Thanks so much for all the insightful comments, a reply to Arashigan 16, yes I did base Harry's sword from Eragon's Brisingr.
Claim: I do not own anything except the plot of the story!
Chapter 11: A Day of Happiness, Abilities, Training
"HARRY!" As soon as Harry appeared from the fireplace, all he could see was a sea of silky blonde hair.
"A good morning to you too Daphne." Harry said as Daphne gripped him tightly, her arms locked around his neck.
"Awwh, will you look at them Bella. So young…" Ophelia Greengrass said with glee in her eyes as she and Bella surveyed the scene before them.
Harry looked at Daphne who had turned tomato red and released him. He just smiled and walked confidently to the two giggling adults and said, "Mrs….errr, Ophelia, it is an honor to be invited to your home." Harry said in a respective tone and kissed her hand.
"I like him more every time I see him, don't ever let go of this one, dear." Ophelia cooed at her daughter who yelled in embarrassment, "MUM!"
Harry just smiled as he grabbed said embarrassed girl's hand and led her away before she could turn any redder.
Harry grinned when he saw Draco in an intense chess match with Tracey, behind her Astoria watching closely.
"Hey Drake." Harry said suddenly.
"ARRRGH" Draco shouted in surprised when he saw Harry suddenly sitting next to him. The three girls were giggling, Draco's sissy screams never ceased to amused them.
"Bloody hell, Harry. Where'd you come from?" Draco said breathlessly, clutching his chest.
Harry rolled his eyes, "Now I know why Granger got a higher rank than you."He was responded with a playful punch to the shoulder.
"Not funny, Harry…father gave me a huge rant on my grades, mom didn't help either." Draco said, with a palm in his face.
"Awwh, poor Draco, do you want a consolation kiss?" Tracey asked with a large smile on her face. D
raco for once, was lost for words, his jaw dropped to the ground with a dazed look on his face.
"I think you broke him, Trace." Harry muttered. Tracey's grin grew wider, Daphne just smiled while Astoria just giggled from their entire conversation. Eventually the game of chess ended, with Tracey being the victor and a lot of whining from Draco.
"You want to walk around for a bit?" Daphne asked, tilting her head upwards on Harry's shoulder. Harry smiled down at her and nodded. Draco gave a un-pureblood wolf whistle and yelped when Tracey nudged him hard in the gut. Astoria just made kissing sounds which her sister ignored, or tried, Harry couldn't tell.
"Arrgh, she's so annoying." Daphne growled as she pulled Harry into the back yard. Harry only let out an amusing laugh.
Days went pass quickly, the memory of visiting Daphne had became very far. The cold air of the arctic north blew across Harry's face as he and his godfather appeared on a large mountain in North Alaska.
"What's the big deal coming to no man's land?" Harry snapped, quickly casting an extra strong warming charm on himself, Uncle Sev had pulled him out of bed roughly at four in the morning and after getting dressed and freshened, whizzed them both across the Atlantic Ocean with a portkey with no explanations.
Although it was summer, the Arctic still sent waves of freezing winds across its lands, Harry for once was mesmerized, the rising sun shining against the snow, it was one of the most marvelous things he had ever seen. "Alright Black, you can stop annoying me now as I will tell you our purpose here." Snape said, with an annoyed look on his face.
Narrowing his eyes he added. "You still remember the blood test you had two days ago?" Deathly silenced followed through, Snape's black robes flapping against the freezing winds were the only sounds hearable.
Flashback, two days ago.
"Young Master Harry…Kreacher was summoned by mistress to inform young master she requires his presence immediately." Kreacher said hurriedly at a emotionless Harry, who was reading "An Introduction to Dual Spell Casting", Harry nodded and quickly placed the book on his shelf and left. Upon arriving in the large living room, Harry's eyes widened to see not only Bella but his Uncle Sev and Uncle Lucius.
"You wish to see me mother?" Harry asked, his expression was one of confusion.
"Yes honey, please take a seat." Bella said, ushering Harry onto a sofa.
"What's this all about Uncle Sev, Uncle Luc?"
"Harry, we got a blood sample and submitted it for testing and these are the results we got." Lucius said, gulping as he handed the black haired boy a piece of parchment.
It looked like this:
Blood Submitter: Harry James Potter
Birthday: October 31st 1981
Blood Status: Pureblood
Biological Parents: James Theodore Potter & Lily Maria Black nee Potter (Both Deceased)
Adoptive Parents/Guardians: Cyrus Alexander Black (Deceased), Bellatrix Natalia Black, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy & Narcissa Irina Black nee Malfoy
Magical Potency: 3200(May grow with age)
Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Potter
Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Black
Heir of Salazar Slytherin
Heir of Rowena Ravenclaw
Heir of Merlin
Magical Abilities
Occlumency- 10/10
Legilimency- 10/10
Animagi- 7/10 (3 forms- Shadow Phoenix , Bald Eagle and Pit Viper) – Blocked, will be lifted once said wizard reaches the age of thirteen.
Metamorphmagus- 10/10- Block has been removed as said Wizard has reached the age of eleven.
Parsel-Magic- 7/10 (Will grow as said wizard matures)
Affinity to Light Magic- 9/10
Affinity to Dark Magic- 10/10
Affinity to Black Magic- 8/10 – Blocked until said wizard reaches the age of seventeen.
