Meiwa Says: It feels so great finally publishing a story here on ff! I've been trying to sort out documents in my laptop to see which ones would be good enough to post, but none of them seemed well-written enough. Okay, I've recently been searching for SasuHina fics and I've noticed that there is quite a number of them wherein 'three words' usually portray 'I love you', so I've decided to portray them much differently using this plot bunny in my head! Each chapter shows different time line, ages and situations, but the same adorable couple!

Um, okay, I'm not sure if the content is considered Sakura/Ino bashing, so yeah. I apologize for that and my lack of knowledge. Also, Sasuke may be a little...out of character in some parts, but he is one hell of a handful to write! Hopefully I portrayed him right as a kid...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything and everything that is related to Naruto. The only thing that's mine is this story. Deal. With. It.

Mittsu no Kotoba: What's Your Name?
Meiwa Chinmoku.

"Sasuke-kuuun!" Sakura squeaked, her pink hair bouncing as she jogged towards him. He noticed the plastic bag she carried, inside, a bento box. "Okaa-san told me that you were here, so I brought you lunch! I hope you're hungry!"

He turned away from her as a sign of rejection. He hoped she got his message. "Go away."

"Aw, Sasuke-kun's so cute! You don't have to play hard to get!"

The dark-haired seven-year-old merely groaned, still trying to give her the message. "I told you to go away, Sakura."

At this, the pink haired girl grinned sadistically, opening the bento box she had brought with her. She shoved the contents of it in front of his face portraying her lack of skill in the culinary section. "Look, Sasuke-kun, I made your favorite!"

Whatever it was, he was sure they didn't even resemble anything close to food. "I don't want it."


"Leave me alone."

A loud echoing voice caused the two to jump. Suddenly, an enraged looking blond stomped her way towards them, a look of death clear in her face. "Billboard Brow, get away from my Sasuke-kun!"

"Your Sasuke-kun?" Sakura gasped, jumping on her feet. Sasuke smirked as the bento box's contents spilled all over the grass. "I think not, Ino-pig! He's mine!"

The two continued to scream at each other, trying to look impressive in front of Sasuke. But the said boy merely shrugged in ignorance, knowing that this event happened too often for him to care. In that instant, Ino thought of a great idea that Sasuke actually agreed to…except for the part about winning him, of course.

"I know!" the blond exclaimed, punching her fist into her open palm. "Let's race to the Hokage tower! Whoever gets there first wins Sasuke-kun's heart!"

Sakura got into position, tightening her green headband. She glared and smiled at Ino and Sasuke respectively, snorting. "Get ready to lose, Ino-pig!"

"Okay, on our marks…" she yelled, causing the kids in the park to look. "Get set…" Ino and Sakura got on position, trying to push the other one down in an attempt at foul play. "GO!"

Finally seeing them disappear out of sight, Sasuke laid back on the grass, knowing that he should treasure the few moments of silence he had left. Ino and Sakura were constantly trying to claw at him

But somehow, today was not Sasuke's lucky day as an unexpected figure towered over him.

"U-Um…s-sorry for i-intruding, U-Uchiha-s-san…b-but why were S-Sakura-chan and Ino-chan f-fighting?"

Sasuke looked up to see the dark-haired girl, her lavender eyes looking straight through him. He could see a look of pure concern on her pale face. "Hn, I don't know. Go away and ask them."

"B-But it's n-n-never right to um…fight." She huffed, pouting. "I-I-I w-want t-to be great a n-ninja someday…but o-only because I want t-to help p-people…"

"Stop stuttering, it's pathetic."


"And stop apologizing. Onii-san says it's a sign of weakness."

At the last word, she sniffed. "I…um…I know…"

An awkward silence ensued. Neither of them bothered to talk, because neither of them knew what to talk about. It seemed as if the girl was having a mental debate on what to do in front of the intimidating Uchiha. But at that, Sasuke's interest perked. "Hey, you."

"M-Me…?" she asked, pointing to herself.

He rolled her eyes at her naivety. "Yeah, you, who else could I be talking about? Whatever, never mind."

"S-Sorry…b-but…w-what was Uchiha-san g-going to t-t-tell me?"

"Why aren't you throwing yourself on me?"

She gulped, eyes widening. "Huh?"

"Every girl does that." Sasuke scoffed, irritated. "Okaa-san told me it was because all girls liked me. They call me cute and give me chocolates. It's annoying."

"U-Um…" she stammered, turning redder as she played with her kimono. "I…I b-believe I d-d-don't do t-that because I l-l-like someone e-else."

"Someone else…?" he asked, his brow rising in astonishment.


She immediately started shooting out apologies, her blush spreading into larger amounts. Sasuke leaned back on the grass again and smirked, knowing that this girl wasn't half bad at all. Her stutter was annoying, and she was bordering between strange and beyond strange, but that wasn't something he couldn't fix. Besides, she was the only girl he was willing to start a friendship with – he never admitted that he wanted friends, because his onii-chan said they would only bring you down – since she was zero percent obsessed with him.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her forward, causing her to fall on her knees on the grass, right in front of the Uchiha boy. Her lavender eyes widened again as she muttered apologies, her face going red. "Hey, you."


Sasuke rolled his eyes at the feeling of déjà vu. "Yes, you!"

After he whispered a few words to her causing her to blush in embarrassment, she replied. As soon as he was content at finding out her true identity, Uchiha Mikoto and Hyuga Natsuai arrived and reluctantly pulled their offspring in opposite directions, not before greeting each other. Sasuke waved at his new friend before turning around and clutching his okaa-san's hand tighter, knowing that the three words he uttered back there would only remain within their minds. It was their secret, and would remain so for years into the future.

"What's your name?"

"I-I'm Hinata…Hyuga H-Hinata."

Meiwa Says: Um, okay, now that I'm rereading it, it seems as if I rushed it. So I tried revising some parts, but they ended up messing the whole thing, so boo me. Anyways, I hope you have the time to leave a review! There are five succeeding chapters, all still connected with the whole concept of it. I hate flames and would appreciate constructive criticism.