I know, I know. I left the boys in dreadful peril in Diaspora: Book One. And I should really get working on the second sequel to Star Pupil (especially after the rather disturbing cliffhanger with which I ended The Star Prince). I'm not even sure I'm happy with how this turned out, but it was a plot bunny that WOULD NOT be ignored.

I think it's clear after this story that I am in no way responsible for Glee. Nor should I be.

Were the World Gay - by Big Destiny

Part One

It took Blaine a couple of hours to catch on, the first time it happened. Of course, the first time it happened was the first time he'd had sex with Kurt. So honestly, he had something else on his mind at that point.

Blaine had woken up with a naked, tousled Kurt in his arms. Despite the fact that he'd had some small amount of romantic experience before this, Blaine would have been lying if he'd said this hadn't been as big a deal for him as it had for Kurt.

A big deal, and also a slightly unusual one. He'd never been in love before, and he'd been caught completely unprepared for how much more… potent their lovemaking had been. People talked about fireworks, but were you really supposed to feel your orgasm blast across the room like a shockwave? Pictures were knocked off of his walls.

And when Blaine picked them up? He didn't remember his childhood trip to Disneyland being so gay. And you'd think he'd remember being surrounded by that many half dressed Disney princes.

Blaine headed to the window and peeked out, hoping not to wake up his new lover. He'd heard how odd it was for grieving people, seeing the rest of the world going on without a care. But it now seemed equally odd that there were people out there, going about their business, not even knowing that he and Kurt had been together. That Kurt's virginity only lived in Blaine's heart now.

Blaine sighed, realizing how quickly his thoughts had gotten completely corny. "It's not like I wanted everyone outside my window clapping, anyway."

"Blaine?" came Kurt's muffled voice from the bed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Not you," Kurt clarified sleepily. "The absence of you."

Blaine's heart jumped that Kurt could be so poetic, even half asleep. He returned to bed, having not even been out of it long enough to chill his lover. "Believe me, I'm not going anywhere. Especially now that I finally HAVE you."

Kurt pulled Blaine tighter, sighing happily. "Sounds good. Been thinking?"

Blaine blushed. "No. Believe me, I'd be embarrassed to tell you about the goop that's been running through my mind this morning."

"Being with me once has turned you into a goop spewing embarrassment?" Kurt asked with a giggle. "I'm touched it meant that much to you."

"It really did," Blaine insisted, now serious.

Kurt's smile grew softer. "Last night was perfect. I mean, I knew you'd make it special, but I had no idea. Is it always like that?"

"No. I haven't had a whole lot of experience either- in fact, some people would insist I was a virgin last night, too- but I didn't think being with someone COULD be like that."

Kurt closed his eyes and snuggled up to Blaine, happily. "Well now we know."

Kurt seemed blissfully unaware of how different everything was out there that morning. Or maybe because he was so new to this, the fact that everything was different didn't surprise him. Not like Blaine, who noticed guys he'd never seen together openly making out in the corridors. It seemed like everyone had chosen last night to be together, not just Blaine and Kurt. And while no one minded gay couples at school, it was unusual for everyone to be so… indiscreet.

Kurt shrugged when Blaine voiced his bafflement. "Love is in the air, I suppose."

"Kurt! Blaine!" Finally. Blaine could always count on Wes and David to put a damper on things. And he meant that as a compliment.

"Good morning, gentlemen." Kurt was purring even worse than usual today, thought that at least had some reason behind it.

"I'm glad we caught up with you," Wes declared. "The Warblers' council is deadlocked and I need a fresh opinion."

"You certainly don't have that on the council," Kurt teased.

Wes laughed, which was rather unusual when he was the brunt of a joke. "We agree we need to shake things up a bit if we're going to compete with New Directions at Regionals. And we can't decide between late 80s Madonna and something more modern, like Adam Lambert."

"I didn't know you knew who either of those people were," Blaine stated. It was an exaggeration, but not much of one. The Warblers were a very straight-laced organization, and Wes and David were the perfect people to be at the head of it. In it's own way, this was the same kind of odd Blaine had noted all day.

David laughed. "Just think about it. We have to get going."

This was so weird. "What about your girlfriends?" Blaine asked. He half expected to hear they'd been dumped and David and Wes were now seeing each other.

"The four of us are going shoe shopping," Wes replied.

"I know it's uncouth to say," David admitted. "But seeing them strut around in all those heels completely turns me on."

Wes slapped David in the chest in a most un-macho sort of way. "Yes it is uncouth. Even if I agree with you."

As Blaine and Kurt walked to breakfast, though, Blaine COULD NOT convince Kurt that anything was out of the ordinary. Even as things got weirder and weirder. "Kurt, we didn't use to have a nude statue of Alexander the Great in the main quad, did we?" Blaine asked.

"Of course not." But there was, and Kurt's eyes opened in delight. Delight and surprise, but absolutely no suspicion at all. "Oh, wow. You'd think I'd have been the first one to notice that."

"Kurt, I know Dalton seems like a gay paradise, but this statue wasn't there yesterday."

Kurt's brow crinkled in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Kurt, I've been going here for a while. I'd have noticed if there'd been a statue here the whole time. Especially one this… well, gay."

"Well, it must have been," Kurt pointed out reasonably. "Statues that appear out of nowhere wouldn't have long grass growing around it from where the mower couldn't reach."

"I guess that's true."

Kurt was making a face at the grass by this point. "You'd think for all the money we pay in tuition they could afford someone to trim the edges." Just as he said that, a trio of guys that Blaine was sure did gay porn in their spare time came out with delicate scissors to take care of the long grass.

