"Oi, LAMBO!"

The teen jerked at the loud voice. "… Why do I feel as if I am about to be very painfully assaulted?"

Had he looked behind him towards where the voice had originated from, he would have seen Ryohei running towards him at an uncontrollable speed.

"… Goodness, the feeling is getting strong – ER – !"

The pair toppled over onto the ground, only Ryohei saving the younger male from connecting with the unforgiving floor by twisting his body around in mid-fall.

Lambo ended up on Ryohei's bare chest, his sable black locks forging a shadow over his watery emerald eyes. "Tol-er-ate…" He breathed to himself, uncomfortably aware of how strong Ryohei's arms were around his waist, of how little air there was in his lungs. "Tol-er-ate…"

"I missed you TO THE EXTREME!" The sun guardian howled with laughter. "Now you're home again!"

Lambo looked up at the white-haired man with a teary gaze. "I-I was only getting milk…" He held up said carton, luckily undamaged. "I've been gone 15 minutes."


"Gah! O-okay!" Lambo bit his bottom lip. 'Ryohei's scary when he's excited… WAIT A MINUTE.' He somehow managed to pale and blush at the same time. He shifted himself somewhat against the boxer and – "Ah!" – found to his shock that there was indeed something massive poking into his thigh. "Goodness, Ryohei…"

"Hah hah! I was getting ready to welcome you home!"

"What?" Lambo now took in Ryohei's attire more carefully. Originally, he had thought he had arrived just after Ryohei had been leaving the gym. Except… "GOODNESS, WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES?"

He hadn't realized that that something 'massive' was not hidden by any material.

"And why are you running through the halls naked?" Lambo sat up, legs sliding onto either side of Ryohei's hips. "Someone is going to see you!" He was on the verge of tears.

'If Stupid sees this, he'll beat me to a blood pulp! If Hibari sees this, he'll bite me to death! If Vongola sees this – … He'll do something evil, I just know it! And if Mukuro or Chrome sees this…' The thought alone made him shudder. The horror of the idea of it was too much. 'What if the stingy bastard comes by? I'll kill him. What if any of the girls come through?' His mind was a whirlwind of everything that could happen.

"You're too tense, Lambo!" Ryohei put his rough, bandaged hands on the teen's hips and rolled Lambo's lower body against his.

The friction shot every concern Lambo had to hell. "M-mah!" 'Goodness… if any of that does happen, I suppose I will just have to use my charming personality to make them go away…' Of course he wasn't thinking straight or else the absurdity of that thought might have hit him… might have.

"Hmph! That is an extreme face!" Ryohei stared up at him with incredibly fierce gunmetal grey eyes. The focus he had on Lambo's could have only been rivaled by the focus he showed when it came to boxing. "Why are you still wearing clothes?" He sounded honestly curious as to why Lambo was being modest in a hallway in which could be accessed by a very large number of people.

Lambo, however, was too far gone to remember that. "I-I don't know… Would you be a dear and help me solve this problem?" His earlier shyness and horror had worn off and now he reverted back to Lambo, the great seducer of people.

He gave his partner a sultry look, both emerald eyes opened partway. He rolled his shoulders and his black coat slipped off his shoulders, catching at his elbows. "It suddenly feels rather constricting…"

Ryohei was only too eager to assist.

Clothes were actually ripped to pieces, leaving Lambo as bare as his lover.

He was taken off the man's lap and pushed against a wall. Ryohei kissed a fiery trail down his back, licking and nipping along the way. When his mouth descended on Lambo's supple ass, he sucked on the flesh, making the teen squirm. He dropped to his knees for better access.

His tongue lapped at the small hole hidden by the full cheeks. "I'm extremely turned on right now!"

"Ah, aaah…" Lambo's eyes widened as he felt the pink muscle slip through the puckered entrance. "Ryohei!" He spread his legs further apart, aided by (no, forced to by) his lover's hands on his inner thighs.

Looking over his shoulder, his cheeks flushed and tears glistening in his eyes, to meet his lover's gaze, he was instead welcomed by the intense (more like extreme) expression of concentration on the sun guardian's face as well as the sight of him jerking off in time with every thrust of his tongue.

