I'm worried about him because he's the one that could kill us all if he's not happy! I worry about everyone and everything so why should this be any different?!?! Ohh, I think I need some tea....
Heero_Yuy: Why else? I'm a psychotic killer, that's why he's worried about me.
HeartlessSwordsman: That doesn't sound right...
Himitsu_desu: Good for you Hee-chan!
Heero_Yuy: What did you call me!?
Razor_Bangs: No more tea Quatre
Trowa_no_koibito: Who the hell are you to stop me?!?!?!?!!?
Shinigami_chan: He called you Hee-chan, Hee-chan!
Heero_Yuy: No one calls me Hee-chan.
Razor_Bangs: I am the person who had to deal with you at two in the morning because of the damn caffeine!
HeartlessSwordsman: But they did.
Shinigami_chan: I always do Hee-chan.
Heero_Yuy: SHUT UP! No one calls me Hee-chan anymore!
Trowa_no_koibito: Oh yeah...
Himitsu_desu: Why?
Heero_Yuy: Why what?
Razor_Bangs: No more tea.
Himitsu_desu: Why can't we call you Hee-chan?
Trowa_no_koibito: Fine! Then what can I do to relieve my stress!?
Heero_Yuy: Sore wa himitsu desu!
Shinigami_chan/Himitsu_Desu: Screw Trowa!
Himitsu_desu: That's my line!
Trowa_no_koibito: Your right! I need my tea!!
Heero_Yuy: Too bad!
Heero_Yuy: I don't like your aniki.
Razor_Bangs: No more tea.
Shinigami_chan: Why?!
Trowa_no_koibito: YES TEA!!
Heero_Yuy: I just don't. He reminds me too much of you.
Razor_Bangs: No tea, or I'll never return from the circus.
HeartlessSwordsman: I'm leaving. This is not to my interest.
Heero_Yuy: Nice threat.
Shinigami_chan: Does this mean you don't like me?!
Heero_Yuy: No! I like you, but that is just too much of you!
Himitsu_desu: You're no fun Zel!
Trowa_no_koibito: -__-
HeartlessSwordsman: Neither are you right now.
Razor_Bangs: Thank you Heero. No more tea.
Himitsu_desu: Oh?
HeartlessSwordsman logging off
Please Wait
Log off complete
Heero_Yuy: He left.
Shinigami_chan: Wahh! Heero doesn't love me, Aniki!
Heero_Yuy: Think what you want. That's not true.
Trowa_no_koibito: Hidoi!!
Himitsu_desu: If you hurt Shi-chan I'll have to kill you.
Heero_Yuy: Now that is MY line!
Razor_Bangs: Me or the tea Quatre.
Himitsu_desu: I'm older than you are.
Trowa_no_koibito: Umm, I guess I have to pick Trowa -__-
Heero_Yuy: I have a bigger gun.
Razor_Bangs: Good
Himitsu_desu: I have magic.
Trowa_no_koibito: Trowa, aishiteru.
Heero_Yuy: I have Spandex Space.
Himitsu_desu: I'm a Mazoku.
Razor_Bangs: I know
Heero_Yuy: I'm a perfect solider.
Trowa_no_koibito: Good >^__^
Himitsu_desu: I can be in your house in a second.
Razor_Bangs: A cat?
Heero_Yuy: Ohh! I'm scared!
Trowa_no_koibito: Hai!
Himitsu_desu: I can torture you in more ways than you can imagine
Heero_Yuy: Well I have slept with your brother!
Razor_Bangs: Heero needs help
Trowa_no_koibito: Hai!
Himitsu_desu: I can make it so you never see him again.
Heero_Yuy: Would Duo let you?
Razor_Bangs: A lot of help
Trowa_no_koibito: Hai!
Himitsu_desu: He doesn't have to let me.
Heero_Yuy: . . .
Razor_Bangs: What are these two doing?
Heero_Yuy: So you would take him against his will?
Trowa_no_koibito: Dunno
Himitsu_desu: Hai. It's how I got Zel
Trowa_no_koibito: I think they are fighting over Duo and marking their territory.
