A/N~ So long time no see, eh? WAIT. Who ARE these people? Readers? Followers? FRIENDS?

What The F is 'Fluff'?

Chapter 4. Contaminated

Maddie and Summer froze, fearing for their very lives under Itachi's hostile glare. This would not turn out to be a perfect story full of smiles and romance like it was supposed to be, would it?

Shisui yanked on the two girls' messy ponytails. "Well answer the question, you liars."

"…" Maddie didn't know what to possibly do. She was usually perfect under pressure; she once talked the school principal out of giving the clumsy Summer detention for falling down the stairs, taking three teachers with her, and accidentally pulling the fire alarm on the day of a downright downpour.

Now, the blonde simply turned a nervous shade of maroon as Itachi asked for an answer again. "Where is it?"

"But you can't just take away someone's identity, and taking away an author's notebook is taking away her identity!" The older girl defended, half-heartedly and in a whisper because seeing the patented Uchiha Death Glare reduced her usually high confidence to almost nothing. Maddie shook her head frantically in agreement.

The body flicker rolled his eyes and tugged on the two's hair again, harder this time and ignoring the wines of pain and protest.

"IN THE DRAWER! UPSTAIRS! IN MY ROOM! THE NOTEBOOK IS IN THE DAMN DRAWER JUST LET GO!" Summer screamed as she clawed at Shisui's hand to release his iron grip from her abused ponytail.

Itachi disappeared up the stairs to retrieve the orange notebook that held Uchiha romance stories after nodding to his cousin to free the strawberry-blonde's hair. Maddie cried foul play, red card, unfair that she wasn't let go when the weasel finally re-appeared.

The Uchihas ignored her as they poured over the pages of the storybook, terrified at their findings.

Shisui gazes -loveingly- lovingly at Itachi's sleeping form, a gentle smile forming at his lips. It wasn't the first time Itachi had fallen asleep on the Nakano's cold banks. Shisui leans in (Itachi's breath is so, /so/ warm) and whispers soft words of love into his ear. Itachi begins to wake at the sudden -noice- noise (it had been too quiet for too long), and as his eyes flutter open he sees the shine in Shisui's eyes. (His heart just thumps and thumps at the sight)

"You're finally up -sleepy head- Sleeping Beauty." Shisui whispers, his smile still in tact. Itachi, for a moment, induldges in the stunning sight, before Shisui leans in and their lips meet. The -sensetion- sensation, Shisui thinks, -is like watching fireworks for the first ti- is one of its own, nothing can compare.

His hands tangle in Itachi's long, dark locks. Shisui wants to capture this moment forever, that way, whenever they may part, forever, this moment will be etched in his mind. -When he is looks back at his life, seventy years from now, he wants to remember Itachi like this.-

Itachi is the one to-

…yeah, those two authors were going to die.

Shisui was the one to send the unspoken threat to Summer with a simple Sharingan morph. He pulled Maddie closer to him, wrapping an arm around her torso and placing a finger gun to her head. The older girl gasped in surprise, widened her green eyes in suspense, and shook her head to say, "Don't do it…!"

Itachi sighed and hung his head.

"Now nobody needs to get hurt, girls. I just want you to promise me somethin'." The body flicker said in a low and serious voice. "I need you to promise…"




"…to not write a single story while we are here."


"THEN MADDIE DIES." Shisui narrowed his eyes to slits and slowly started to pull the imaginary trigger.


The older Uchiha nodded once and released Maddie from his death hug.

Itachi's right eye twitched. He was dumbfounded that his cousin's plan actually worked.

"Now then, we'll just keep this somewhere super secret..." Shisui took the notebook and placed it on top of the highest movie shelf he could, so not even Itachi could reach. Summer crossed her arms and pouted.

Maddie looked a little devastated that her precious notebook was confiscated; she was a hardcore yaoi writer. The fact that she could no longer put a pen to paper left an empty space in her hand and heart. Still, she fake smiled-the two paranoid Uchihas couldn't watch her like a hawk while she ignores her math teacher and instead scribbles down drabble after drabble...

Itachi shot her a glance as if he could read the committed author's mind. He shivered.

"So now get outta my room!" The body flicker commanded, jabbing his forefinger toward the door. Nobody was gong to wake him up from a nice, long, nap after an exhausting day.

"Okay, but it's almost four in the morning."