He whimpered nearly collapsed then and there. "R-Ryohei!" He cried out, bucking his hips into the friction the wall offered as well as the intrusion his lover was committing.

Hands grabbed his waist in a bruising grip and Ryohei's heat blanketed his back.

He turned his head again, mouth seeking mouth. His lips were captured in a clash of tongue and teeth, a mini-war that he lost with no qualms. He tasted salt and copper as Ryohei dominated him.

"AAH!" He bit down on the boxer's bottom lip, purely by accident. 'Too fast… goodness, too fast…'

Ryohei was already moving, hands on Lambo's hips moving him in time with his every thrust.

He stole every one of Lambo's tears as they fell from his eyelashes, grunting with the pleasure.

His one callous hand grasped Lambo's length and began pumping.

"A-ah!" Lambo clawed ineffectively at the wall. Pleasure was overcoming pain. He was meeting Ryohei's every powerful thrust of his own volition, panting and whining right along with his lover. "R-Ryohei… Hah ah…"

"Lam-bo! Nn!"

Their combined orgasm was almost violent.

"WAAAH! RYO – !" Lambo came across his belly and the wall, going limp. He felt liquid heat bathe his prostate, as thick and heavy in his body as cream.

"LAMBO!" Ryohei's yell was louder than Lambo's scream, jaw snapping shut with an audible clack. He continued to hold onto the teen with a bruising grip.

They were lost in the aftermath, tension leaking away with the healthy bout of lovemaking (Ryohei called it lovemaking even though Lambo had the stubborn belief that lovemaking was a term used for gentle sex instead of rough fucking against any and every object to be found nearby when in the mood).

"That was…" Lambo tried to find a good word for it.


"I'll say!"

Both Ryohei and Lambo went stone cold with shock at the third voice.

"LUSSERIA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Ryohei, ever the gentleman, tried to shield's Lambo's bare body by squashing it between his own and the wall, his arms an iron cage around him.

The perverted Varia member just continued to hold his video camera up, his cheeks sprinkled with color. "Oh, no reason… Waah~ Ryohei, you should let me join in~! – !"

He collapsed, passed out and a bleeding gash in the center of his forehead.

Unable to breathe, Lambo wasn't able to voice his opinion on how he felt about Ryohei using his milk as a weapon.


"How was your trip to Greece, Hibari?"


"I hear the weather there this time of year is just perfect."


"Ah, but that must mean there were a lot of tourists there…"


"Did you gather any information from our contacts there?"

"Why are you trying to strike up conversation with me, Tsunayoshi?" Hibari cut a glare towards the brunette.

Tsuna looked up at him with nothing but innocence in his caramel eyes. "It has been a whole year since I last saw you face to face and you seem to have this thing against calling. I am just trying to catch up."

Put that way, his actions sounded reasonable.

Hibari's glare only intensified, slate blue eyes deadly on the slim Don. "Does this 'catching up' have anything to do with you holding my hand?"

"Hm?" Tsuna lifted their joined hands to eyelevel, as if he needed to see their entwined fingers to remember committing such a deed. "You mean you didn't do this?"

The skylark's body language just growled 'don't mess with me, herbivore'.

"I'm being serious!"

The deathly aura grew, encompassing Tsuna.

"I honestly don't know how this happened!"

Tsuna was choking on Hibari's absolute rage, the cloud guardian not even touching him – yet.

The Don tried to take his hand away, certain that any longer with their appendages touching and his would suddenly disappear.

His efforts came to naught when he was unable to remove his hand. As a matter of fact, the grip on his fingers seemed to tighten the more he fought to retreat.

"See!" He pointed at their conjoined limbs. "You are the one doing it!"

"If you do not shut up, – " Hibari began in a low murmur. "– I will bite you to death."

Tsuna's jaw snapped shut audibly. "… Why are you trying to kill me with your resolve flame if you're the one holding my hand?"

A razor-sharp smirk slit Hibari's handsome features. "Because it amuses me to watch you panic like you did when we were teenagers."

"… That is just cruel, Hibari." Yet there was an answering smile – albeit less terrifying – on his soft lips. "Are you saying you like me better when I was no good?"

