Iruka Umino went over the notes for the speech he was about give. He sighed loudly; leave it to him to get stuck with the lecture. He hated to give speeches, stage fright and everything. His head snapped to the front door when it slid open and students began to fill up the lecture hall. He gulped nervously. 'It's going to be a full house.' He thought nervously. "I can cross the forest of death, but I can't give a speech to a few kids, pathetic." He whispered to himself.

He looked out at them, they where all Juniors at the academy and none of them looked particularly pleased to be there. So far for all the years they'd been at the academy it turned out to be little more than gymnastics and strategic planning. Iruka was sure that they where expecting another lecture on the most efficient way to take a castle, or the proper technique for tree top running. Iruka smiled ready to give them a pleasant surprise.

He went over to the chalk board behind him and wrote the words: The origin of the jutsu gun.

The entire room quieted down in an instant. They all looked up at him curiously.

Iruka walked back up to his podium and took a deep breath. "Centuries ago the first ninjas came into power utilizing a powerful energy called Charka. They used techniques called Justus these techniques where fueled by Charka which is the energy inside every living thing. With this power the ninjas became more powerful then any warrior on the planet. Unfortunately it was discovered that Charka was incredibly dangerous to the user. Using to much would put a ninja into a hospital for a month or even kill them. Once this discovery was made the ninjas gradually stopped using Jutsu and eventually faded into the background of history." Iruka pulled out a short nosed revolver from his desk and aimed it at a blond haired boy in the front row. Iruka pulled the trigger and sent the boy flying out of his seat with a burst of air.

The entire class laughed as the boy jumped to his feet. He was about to shout something, but Iruka aimed his gun again at the boy. The boy bowed apologetically and sat back down.

Iruka continued his lecture. "Until that is, The Uzamaki Clan from the land of Whirlpools discovered you could seal various Jutsu into Weapons with no risk at all." Iruka held up his gun. "This new discovery changed the world. Now anyone could be a highly dangerous warrior, all they needed was the knowledge of sealing and the material to do it. A sword could become so hot it melted trough your foes weapon, a single arrow could multiply to fill the sky, your shield could hold off a rhino stampede." Iruka looked out at his students he had them completely wrapped around his finger. They all stared at him there eyes full of wonder. They hung on every word he said, Iruka couldn't help but smile.

"The world was thrown into a great war as every country gained more and more of these weapons. The war spanned for many years and claimed countless life's. Then a single man stopped it all. The Sage of the Nine Paths, an incredibly smart and powerful man, he built nine guns powerful enough to destroy the entire planet. He decreed that if any nation continues the war, we would destroy them. Under this fear the entire planet fell into a time of peace."

The entire class was quiet waiting to hear what came next.

"Before The Sage of the Nine paths died he hid away all Nine guns not trusting anyone, not even his two sons with their locations. However he did teach his sons how to make the weapons we now call Jutsu guns. And now today we have countless varieties of them that range from harmless." He motioned to the gun in his hand. "To ones so powerful that every country as agreed to ban them, known as forbidden guns."

"If he taught his sons how to make the guns, why aren't modern guns as powerful as the nine guns the sage made?" asked a girl with bubble gum pink hair.

Iruka smiled. "Good question. Because The Sage made the guns out of a powerful Monster he had defeated. A monster made out of Pure Charka. His guns didn't even need bullets they just fired pure Charka. The guns we use are just made out of metal; It's the bullets that we use that make our guns work. Each bullet is sealed with a Jutsu.

"So when do we get our guns?" asked the blond boy up front standing up with unbound excitement.

"You don't." Iruka said simply. The entire lecture room booed with disapproval. Iruka laughed guiltily. "Next month is when you begin your gun training. You'll get a training gun with training bullets. It won't leave the firing range. You'll learn to hold it fire it, and clean it properly. Next year when you graduate, you'll be given your real pistol.

Xxx One Year and three months later xxX

Naruto bashed his head against his work bench. Tomorrow was his last chance to pass the class, or else he would be getting held back. Naruto shuttered at the though.

Naruto sighed and slouched down into his chair. All the other students where able to assemble their guns blindfolded, behind their backs, underwater, you name it. Naruto was barely able to put his together normally. He looked around the classroom all the students where at their work benches working on their own private projects. Naruto had heard tell that a couple of the students had managed to create actual jutsu weapons, and not just regular guns.