Blaine could only gape, but Kurt just smiled at them gratefully. "Thank you."

Kurt sighed into Blaine's mouth. "As happy as I am to see my dad this weekend, I am so going to miss you. And not just the naked parts of you."

Not that they were naked just yet. But Kurt's roommate had a girlfriend in town, and it was an open secret at school that he NEVER slept in the dorms.

Right now, Kurt was using that to his full advantage. Kurt pulled Blaine over to the bed. Removing ties and jackets at the perfect moment to drape them over his desk chair. Blaine was briefly distracted by how effortless it was.

But then Kurt was on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt. With every inch of skin exposed, more and more of Blaine's unsexy thoughts were vanishing. By button number four, Blaine had pounced on the bed, lips kissing Kurt's chest and working the younger boy's hard nipples. "So beautiful," Blaine moaned.

Kurt rolled Blaine on his back and set to work on the rest of their buttons. Not slow and teasing now, Kurt was almost desperate to have them naked now. Blaine pulled his shirt off as soon as it was undone, and removed Kurt's a half second later. Kurt's hands were everywhere now, though it was a miracle Blaine even noticed given how frantically Kurt was riding him. Like the fact that they were still in their uniform pants wasn't even relevant anymore.

It was, of course. Blaine grabbed Kurt's hips and lifted up. Kurt ended up on his feet, still straddling Blaine, and "Dance for me," was out of Blaine's mouth before he could stop it.

Kurt did as requested before Blaine even had a chance to feel self-conscious about it. It was everything Kurt was capable of in Glee, and more because it was just for them. Kurt unbuttoned and unzipped faster than a stripper probably would have (but then Blaine privately doubted many strippers had that length of an erection to have to have constrained by his pants), but he was so coy in shielding himself. Turning as he let his pants drop. It was so unbelievably hot.

Blaine couldn't help but strip off the rest of his clothes and stroke himself as he watched.

He had to stop when Kurt rolled across Blaine's torso and somehow managed to take off his underwear in the process.

Kurt turned back around and Blaine immediately touched him. There. Kurt gasped, rolling his hips again and Blaine was far too close to being inside Kurt. "So tempting," Blaine breathed.

Kurt must have kept himself ready all day, because after a shockingly brief interlude to provide Blaine a condom, they moved together and Kurt was Blaine's again.

Kurt whimpered joyfully, riding Blaine like an expert.

So close.

Blaine had almost forgotten about that morning's oddness when he was suddenly reminded of it again on the realization that Kurt was just as close as Blaine was. Again. He'd heard that it was difficult, if not impossible, for two lovers to climax simultaneously. It seemed to be as natural as breathing for them.

Blaine arched his back, forcing himself deeper into Kurt and they went over the edge together. It was so good, so perfect, that Blaine couldn't be sure if that red was behind his eyes. Or if the whole room was momentarily washed in it.

The bed bucking underneath them was certainly no imagination, however.

Kurt didn't seem to notice again. "Felt the earth move that time."

They needed to talk about this. But Kurt flopped down on Blaine's chest, exhausted. He was sweaty, his hair was matted, and he was happy. Deliriously happy. Blaine decided he didn't care so much about oddities when he had his jewel wrapped in his arms.

He'd care a lot, later though.

Blaine was running down the corridors of Dalton Academy in near panic. Back to his room. He locked himself inside, and dialed Kurt. Hoping like hell that his boyfriend would listen to him this time.

Kurt had just barely made it home, and answered with puzzlement in his voice. "Hey, babe. Did I forget something? Is it my phone cord again?"

"I have no idea. I'm calling because the world has once again gotten weirder. They're having facials down in the common room."

And there was the sound of Kurt not finding this at all unusual. "Is David taking part? See if you can convince him. His T-zone-"

"Is covered in honey and cucumber right now!"

"I'm not sure that's a good combination. They really should be customizing these things each time they do them."

"Kurt, this is scary. Please try to be serious."

Kurt sighed, trying not to snap at a boy he really loved. "Blaine, this may be unexpected, but it's not scary. It's actually a good thing."

"You don't understand. I ran into Wes this morning. And that during that little shoe buying trip yesterday? His girlfriend bought him quote 'the cutest little bow tie you could ever imagine'."

"Oh, that's great," Kurt all but squealed. "What color is it?"

"Pink with little purple spirals."

"Very funny," Kurt replied dryly, knowing sarcasm when he heard it.

Or he thought he did. "I'm serious. And I'm the only one who even finds this remotely odd. Something weird is going on."

"It's just a change in fashion," Kurt insisted. "What else could it be?"

"I think- Now, I know this sounds crazy," Blaine admitted. "But I think every time we have sex the world gets gayer."

There was a LONG silence on Kurt's end of the phone.

"Blaine darling," Kurt sighed reasonably. "I love you, but I think you're spending too much time writing Harry Potter fan fiction."

Kurt heard the muffled sound of footsteps coming down the stairs behind him. His father called out. "Morning, kid."

Kurt, still busy with his boyfriend's mental breakdown, spared only a brief glance. "Morning, D-" There was a double take. "Oh my god."

Burt didn't seem to have heard Kurt, but Blaine had. "Kurt? Kurt, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Blaine," Kurt whimpered. "I take back everything I said. You were right, I was completely wrong."

Almost nothing had changed in the Hummel-Hudson household. His dad had still come downstairs fully dressed for the day. Baseball cap, baggy jeans, and work boots.

But instead of his usual plaid work shirt, Burt Hummel was wearing a leather harness.

(to be continued)

This was supposed to be a one-shot, but you just can't ignore cliffhanger ideas like that.