"No." The answer was immediate and stern. "You were too weak and herbivorous. You offered no challenge such as you do now."

"That is… touching, Hibari…" And it actually was. "… How was your trip to Greece?"

"Tsunayoshi, silence."


"What are we doing here, Yamamoto?" Gokudera stared coldly at the rain guardian, jade green eyes iced over.

Takeshi didn't acknowledge the death-glare, instead gazing out across the field before them with a strong air of pride. "Hah hah! You said it was my turn to decide where we went on our date, remember?"

"Yes, I remember." He silently cursed himself for allowing such a catastrophe. "This does not count as somewhere to go on a date."

"It doesn't? Why not?"

"This is a baseball field." Gokudera was visibly pissed.

"Yep!" With ease, the taller of the two sidestepped his absolute hatred and stepped onto the grass, stealing in a deep breath of air. "The coach said I could use the stadium for tonight!"

"Great. Let's turn this into a real date and see how long it takes before the whole thing crumbles to the ground." Gokudera went for his Vongola box, ready to have Uri destroy the waste of land.

Yamamoto's expression made him pause; it was a cross between doubt and hope. "… You really don't like it?" The Japanese man scratched the back of his head uncertainly. "Hah hah… I guess I kind of got really excited… We can go somewhere else if you want…"

'DAMN YOU TO HELL!' That was the thought repeating itself endlessly in the silverette's head. "No. We'll stay here." That was what he said aloud.

As much as he despised their location, he had told Yamamoto that it was his turn to pick where they went on their next date. After having dragged Yamamoto to the opening of a new restaurant where everyone had been dressed in diamonds and pearls, silks and satins, and where everyone had looked at the obviously uncomfortable rain guardian – not knowing his position in the mafia or that he was even in the mafia – with distaste as if someone had just brought in a dirty mutt (Gokudera being that someone, though no one had had a problem with him seeing as how he had fit himself right in like a lost puzzle piece), Yamamoto deserved to pick a place he was okay with.

At the memory of their last date, Gokudera's anger began to boil again. Yamamoto had never once complained during the three hours they had been there, even though there had been nothing for the energetic man to do except glue himself to any passing by waiter or waitress. Yet even the employees had deemed him less than them and Gokudera could still remember the hurt that had shown in Yamamoto's amber eyes.

"Here is just fine."

His lover's gaze brightened. "Really? Alright!" He grabbed Gokudera's hand in his own, pulling the slightly smaller male with him. "I have everything set out, don't worry!"

"What – !" 'How didn't I notice that before?'

At the pitcher's mound was a picnic set out, complete with the red and white checkered cloth and woven basket bulging with food.

Yamamoto pushed Gokudera to sit down on the blanket and eagerly pulled out the food.

The more he pulled out, the more impressed the silverette became.

There was homemade bread, tart grapes, bel paese cheese, lemon parsley pasta, strawberry budini, Sicilian-style pizza, grissini breadsticks, ricotta cheesecake with mixed berry topping, and –

"Is that Chianti?" Gokudera stared at the wine bottle Yamamoto held.


"That's Tuscan."


"… You did all of this for me?"

"Almost! I had to have Kyoko and Haru help me cook the food."

Gokudera felt… moved. "Yamamoto."


"Put the food away."

"Why? I was just taking it out –" A fiery kiss ended his complaints.

"Put. The food away. Now."

Yamamoto stared at him, that rare expression of overpowering lust darkened his eyes till they almost looked red. "… I have a better idea, Gokudera…"

Two hours later, returning to Vongola HQ, Gokudera was hard pressed not to squirm.

"I was right!" Yamamoto cheered from the driver's seat. "Food does taste best when it's off of Gokudera!"

Author's Note: Yes, Ryohei 'loved' Lambo into a wall. I had to do it! Have you ever tried to find RyoheiXLambo? If you haven't, let me tell you know that it is impossible.

As for Hibari and Tsuna… I rewrote that chapter tree times, each of them with a completely different plot. I'm sorry if it sucks, but it was all I could come up with.

… And, yes, Yamamoto did eat off of Gokudera. … THIS IS THE END! Of this story, at least. Show me love, please?