Naruto envied them. They all had it so easy; they had parents to teach them. When they didn't understand something they could always ask their parents. Naruto had nothing, and everyone let him know it. He could tell that everyone in the village hated him, he didn't know why and he didn't care, he didn't need them. Naruto looked out of a window catching a glimpse of the Hokage Mansion. He smiled to him self. But one day that would change, one day he would be Hokage, and then people would look up to him, and stop treating him like trash.

With this new flash of determination he pressed the start button on his stopwatch, and his hands flew to his disassemble gun. His hands worked so quickly all his actions where a blur. In a matter of seconds it was over. He stopped the timer and looked at his time. 2.5 seconds, that beat the time Saskue Uchiha had set at 2.8. "Yes!" Naruto cheered jumping into the air.

"What is it Naruto?" Iruka asked walking to his work bench.

"I did it Iruka sensei I beat Saskue's time, see!" Naruto held up his stop watch and his gun.

"Did someone else time you?" Iruka asked examining Naruto's gun.

Naruto froze. "No." Naruto said heartbroken.

"I'm sorry Naruto but I can't accept it if someone else didn't see it." Iruka said sadly.

Iruka turned as he saw a girl approach him from the side. She had short black hair, and eyes that would fool into thinking she was blind. Iruka recognized her as Hinata Huyga. "I, I saw N-Naruto assemble it in time." She held up her stop watch. "I even timed him."

Iruka had a look at Hinata's watch. He knew Hinata wouldn't lie, not even if she did have a crush on Naruto. He smiled brightly. "Alright then! Looks like we've got a new record! And as a reward I'll buy you some Ramen tonight Naruto."

"Yes!" Naruto shouted giving Hinata a giant hug, "Thank you so much Hinata, you're the best!"

Iruka looked at Hinata, he'd never know a human could turn that shade of red. He shrugged. "Hinata how about you come along too? After all without you Naruto wouldn't have this victory."

"Yeah, Team NaruHina!" Naruto said giving her a thumbs up.

Hinata nodded shyly and returned to her desk. 'NaruHina' Hinata thought twiddling her thumbs. 'That could be our couple name.' she though hiding her smile under her jacket's long sleeve.

Xxx Later that night at Ichi Raku xxX

"Three orders of Ramen, please!" Iruka announced sitting down on a stool.

"Extra beef with mine!" Naruto shouted.

"Thank you for taking us out, Iruka Sensei." Hinata said sitting down.

"Yeah thanks!" Naruto agreed sitting between Iruka and Hinata.

"Hey don't worry about you deserve it Naruto, I'm starting to think you might actually pass the test tomorrow." Iruka said with a laugh.

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean?" Naruto asked indignantly.

"Three orders of ramen!" The cook announced laying out three steaming bowls.

"Smells good." Hinata said with a shy smile.

"Wait till you taste it!" Naruto said grabbing his chopsticks. Naruto was practically drooling by the time the noodles made contact with his mouth. He drained the bowl of it contents in one go. "Delicious!" He announced setting his chop sticks down. Naruto took off the welding goggles he usually had adorning his head and set them on the table. "Iruka Sensei, do you think I can pass tomorrow?" Naruto asked looking vulnerable.

"I do." Hinata said quietly eating her soup.

Iruka thought about the question for a second, and then took a deep breath. "Naruto do you know who those people are?" Iruka asked pointing at the four giant stone faces that adorned the mountain over looking their village.

"Of course those are the Four Hokages, the greatest ninjas ever!"

"They all share one very important quality with you. They never gave up, and neither do you. If you just knuckle down and stop all your jokes I believe you can do something great."

"Good!" Naruto announced. "Because that's what I want to be! Me Naruto Uzamaki! The next Hokage, a ninja legend!"

"N-Naruto You'll get there I know it!" Hinata said confidently.

Naruto smiled broadly. "You really think so Hinata?" Naruto asked.

Hinata turned the color of a tomato. "Thank you for the Ramen Iruka Sensei!" Hinata shouted as she ran off.

"What a weirdo." Naruto said turning back to Iruka.

Iruka let out a sigh. "You're clueless Naruto."

