Chapter 3:


One of the dances that is presented at a quinceañera is a waltz that consists of the quinceañera, her damas, and the chamberlains. Commonly reffered to as the vals among Latino cuture, the vals is part of her first public dance and signifies her welcoming into the social society as a woman. It has been a tradition that has remained in quinces throughout the centuries and is a tradition that many have held strong; passing it down from daughter to daughter, from aunt to niece, from grandmother to grandaughter. It is a tradition given away in a love that can only be found in true family.
















"Phineas, Ferb, can't we go any faster!" asked Isabella frantically.

"Isabella don't worry, we got it under control," said an amused Phineas.

"Phineas, we're supposed to be there in three minutes! How in the world are we going to make it from the middle of space to the dance studio in three minutes! You know I promised my mom we'd be there on time. We're going to be sooo late. Ay dios-"

Phineas cut in, "Don't worry Isabella, we'll make it." He turned his head to his brother next to him, "Hey Ferb! You want to show her what this baby can do?"

Ferb nodded and Phineas looked with a mischievous smile at Isabella. Before she could question him though, he turned his head back to face his brother.

"Hit it."


And the next thing Isabella knew, her body was jerked violently backwards and she was practically flattened to her chair as the boys flew the rocket at light-speed. Then almost as soon as it had started, the rocket halted to a stop and Isabella was thrown forward in her chair. Luckily, they all had their seatbelts on and she was saved from flying off the chair and smacking herself on the glass window.

After catching her breath, she looked outside the window she saw a sign that read Sanchez's Dance Studio several yards away.

Isabella started angrily, "Phineas…you could've warned-"

The incessant beeping of Phineas and Ferb's watches told her it was three o'clock.

"No time," he cut in and he pressed the button that released their seatbelts.

The boys jumped out of their seats, Ferb was already running out and Phineas grabbed Isabella's hand, "Come on Isabella!"

The teens ran down the boulevard until they got to the entrance of the studio, they got to the front and hurried into through the door. When they got inside they found themselves in a reception room.

Ferb went up to the desk and said in his crisp accent, "Which room is Shapiro in, ma'am?"

"Studio on my left," the young woman replied.

They picked up their pace and hurried to the room. They opened the door and bolted inside-

Staring at Isabella, Phineas, and Ferb were the faces of Isabella's close friends and her that of three of her cousins. Obviously everyone was waiting for us.

"Nice for you to join us Ms. Shapiro," said a surprisingly young lady whom Isabella presumed was the instructor, "and boys." The lady nodded toward Phineas and Ferb who were right next to Isabella. "How nice you found time to fit us into your busy schedule," the sarcasm was eminent in her voice.

She studied them for a few moments. "And-"she stopped when she noticed something and a grin spread across her face. "And isn't this sweet," she continued in a much lighter tone," you partner's your boyfriend!"

She indicated to Isabella and Phineas. Isabella heard some giggles from her friends and wondered what was going on. Then she realized she was still holding Phineas's hand. Her face rose to several shades of red and she quickly let go of his hand, she didn't even dare to look at Phineas.

Phineas decided to speak up though, "Yes ma'am, I'm her partner, but it's because I'm one of her best friends."

The teacher chuckled, looking from Isabella's red face that was staring fiercely at the floor to Phineas's that was looking back at her innocently, "Best friends hmm? I see."

Deciding it was enough time for amusement, she moved her attention to the matter at hand, "So hello everyone, I will be your instructor for the next few weeks. You are all going to be calling me Ms. Sanchez and you are all going to refer to me with respect. Are we clear?"

A resounding yes went through the room.

Ms. Sanchez continued, "And if it isn't apparent yet, I'm going to be teaching you your dances for Isabella's quinceañera. So every one sit down while I pair you with partners."

She held up a list and studied it. Then after looking at all the names, she called out questioningly, "Which of you are Gretchen and Ferb?"

The two of them nodded and she continued, "You two will be partners."

"Ginger and Baljeet?"

The two raised their hands hesitantly.