Razor_Bangs: Ah
Heero_Yuy: That's deranged.
Himitsu_desu: It's the Mazoku way.
Heero_Yuy: So? Humans do that too. I know I have.
Razor_Bangs: I didn't need to know that...
Trowa_no_koibito: Too much information...
Himitsu_desu: Not to Shi-chan I hope.
Heero_Yuy: What would you do if I said that I did?
Himitsu_desu: Make him hate you.
Heero_Yuy: How?
Razor_Bangs: I agree completely
Himitsu_desu: I have my ways ningen
Trowa_no_koibito: Trowa? How bout we both log off? I don't think they need us right now...
Heero_Yuy: Oh, that's nice. Try.
Razor_Bangs: Hai
Himitsu_desu: As you wish
Razor_Bangs and Trowa_no_koibito
Logging off
Please wait
log off complete
Heero_Yuy: Matte! I believe you so don't.
Himitsu_desu: Why? You asked for it.
Heero_Yuy: Because I'm not sure what I would do without him.
Himitsu_desu: I could make you forget him
Heero_Yuy: Don't
Heero_Yuy: Please
Himitsu_desu: Why not?
Heero_Yuy: Because I love him.
Himitsu_desu: Do you really?
Heero_Yuy: Yes. I would do anything for him.
Himitsu_desu: Really?
Heero_Yuy: Yes.
Himitsu_desu: Why should I believe you?
Heero_Yuy: Because I'm telling the truth. Ask Duo.
Heero_Yuy: Where did he go anyway?
Himitsu_desu: I do believe he is crying in the corner. Besides, from what he tells me you hit him more than anything else.
Heero_Yuy: Why is he crying? Well that is how I... um, confront my feelings. What about HeartlessSwordsman? I could tell there was something going on with him.
Himitsu_desu: Because he thinks you don't love him, anyway, Zel is always like that.
Heero_Yuy: Just tell him that I do and will. 'Zel', huh? He has problems...
Himitsu_desu: So do you and Duo. I can't tell him that because he isn't here with me.
Heero_Yuy: Then where is he?
Heero_Yuy: Duo? Where are you?
Himitsu_desu: At some girls house.
Heero_Yuy: How can you tell that? How do I know your telling the truth? What girls house?
Himitsu_desu: I think her name is Hilde
Heero_Yuy: Che. I should have known that. You know from your 'Mazoku' powers, neh? Well why don't you pop up in his house and tell him, huh?
Himitsu_desu: He set up a barrier to keep me out.
Heero_Yuy: He can do that? Is he a full of a half mazoku?
Himitsu_desu: I'm not sure
Heero_Yuy: How can you not be sure if he's your own brother?
Himitsu_desu: Half brother
Heero_Yuy: Oh. Well what am I supposed to do now?
Himitsu_desu: I can try to get Hilde here.
Heero_Yuy: Did he only set up the barrier around himself?
Himitsu_desu: Yep
Heero_Yuy: I'm not sure if I want to talk to her.
Himitsu_desu: She can talk to Duo
Heero_Yuy: As long as I don't have to talk to her.
Himitsu_desu: You can chat with her.
Heero_Yuy: Just tell her that I want Duo to come back on because I have some things to say to him.
Heero_Yuy: Himitsu_desu?
Heero_Yuy: Are you still there?
Heero_Yuy: Answer me
Himitsu_desu: Ohayo! Call Hilde
Heero_Yuy: You mean phone call?
Himitsu_desu: Hai
Heero_Yuy: Fine.
Heero_Yuy: Hold on.
Himitsu_desu: Kay
Heero_Yuy: Okay, I called her. I told her that I needed Duo to come back online, since he wouldn't come to the phone. She was going to try, but wasn't sure it would work.
Heero_Yuy: Now what can I do?
Himitsu_desu: That was fast Hee-chan. You can think of what to say to Shi-chan
Heero_Yuy: Don't call me that! I know what I would say to Shi-chan, I mean Duo. I just need to get hold of him.
Shinigami_chan: ...
