Warnings: yaoi m/m relationship – don't like, don't read – you have been warned

Disclaimer: Vampire Knight and its characters belong to Matsuri Hino – just this plot is my idea.

Authors Note: I know that I shouldn't be starting anything new, but I just couldn't help myself… in My Obsession Zero was the one working in a brothel, so now it's Kanames turn – but it won't be what you think – I mean Zero going to a brothel, finding Kaname irresistible, sleeping with him and falling for him. That would be too easy and I like it the complicated way…


- Chapter 1 -



I look out thru the window of the moving car - the night-lights of this city passing by. Oh, how I hate this corrupted city. But what can I do? I can't leave here, even if I want nothing more than just do that - as the heir, I have duties and responsibilities. But just at night, just in these few hours I like to leave all that behind, and just simple be me - Zero Kiryuu.

"Zero-kun," I look back to the only person accompanying me tonight - Kaien Cross, my appointed guardian and caretaker - that demands my attention. "You know that I don't mind you playing around, but I sincerely hope that you will be serious about the matter we have discussed."

"Don't worry yourself about such small matters," we're currently on our way to the infamous Red Light District, where I like to spend my time. That's the only place where I feel like I can be myself. I don't have to pretend to be the perfect gentlemen when I'm embracing those from pleasure shivering bodies of those beautiful creatures.

"I'll be back for you in the morning," I don't say anything to Cross as he drives away, leaving me staying before the most magnificent and beautiful building in the District. We have been thru this a lot of times already, and it somehow became our routine. I can't fight back the smile at the memory of Cross discovering this obsession of mine - his expression was even more priceless when the truth about me being gay somehow made its way to his ears. But that's all already in the past. After a long days of frustrations, he accepted me as I am.

Walking up the stairs - I feel like the last two weeks that I wasn't able to visit weren't as long as they really were. There's always something that pulls me to this place, makes me walk up the stairs and push open that massive double door. There she always is - the breathtakingly beautiful owner of this place. It's like she always knows when I will show up, greeting me like an old friend. Shizuka Hiou.

"Long time no see, Zero-chan," she's the only one I don't mind calling me in such a girly way. She has a long Chinese dress on, that's clinging to her like a second skin, letting her womanly curves stand out. Her long white hair is pulled up, the pink color of the dress is contrasting with her pale skin.

"I'm happy to see you too, owner," she points me to the direction of her office, where we always talk firstly, before I let her choose for me the one with whom I can let myself go.

"So, whom would you like to be with today?" I smile at her - we go thru this question every time, but in the end, I always let her choose for me. But today - it was a week since I last came, and I'm in the mood for something new... something special.

A woman's voice can be heard around the corner - and judging by how she's giggling, I would guess that she's a satisfied customer on her way out. Good for her. Ah, there they are - she's accompanied by a man... no. He's more like a perfect sculpture made out of the finest marble - there's something about this man that just draws me in, and I can't even find it in me to look at the woman that's hanging by his arm. Our eyes meet for just a mere second as they're passing by us, but that's enough to make me feel like I'm drowning in those chocolate irises.

My body stops and turns around like by itself, my eyes following that perfect figure. Those bright shoulders, his curly brown hair that looks like it's flying around his head - that perfect ass as it swings in those tight pants. I have decided - I want this man.

"May I ask who he is?" I don't dare to tear my eyes away from him as I ask the owner about his identity. They have reached the door, and I fight back the urge to go there and tear him from her embrace.

"Oh, you mean Kaname?" even his name sounds perfect. "I guess you haven't met him before, as he just started to work here recently. But the ladies just can't get enough of him," I can see why that is. "Why, are you interested?"

"As a matter of fact, I am. Can something be done about it?" I look her straight in the eyes - this is the first time I feel this strong about someone. I just have to have him.

"Give me a moment," she says after a while of thinking. "Yori-chan, will you please take Kiryu-kun to Kanames room?" a small girl appeared like out of nowhere - or it is that just I was so into staring at him that I haven't realized it when she came by? I thank the owner before I follow after this little petite creature.

"So, it's Kaname you have set you eyes on this time?" she speaks up when she's sure that the owner can't hear us anymore. We always talk when we run into each other, but I don't know much about her. And it's also not like I want to know more, as my interests don't run that way.

"Yes," I answer as a matter of fact. "Why do you ask so surprised?"

"I just can't imagine it - I mean that none of you have ever bottomed," oh, she has done her homework well. But this little information of hers is actually quite helpful - I would enjoy myself ravishing that exotic flower. I can feel myself getting exited just by that mere thought.



"She looked satisfied," I turn around when I close the door, the owner's satisfied smile greeting me.

"Of course she's satisfied - I always make sure they are," I can say that I'm proud of my skills - there was never a complaint from the ladies up till now. I always make them unable to forget the time they spent in my company.

"I'm glad to hear that, Kaname. Walk with me," I follow her without any complains to the more quitter part of the brothel - her private office. It must be a serious matter she wants to discuss with me when she choose this room so that we wouldn't be interrupted. Have I done something wrong? I can't think of anything right now. I let her go in first - always the gentleman with ladies. As I close the door, I take in a deep breath before I turn around, a perfect smile sitting on my lips.

"What may be the matter? Have I perhaps done something to worry you?"

"No, of course not, Kaname," she's sitting on the edge of the table, her facial features relaxing a little when she said that. It must be something serious, because she looks like she can't find the right words to say it. "Okay, I'll tell you straight - there's a customer I would like for you to accompany right now," just that? And she looked like it should be the end of the world. She should know that I'm more than willing to do so - and I trust her with the customers she chooses for every one of us that's working here.

"Which lovely lady is it this time? Is she already waiting for me in my room?"