"As will you."

Ginger was then about to faint until Adyson slapped her on the back and woke her from her reverie.

"Millie, Adyson, Django, and Buford?"

They all stood up. For some reason unknown to Isabella, Adyson and Buford were glaring daggers at each other. If only looks could kill

"We will have Millie and Django together, and Adyson and Buford."

"Okay…WAIT! What!" cried out an enraged Adyson, she turned her head back to her new teacher, "What makes you think I will dance with that…THING!" She pointed a finger at Buford.

He retorted with a glare, "Well Buford don't want to dance with girly either."

"Who in their right mind would put me with him?" asked Adyson.

"Isabella," said the teacher with a smirk.

Adyson and Buford turned their heads toward Isabella and gave her a death glare. "Isabella…"

"Ohmigosh! Guys, get over yourselves!" Holly cut in, "Just leave everyone out of your love/ hate relationship thing already and keep it to yourselves."

At the immediate dropping of Adyson and Buford's mouths, Holly spoke with a smirk and a flick of her hand to the teacher, "Go on please."

Ms. Sanchez grinned and continued, "Katie, you will be dancing with Jose. And let's see...Sophie will be dancing with Alfonso. Daniel, it seems you will be with Holly."

With that, she motioned for her new students to stand up.

"Time to start."


"Millie, keep your back strait! It looks like you going to keel over. Do you want to fall on your face?"

"Ahh! Katie what are you doing, are you squatting or curtsying?"

"Holly and Daniel stop flirting; we're trying to work here."

"Adyson! Buford! Quit it you two!"

Isabella couldn't help but laugh. It was only fifteen minutes later and her friends were already infuriating the teacher. They weren't even trying to purposely irk Ms. Sanchez, but they all were doing something wrong in her in her eyes. Not that they could blame her; most of them weren't actually practicing. Yet whether it was an ungraceful curtsy or an awkward bow, Ms. Sanchez pounced on them like a hawk.

"Great friends huh?"

Isabella turned her head to see Phineas chuckling as he sat down next to her. "Yea, the very best," she said with a smile.

"Well we definitely have good tastes in friends."

We… Isabella thought as she felt butterflies in her stomach flutter.

"So do you think she'll notice us sitting," asked Isabella laying her head down on his shoulder.

"No not really, she's a little busy, especially with Holly and your cousin there." The two of them watched their friends get reprimanded. "You did that on purpose, putting them together, didn't you?" Phineas tilted his head down to look at her.

"Well I can't help but say they make a good match. Don'tcha think so?" she said evasively with a smug grin.

"Hmm…So you're playing matchmaker huh?"

She turned her head up to look at him, "Well duh, I mean how much more compatible can you get than those two. Flirt One meet Flirt Two. And then-"

"Ms. Garcia-Shapiro and Mr. Flynn!"

The two of them swiftly turned their heads up to see a very frustrated teacher. She glared at them before a sly, possibly evil, smile crept up onto her face. What now? Isabella thought.

Ms. Sanchez gained everyone's attention and started, "Since it seems these two here have been waiting for everyone, why don't we let them start off learning the waltz first?"

The cheers from Isabella's friends and cousins held the final word in the matter.


"Now I want you two to hook arms…yes yes… and walk in to here…yes now greet each other."

Isabella dipped into a curtsy and Phineas bowed.

"Alright Phineas, keep you right hand behind your back in fist."

The two were being guided as they went through the first thirty seconds of the song for the fifth time.

"Now Twirl her, 3, 4, and step back , forward, spin to your lefts, box step in a semi circle, Phineas watch your posture, your arms are too lax. Isabella you're too tense. Okay now next part."

The teacher paused the music and everyone watched her expectatntly. "Okay now I want you to put both of your left hands behind your back," the couple obliged," and put your right hands behind each other's heads."

Isabella did so and found herself face to face with Phineas. She gulped and looked away.

"Isabella," Ms. Sanchez started, "you have got to look your partner in the face. After all you're supposed to be looking into each other's eyes right now. You should at least look as if you like each other."