Heero_Yuy: Duo? You're on?
Shinigami_chan: ...
Heero_Yuy: Duo, I really didn't mean anything of the things that I said today on this chat. I sorry. I need you to know that I love you and I guess your aniki let me know just how important you are and how easily I could loose you. I'm sorry Duo, aishiteru. I guess I will understand if you won't forgive me, I have screwed up too many times. But still, I hope you will.
Shinigami_chan: Nani?
Heero_Yuy: Hai?
Heero_Yuy: What are you unclear of?
Shinigami_chan: Who just said that?
Heero_Yuy: Heero.
Shinigami_chan: Liar. Heero would never say something like that.
Heero_Yuy: No, it is me.
Shinigami_chan: Liar
Heero_Yuy: Baka.
Himitsu_desu: This is more fun than the first time I seduced Zelgadis!
Heero_Yuy: Too much information!
Himitsu_desu: So
Heero_Yuy: Well what am I supposed to do now? He doesn't think it's me!
Himitsu_desu: Prove it's you
Heero_Yuy: How the hell am I going to do that?!
Himitsu_desu: say something only you would know
Heero_Yuy: I don't know!!
Himitsu_desu: Think of something
Heero_Yuy: I know an interesting trick with Jell-o.
Shinigami_chan: What?
Heero_Yuy: It's something that I would only show you, baka!
Shinigami_chan: Tell me
Heero_Yuy: I said 'Jell-O!' Isn't that enough?!
Shinigami_chan: No
Heero_Yuy: No. No more will be said.
Shinigami_chan: I hate liars
Heero_Yuy: Yeah, I know! Okay, the first time we meet was November 5. The first time you seduced me was December the 18. After that it was a day in and day out thing for about four months until I left for outer space and the next thing I knew you had gotten yourself thrown into an Oz prison and I had to go and bail you out, do you want me to continue?
Himitsu_desu: Hai! More about December 18 please!
Heero_Yuy: This is not a question for you!
Himitsu_desu: No fair.
Heero_Yuy: Yes it is fair.
Shinigami_chan: Hai
Heero_Yuy: Okay. After I got you out, which was about January 3 or 4 we screwed a couple more times and then we where separated again because of the battles going on the earth. After that we didn't really do anything until this stupid chat. There, a background check. Still think I'm a liar?
Shinigami_chan: Yes
Heero_Yuy: Why do you say that?
Shinigami_chan: You could have got that info from Xelloss
Heero_Yuy: Why? If he wanted information about December 18 then why wouldn't he already know that?
Heero_Yuy: What do I need to do to convince you?
Shinigami_chan: I didn't tell him the details
Heero_Yuy: So that's what you talk about! My questions have been
Shinigami_chan: Huh?
Heero_Yuy: What can I tell you to prove that I'm Heero? Never mind.
Heero_Yuy: What can I do?
Shinigami_chan: Prove you're Hee-chan.
Heero_Yuy: Don't call me that.
Shinigami_chan: Why?
Heero_Yuy: What the hell. I don't care any more! Just know that I am Heero!
Shinigami_chan: Heero would never give up
Heero_Yuy: I don't care anymore, Duo. If you won't believe me then I don't care.
Himitsu_desu: You aren't getting anywhere. Try talking about the 18
Heero_Yuy: You have a one track mind.
Himitsu_desu: Runs in the family
Heero_Yuy: I thought as much. Duo? Do you believe me or not. I need to go, I have another mission.
Shinigami_chan: I'll believe you if you prove it to me later.
Heero_Yuy: How would you like me to prove it?
Shinigami_chan: My family does have a one track mind...
Heero_Yuy: And...?
Shinigami_chan: See you tonight. I'm logging off.
Heero_Yuy: Okay, see ya tonight.
Heero_Yuy and Shinigami_chan
Logging off
> Please Wait
Log off complete
Himitsu_desu: You're welcome Shi-chan
Himitsu_desu: Sore kara... owari ^__-
Emmy: And as our dear Xel said, owari! Completed 1.2.2001,
nifty date, neh?
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