"Yes - HE is already waiting for you there," oh, so it's a man. I guess I don't have a problem with a male customer, even if they are rare in my case. I don't say anything as she pushes herself off of the table, taking elegant small steps before she comes to a stop before me. "He's an important customer," she plays with the neck of my shirt, undoing one more button, not looking me in the eyes, "and I think that you would have to take the part of the uke."

"Oh," so this is what she was worried about. Even if I sometimes sleep with males, I never bottom for them. This is not the kind of brothel where you have been sold by your families and you need to do as the customers and the owner demands out of you - we all work here out of our free will, everyone has their own reasons for doing so. So what's so special about this one customer? I'm getting curious.

"You don't have to worry," I take her hands that are resting on my chest, kissing them before I let our eyes meet. "Have I ever let anyone walk out of here unsatisfied?" I know that this isn't the answer to her question, but right now, I can't give her a concrete one. "Then, if you'll excuse me."

"Kaname," she calls after me when I'm already in the door. "Don't do anything stupid, you hear me?"

"Oh come on - you know me..."

"I'm telling it to you exactly because I know you," without any more words I close the door, making my way to my room. I don't pay attention to my surrounding as I walk, the only thing on my mind is that mysterious customer whom even the owner fancies. Otherwise she would tell him to choose someone else, not giving in to his demands.

Here I am - my room, my sanctuary. There wasn't a woman or a man that walked out of here unsatisfied till now, and I don't intent to break that silent rule of mime with this one. I will show that idiot that no one messes with me and comes out unharmed. I open the door, prepared for the worst.

Oh, what a pleasant surprise - this is not how I have imagined him. Elegant yes, but not so young - he even looks to be younger then me. And what's with those girly features? He doesn't look like a seme if you ask me - more like the perfect uke. I lick my dry lips - just imagining this beauty submitting to me is awakening my interest.

As I close the door, the room's once again thrown into a dimmed light, as the one from the corridor is cut of. He turns towards me, and I see that he has made himself comfortable while he waited for me - looks like he was sure that I would come. Any unnecessary clothing is lying on the chair, leaving him with only the black pants and white shirt on - which is open, giving me the chance to see his porcelain skin. He's so beautiful with those lavender eyes and silver hair. Is it really silver? Or is it just the dim light playing tricks on me? I want to touch it. Ah, I will enjoy myself taking this beauty.



I turn around to see who has come as the door's finally opened. The room is big, the carpet under my bare feet comfortable and the big king-sized bed also looks comfortable, but I so much hate waiting. I was starting to loose my hopes as the minutes have gone by, even more after what that girl told me. But as my eyes fall on that perfect figure of Kaname, all those thoughts are forgotten.

"Took you long enough," I make the first move as he seems like he can't move from the spot - walking towards him where he's standing by the closed door. His eyes are on me, and he's hungrily looking me up and down - sorry to disappoint you, but you will be my main dish tonight. I lick my lips seductively as I'm close enough to him - he's slightly taller than me, but I don't mind. Sliding my fingers thru his hair - it's so soft to the touch - I close the distance between our lips as I pull his head down.

His lips are as sweet as they looked to be. And it's just a moment before he takes the initiative - I don't mind, as he's so skilful with his tongue. He's too good at what he's doing - I can feel my member hardening just from this deep exploration, and his hands that have in some point gone under my opened shirt are traveling up and down my bare back. He's a great kisser, that much I must say, but enough of that. When his hands rest on my ass and he even squeezes it as he pulls me into his body, I break the kiss, slipping away from his hold. He looks disappointed - good. He should know who has the saying here.

"Won't you pleasure me?" sitting down on the edge of the bed - it's really soft as it promised to be - I lean back, supported by my hands. My arousal is starting to be painful in my pants, screaming for release. He looks like he's thinking - what will you do? Will you get on your knees before me and suck me of? Or will you keep your pride and walk away from here?

"Why not?" there's that mischievous smile again - he's up to something. I look up as he stops before me, waiting what will be his next move. He leans down, kissing me - it's just a light kiss, not a mind-blowing one like the first one. He's pushing me down onto the bed, and I obediently lie down, waiting to see where this will lead.

His mouth is on my neck, giving it small attention before he moves down, giving butterfly kisses onto my chest - undoing my belt at the same time, then the button and the zipper - his lips now on my abdomen, one kiss to the tip of my arousal thru the fabric of my underwear. I raise up my hips so that he can slide my pants off of me with ease, putting my ass back down. I close my eyes as my member is also freed from its prison, the painful feeling gone.

I can't help it as a moan escapes me when he places a slender kiss at the top of my member, pleasant shiver running down my body. But that was it - just a light kiss is all the attention he gave it. The next place his lips touch is on the inner side of my tights, but it's not an unpleasant feeling. Nibbling the skin a little before he moves a little up, always leaving just a single kiss in one spot, not doing anything else. But strangely that's enough - I was never treated this way and I must say that it's highly arousing. But my member also screams for attention - why is he so cruel? He told me he would pleasure me. So why... What the hell? I open my eyes abruptly as I feel him playing with my entrance - his finger massaging the ring of my muscles.

"Wait just a minute... Stop!" I grab his hand that is... that is... I swallow when he looks at me - that smile once again sitting on his lips. He climbs over me, pinning me to the bed. My breath is quickening as he's coming closer.

"Don't be afraid," his right hand resting on my cheek, caressing it, "and leave everything in my skilful hands. I will make your first time really enjoyable for you," I can feel myself blushing at his words – but my mind is screaming in protest. It isn't supposed to be this way.



-Thank you for reading – so, how is it? Who will be the bottom in the end from those too semes?