Naruto growled and looked up a Iruka. "Hey Iruka sensei I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"Um do you think I can try on your head band? Pretty please?" Naruto begged putting his hands together.

"I'm afraid not Naruto you can only wear a leaf headband when you earn it." Iruka said pinching his between his fingers. "Hey." Iruka said with a smirk. "Is that why you took off your goggles?"

"Ummm, I want another bowl!" Naruto declared indignantly.

Xxx The Next morning xxX

Naruto looked through his construction text book as quickly as he could, trying to memorize every schematic for every device they could test him on.

Naruto whipped away a bead of sweat from his brow, his heart and mind where racing this was his last chance, we couldn't get held back! He flipped the pages of his books rapidly trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible. There was one person in front of him for testing then it was his turn! He only had fifteen minutes to memorize the entire year's curriculum.

"Um, Naruto?" Suddenly a shy voice awoke him from his trance. Naruto looked up to be greeted by the shy face of Hinata. "I passed." She whispered. She picked up his text book and turned it to a certain page. "Good luck." She said exiting the building as was required when you completed the exam.

Naruto looked down at his textbook curiously. He read the title of a complicated looking device. Clone projection bracer. Was this what the test was on? No it couldn't be, if they caught a student cheating they would kick them out of the academy, why would Hinata risk it? It was probably just a prank; she was just like the rest of them trying to make his life miserable. No that wasn't Hinata, she wasn't cruel like the rest of them. Naruto looked back down at the book, still not to sure on what to make of it.


Naruto walked slowly into the examination room. He'd practiced the walk he'd use to enter the room; it was a sure, confident walk with long strides. But as he made his way across the room, that walk seemed to vanish from his mind, along with any other respectable walk he might have known. He just focused on putting one leg in front of the other, after a long and argues journey he made it to the center of the room.

He looked at the judges, Iruka Sensei and Mizuki Sensei. They both looked at him with a neutral face that indicated they would be impartial in there judging. Mizuki was a tall think man with silver, hair and a rather sunny disposition.

"Naruto Uzamaki." Iruka began scribbling something on a sheet of paper. "Today you're being judge on the Clone Duplication Gauntlet."

Naruto mentally kicked himself, why hadn't he listened to Hinata!

"As a Refresher, we went over it two weeks ago, it is simply a two inch long metal band with other key components, the goal of it is to take a sample of you charka and make an identical, but intangible copy of yourself, it's mainly used for distractions, and decoys. Any questions?" Naruto shook his head. "Then you may begin you have fifteen minutes to complete the task."

Naruto nodded and headed over to the available workbench. Naruto took a deep breath as he looked down at all the materials for the gauntlet that where laid out for him. They all looked familiar, he'd read enough of the textbook to know the basic design of it. He smiled broadly, because this time he was going to pass! He slid is welding goggles over his eyes and set off to work.

His fingers moved nimbly over the device, it was as if one was watching an artist paint. Watching something new appear out of the artist's will and imagination, this was the reason Naruto loved being a Ninja the creation the experimentation, it was all so invigorating.

With a smile Naruto set down his circuit welder, and slid on the metallic bracer.

Naruto now remembered his confident stride, and used it well as he once more stepped in front of the judge table. "Naruto!" Iruka said in a surprised tone. "I didn't expect you to finish early."

"Get ready to be blown away." Naruto put his hand over the bracer. "YAAAA!" Naruto shouted channeling his energy into the gauntlet, willing it to make a clone of him. But the only thing that came out of the gauntlet was an electrical shock that made Naruto's hand goes numb. "Youch!" Naruto shouted.

Iruka walked up to Naruto and slid the band off of his wrist and inspected it. He sighed disappointed and tossed the device to Mizuki.

Mizuki smiled sadly. "Sorry Naruto, but you forgot the put in the gem that copies your charka without that, you've just got an electrified wrist band."

"Was that, that red marble thing?" Naruto asked surprised. "I just thought some kid left it behind during there test. Just hold on and I'll get this fixed in a second.

Iruka shook his head. "Sorry Naruto only one try per student, I'm sorry but you fail."

Naruto's Heart sunk. It was just one little mistake, why couldn't they just let him fix it? They would have let Saskue fix it, or Hinata, or anyone else, but not him, not Naruto! It was because they hated him, everyone, even Iruka.