GODDAMMIT! The older Uchiha's tired mind whined. He glanced sidelong at Itachi, who seemed just as disappointed and run-down as he was. All Shisui wanted to do was to get some sleep and dream about his life as a James Bond movie with him as the star and a really hot girl as Honey Ryder, or maybe even Itachi-

He did not just think that.

No, no... that was-had--to be the exhaustion getting to him.

Thankfully, Itachi interrupted the awkward moment going on in Shisui's mind by breaking the silence. "Just let us get some sleep, girls." The body flicker pretended as if all hell did not break loose in his subconscious and bobbed his head to concur with his little cousin.

Whom he was just sexually attracted to.

The blonde sighed a sigh of guilt. She thought a moment, then opened her mouth. "Look, we'll make it up to you two. For, you know, keeping you up this late, torturing your very souls, and giving out mental scars like they were hugs. Today's Saturday. Sleep then we'll go get pizza and smoothies or something."

Apparently, that was enough for Summer and Shisui because they both retired to their respectful beds. Itachi nodded a thank you and closed the door after Maddie left. He sighed, leaned back on the door and stared at his older cousin for a few seconds. The body flicker slid to one side of the bed and covered his head in the blue and green blankets, and groaned from fatigue. Itachi took a deep breath, and claimed the other half of the bed to finally get some well-needed rest.

He was out as soon as his head hit the pillow.


The brunette tilted her head to the side in confusion at her little sister. She was starting to wonder how much those video games actually did to her brain. Sephiroth must have hypnotized the poor girl at the very sight of him...

Summer just smiled up at her big sister with pleading eyes, in hopes that she might be taken seriously for once, though she highly doubted it. When a raised eyebrow was all she got in response, the little sister clasped her hands together in front of her face and continued to mutter the word "please, please, please" under her breath.

"Jill. I am dead serious when I say this. Shisui and Itachi Uchiha are downstairs sleeping in the spare room."

The big sister's eyebrow migrated further up to merge with her hairline. Yup, all Sephiroth's fault...

"Jiiiiiiiiiill!" Summer whined, bouncing up and down like a two year old who begs her mother to buy just one toy before they leave the store. "Please believe meeeeeeeeee!"

Prompted by the crying two year-I mean grown child, the brunette finally voiced the question that had been puzzling her. The question that found the flaw. The question that acted as the missing puzzle piece. The question that, if answered right, would change her whole view on this entire situation for the better. The question that determined whether she would believe her younger sister, or laugh in her face.

"Who's Shisui Uchiha?"

Jill's inquiry was answered with a simple "I am!" as the Uchiha-in-question trudged up the old staircase and into the kitchen on the second floor of the house. The dark circles that were there the night before no longer dominated his pale face, and his onyx eyes seemed brighter and awake. He had a slight bounce in his walk, instead of the simple tired trot that Summer had seen before. His black curls were wild from tossing and turning in bed-the girl giggled-and his skin had a little more color to it than the ghost-white shade that he was painted last night. Shisui smiled and waved at Jill.

"Oh. That's Shisui Uchiha. Okay." The 24 year old sister went back to toasting her strawberry pop tarts for her late breakfast without another question, as if this happened everyday.

Yeah, what do you mean? You don't have random anime characters at your house?

A faint sigh and soft footsteps revealed a tired Itachi climbing the small staircase like it was Mt. Fuji. He looked the same-only his hair partially messed. The poor Uchiha appeared as if he just ran a marathon through the whole night without a break. His skin was still that ghostly white and his half-lidded eyes were still dark as a muddy river. Some of the blue faded bruises from his fall the night before were visible.

"Tired Itachi?" Shisui chimed, patting the younger Uchiha on the head and stretching his smile as wide as it would without snapping.

The weasel looked at him with a sinister glare in his eyes that held all the capable rage of Russia. "Suicidal, Shisui?" The body flicker's smile snapped and drooped down into a broken shape as he withdrew his hand from Itachi's hair. Abused Puppy Doggie eyes took the place of his normal Hyper Puppy Doggie eyes.

Shisui's bottom lip hung out and quavered. He was hoping that his little cousin would react with more acceptance and love to his touch-

He was going to pretend that thought never happened. He didn't like Itachi like that... did he?

Jill's laughter broke the tense silence that ensued between the two Uchihas and lightened the atmosphere. "Okay, you know what, Summer? I'll let you keep them if they be quiet." This earned a happy dance from the authoress, which consisted of jumping up and down and fangirl squealing. And playing Ring-Around-The-Rosies with the two cousins.