Isabella ignored the giggles coming from her friends and questioned the teacher, "What?"

"The song," she replied, "it's a love song. You picked it, remember? Anyway, it talks about literally looking at your partner in the eye, so I cheographed this part to match it. And it looks good if you can make some sort chemistry while dancing."

Isabella was red again. "Chemistry?" asked Phineas next to her. Isabella heard several people smack themselves.

"Nevermind," she sighed, "just look at each other."


Five o'clock found Isabella and Phineas sitting side by side at the boardwalk.

"Hey Izzy, why do you think no one was able to come with us?"

"I dunno," she responded when in fact she knew very well. Of course, he would miss all the meaningful glances everyone was giving her when every single one of them said they were too busy to come get ice-cream.

The two of them ate their ice-cream in a comfortable silence. After they finished, Phineas asked her, "Hey do you want to go hang down at the beach for a bit?"

Sudden images of walking on beaches with Phineas polluted Isabella's mind and she nodded her head vigourously to clear it. "Sure," she said a bit unsteadily.

They headed down to the beach, passed the people hanging at the pier, and for the next half hour spent time playing and running along the sand and shore.

Finally, "Phineas, let's walk for a bit," panted a weary, but satisfied Isabella.

They walked up to the higher end of the beach and started to pass a huge tent from which the noise of many people and music erupted.

Then out of the blue, Isabella's ears caught the familiar intro of a cherished childhood song.

Bow Chicka bow! Wow!…

"Hey Isabella that's our song!" exclaimed an overzealous Phineas. Isabella smiled faintly at him.

Our song?

He means Phineas and the Ferbettes smart one.

Your face!


Her mind carried on like this for a few seconds until she felt a strong tug on her hands. She looked up to see Phineas pulling her near the tent. "What are we doing Phineas?" she asked confused.

"You'll see."

Phineas took them several feet closer to the music that was emitting from the tent and when they could hear it more clearly, he started to spin Isabella around.

"Phineas!" she shrieked and started giggling. They kept on spinning around in the sand as the sand below was kicked or pushed away by their moving feet. Isabella tilted her head to look at Phineas and caught his gaze. Her breath caught for a moment as she saw his gaze meet hers-


Isabella lifted her head up from the sand and stood up, she blushed when she realized that she hadn't been paying attention and tripped over a rock when she was spinning.

*Cough Cough* Isabella looked to her side and realized Phineas was lying face down in the dirt and seemed to be choking. *Cough*

"Phineas!" she yelped. He pulled his head up and turned over to look at her. "Are you okay?" she asked worried. She held out her hand to pull him up, but then she noticed the mischievious look in his eyes and before she knew it she was laying down in the sand next to him. "Phineas!"

"Hahahaha! Izzy you should have seen the look on your face. Haha! It was haha! Priceless!" he said in between laughs. She looked at him indignantly before his laughing became too infectious and she found herself collapsing in a fit of laughter in the sand next to him. They were enjoying the moment so much that both were unaware of there surroundings: of the people who sent them looks, of the sun that was starting to set in the summer sky, and of the song fading into the background.

Gitchie Gitchie Goo means that I love you!

A/N: Hey! I just realized that my authors note was erased so I'll have to write it again! It was super super long, so I'm not going to spend too much time on it again(I said alot), except to say, updates should be quicker than before(I don't have time at the moment to explain my delayed absence on FF sorry :))!

Thank you a hundred times for every review, story alert and story favorite. You guys are so awesome I love you all. Hugs! Haha okay ummm...shoot! I can't remember what else I needed to say. Oh! If you see any errors in the story, especially this chapter let me know. My spellcheck is broken at the moment and very uncoaporative so I tried to check the chapter as thouroghly as I could.

Relevant word of the day(i'll try to explain later): Afflatus-inspiration; divine knowledge

Please Review!

Love,Love, Love,

Fidelis et Espoire a Noel Dy

PS-Packers won! Thnx for all the game updates guys!