Wandless Magic- 10/10 (Rank: Master)
Silent Casting- 9/10 (Rank: Near Mastery)
Magic Core- 7/10 (May grow as said wizard matures)
Other Unique Abilities Found:
Empathetic Mimicry- Self
Precognitive Dreaming- From Lily M. Potter Black
Telekinesis- From Cyrus A. Black
Flight- From Severus S. Snape
Lightning Manipulation- From Sirius Black
Flame Manipulation- From Narcissa I. Black Malfoy
Telepathy- From Albus Dumbledore
Invisibility- From James T. Potter
Intuitive Aptitude (A word of caution, do not delve into this ability until said wizard has the utmost self control)- From Bellatrix N. Black
Looking up at the three pale adults, Harry felt uneasy. He had three animagi forms, the only recorded magical beings whom had more than one form was Merlin and Morgana.
"Mum, what does Empathetic Mimicry mean?" A confused Harry asked, scanning at the unfamiliar abilities.
"It means that once around other people who have unique abilities like you, you can obtain their power through understanding their feelings." Bella explained.
"Harry try grabbing this goblet without using magic or a silent summoning charm." Lucius said, as he placed a crystal goblet at the far end of the table. Harry slowly stood up and raised his arm with his hand open, suddenly the goblet shook violently and flew towards Harry's outstretched hand in an inhumanly speed, who caught it and stared at the now unmoving glass with awe etched on his face.
"Is this, is this why I have always been…" Harry muttered to himself as he placed down the goblet and opened one of his palm, at once, his hand was covered with blue flames, but it disappeared when Harry told the flames to stop burning, leaving his hand smooth and flawless.
"Dumbledore must never know of the knowledge we have witnessed today." Snape said, Bella and Lucius nodded in agreement.
"Harry will need training to master his flight ability, Severus I…" Bella was cut off by Snape, who merely nodded and said reassuringly, "No need to act like you're asking me. Besides the Dark Lord, there is no one who can fly."
Harry's mouth was left dangling as he stammered, "Uncle Sev, you could fly?"
Snape answered him by hovering several inches above the ground. "I guess that came from you huh?" Harry answered his own question.
"Your training starts tomorrow. Be prepared to be grilled out." Snape said with a smile that told Harry that he would not enjoy the training one bit at all. Harry looked pale as he gripped the sheet of parchment tightly, he then bade the three adults goodnight. Bella watched her son's back disappear as he turned around the corner of the corridor.
Flashback end
"Now, starting now, flying lesson number one." Snape barked in his teacher mode. "Watch" with that, Snape was enshrouded in a dark light and Harry stared in awe as the dark light flew into the sky like a comet and was now flying a few feet off the ground.
"Wow" Harry could only breathed, spell casting, wandless spell casting, and silent casting were boring to him; since he was beyond a master level at those arts but he was fairly fascinated about abilities. To his knowledge, these abilities cannot be taught which makes it the more interesting, and after turning the Black Library upside down, Harry gaped at the fact that he was the only one on record to have the power to have multiple powers contained in one vessel.
He snapped out of his thoughts as the patch of darkness turned back into Snape. "Now your turn, remember, use your feelings. Use your empathy." Snape commanded. Harry nodded and closed his eyes, the feelings about his Uncle Sev flowing through him, how his Uncle Sev had been like a father to him and Harry begin to feel himself floating and he opened his eyes to see that he was no longer on the ground but floating on thin air, slowly he took a step forward and was surprised that the air beneath him felt solid, preventing him from sinking.
With new confidence, Harry closed his eyes and pictured himself as a soaring bird, free of the clutches of gravity. Snape widened his eyes in amazement as a bright white light surrounded Harry, soon engulfing him. The white clump of light flew into the air, Snape grinned as he too transformed into a patch of black light and flew after the white light.
"This is amazing." Harry thought as he looked down at the frozen land below him. He noticed a black comet flying right behind him and grinned as he flew faster. The chase continued until Harry stopped at a clearing at the edge of a riverbank near the foot of the mountain.
He casually placed his hands in his long coat pocket and smirked when the dark comet crashed into the earth and revealed an impressed Severus Snape. "Acceptable work, Brat." Snape said, trying his best to not look happy. Harry grinned and replied in an awe voice, "This is the most amazing thing ever." Snape just smirked at him, "First time is always the most addicting." Harry smiled and said cheekily, "I take it that lesson is over." Snape scowled but pulled out a portkey and the two disappeared with a swirl.
Days quickly passed as Harry tested his abilities, he learnt that his dreams were always vague and their purpose unclear. However there was nothing he could do so he dedicated all his time casting blue electric bolts and fire from his palm.
He realized that unlike wand casting or wandless casting, using his abilities repeatedly did not strain his magical core, which he was thankful for. Staring at the clear blue sky from his beach chair near his private beachside villa in Mallorca, Spain, Harry wondered about what his cousin, Daphne and Tracy, Blaise were doing right now.
"Young master's beverage is here." A female house elf squeaked, placing a glass of ice cold Sprite on a table next to Harry who merely said his thanks and elf popped away.
Placing his Advanced Charms on the chair, Harry stretched and ran across the warm sand into the cool sea. The water was perfect: it was cool and clear. There were no pebbles, only carpets of silk like sand. As he waded a bit deeper, he felt swarms of small fish swam around him, scattering immediately when he stretched out his hand.
Harry sighed as he laid on the calm waters, it wouldn't be long until he had to return to his second year at Hogwarts. With a smile, Harry walked back onto the beach and enjoyed a long sun bathing session.