"So what do ninjas eat?" Jill called over her shoulder to a dizzy Shisui and a nauseated Itachi as she placed two fudge Pop Tarts in the four-slot toaster.

The body flicker pondered this for a moment, eyeing the breakfast pastries and the Ramen sizzling on the stove.

Such… a hard… choice...

"Someone's at the door." Itachi said randomly, turning his head towards said entrance.

"Really? I didn't hear a-"


Jill shot her little sister a bewildered glance, and decided to test the younger Uchiha's skills out for herself thereafter. "Who?"


And sure enough, said fangirl swung open the door bobbing her head to the music in her earphones and carrying a plastic shopping bag containing things Itachi was dreading to know the identity of. Jill restrained herself from attacking the boy-being a ninja was her job-and instead put on a fake greeting grin to hide her utter rage.

Summer waved her into the kitchen, therefore releasing hell on the two poor Uchihas' minds. Itachi seemed to wake up a bit more, more alert than before as he watched the dark blonde set down the plastic bag on the counter and shot a devious smile over her shoulder at said Uchihas.

The strawberry blonde then took out a small packet of lemonade mix out of her back pocket and added it into her now delicious ramen. No one noticed.

Itachi's eyes narrowed and locked with Maddie's, a secret threat. Shisui was ready to pounce at the slightest sight of a blood instrument.

To protect Itachi-AUG NOES!

Then Maddie's grin grew to Cheshire proportions, and her eyes turned into slits cut by razors, and out of the bag came something nobody was expecting. "So I went to the sushi place in that little Somerset Plaza strip, and picked up some onigiri as a peace offering. As long as you guys are here, I don't want to be killed. Because that would ruin my whole week." Her devious grin turned into a polite smile, and she tugged the earphones out of her ears. Snow Patrol could be heard because of the unnecessarily loud volume. "Here." She held out the onigiri to Itachi, who grimaced at the offering.

Maddie frowned. "It's not poisoned…"


Jill was the only one to eat a full breakfast. The others immediately left the house after the onigiri snack, walking to the small strip of stores only four or five blocks away.

That walk was hell.

At least for Itachi. He hung in the back of the small group of potentially hazardous teenagers, staring at their backs. Summer was ranting about some foreign music to Shisui, and how it was "way better than American stuff in her opinion."


"What does the 'K' stand for?" Shisui asked, a very confused and innocent expression on his face. This was a face that only very few people have seen-Itachi had only seen it maybe five times the last he could remember-because the older boy didn't like to show inferiority.

It was also probably the cutest face Shisui could make…

Itachi found himself smiling a bit. He wiped the little trace of affection off of his face instantly. "What…?"

"What what?" The body flicker stopped walking and replied back to his cousin, an amused smile on his face.

That perfect face…

It took Itachi a while to compose himself enough to reply. "Nothing…" The younger boy walked up to rejoin the group ahead of him.

Maddie and Summer exchanged confused-but-knowing glances.



"What's the matter, Clank?"


The small Australian Shepherd dog danced around Jill's feet, trotting to the door every now and then, barking at the innocent-enough shed just outside. The dog scratched at the floor, seething at the shed.

Jill glanced outside, skeptical. Nope, nothing but an old, faded-blue shed. Still, she let Clank out, and immediately she rushed the shed. She barked and growled at it, like the little watch dog she thought she was.

"Clank, you have seen this shed so many times before," Jill tried to soothe the dog, walking over to the accused shed, "you even peed on it once-"

Jill stopped short when she saw what Clank was barking at. A little boy was cowering in fear of the Australian Shepherd, bleeding and looking absolutely mortified.

"Ah! Clank! No, back! In the house!" Jill shooed Clank back into the house, closing the door behind her. She rushed back to the shed, and the little boy. "Oh, gosh…"

She knelt down in front of the boy, noticing his tear-stained cheeks. "A-are you okay? You all right? Where's your mommy?"

The little boy started to shiver and whimper with big, glassy eyes starting to cry again. "I-I don't know… I-I just f-f-followed my big brother here…" he squeaked out.

Big brother.

Followed his big brother.

Itachi was a big brother.


"All… all right. Come inside, I'll fix your arm. I think I know your big brother."

A/N~ Nope. Still don't know you guys. And no cliff hanger TROLOLOL. I will have the next chapter up by May 5. I pinky swear. I'll make my friend punch me if I don't.
Don't count on it, though. I WILL DO MY BEST. UGH oh INNER TURMOIL.