"Now hold on Iruka." Mizuki piped up. "It was only one mistake, other then that it's perfect, he recognized what he did wrong and knew how to correct it, and this is his third test, so you know he really want to be a ninja, so why don't we just let him pass?"

Naruto looked up at him.

"No." Iruka said finally. "The other students managed to make their gauntlets work and made three perfect clones, Naruto couldn't even manage to make his gauntlet work. I'm sorry."


Out of the thirty headbands and guns that where brought in for Naruto's, twenty-nine left with a graduate, only one set was left, Naruto's.

Naruto sat sadly on the swing set, just outside of the academy. As he looked out at the crowed, almost literally everyone and their mothers were standing outside congratulating each other and taking part in the joyful occasion.

Once again Naruto was an outsider looking in. He clinched his fist and bared his teeth. Why did they hate him!

"Hey there Naruto." A cheery voice said from out of nowhere. He looked behind him and saw Mizuki standing behind him.

"Hi Mizuki Sensei." Naruto said sadly. "Thanks for defending me back there."

"Hey don't worry about it, you always have next year." Mizuki said with a grin.

"But I really wanted to pass this year." Naruto said barely louder then a whisper.

Mizuki frowned sadly. "Listen I'm not suppose to tell you this." He began "But there is another way to graduate."

Naruto looked up at him his eyes gleaming.

"In the Hokage's mansion there is a scroll, called The Scroll of Sealing. It holds the blueprints to some of the most advanced devices the Leaf village has. If you manage to build one of those devices, you're automatically graduated."

There was a broad smile on Naruto's face.

Mizuki handed Naruto a slip of paper. "That's my own personal workshop in the forest; in there you can find just about everything you need to build anything. So later tonight get the Scroll of Sealing and bring it to my cabin, build one of the Devices, and I'll graduate you!" Mizuki said cheerfully. He pulled out a headband and pistol from his pocket, and winked at Naruto. "See you later!" He shouted vanishing in a puff of smoke.

Naruto was so excited he could barely contain himself. Tonight he would be an official ninja of the leaf village!


Naruto unfurled the scroll over the soft grass of the forest. "Lets see, the first device is, Multi Shadow Clone Duplication Implant. Ah man! Not this again!" Naruto shouted in frustration. Naruto sighed loudly "Oh well anything to become a ninja."

With that Naruto Ran into Mizuki cabin and grabbed all of the necessary materials, circuit boards, wires and scrap metal by the hand full.

Xxx One hour later xxX

Naruto stood standing over a pile of warped metal and discarded prototypes, but in his hand he held the key to his future. He marveled at the device just barely larger then his index finger.

"Got you now Naruto, no where to run." Iruka said angrily.

"Caught me already Iruka?" Naruto said with a wide grin.

Iruka looked surprised with Naruto's grin. Then he noticed all of the scrap metal at his feet. "Naruto what have you done?" Iruka asked astonished.

"I built a device from the scroll!" Naruto declared proudly. "Now I'll show you what it does and you can graduate me! Then every thing will be alright. That's the way it works right, anyone who builds a device form the scroll passes."

"Who told you that?" Iruka asked.

"Mizuki. Why?"

"Get out of the way!" Iruka shouted throwing Naruto across the forest floor as a burst of gun fired filled the forest. Iruka Was swept off his feet as a bullet flew into his leg. "So it was you Mizuki? Why did you tell Naruto to Steal the Scroll, you know it's illegal!"

Naruto looked up and saw Mizuki up in the tree tops with a smoking gun. "Naruto give me the scroll, quickly! Before Iruka hurts you! Don't listen to him Naruto he just wants you to fail, he'd do anything to keep you from becoming a ninja, all he wants is to steal the scroll from you."

"You're lying Mizuki!" Iruka yelled angrily.

Mizuki laughed madly. "Lying? Do you really want to know who's lying Naruto?"

"No!" Iruka shouted desperately. "You mustn't, it's forbidden."

"What's forbidden?" Naruto asked scared.

"It's forbidden for anyone to tell you that the Nine tailed fox that attacked the village twelve years ago is sealed inside of you!" Mizuki shouted pointing an accusing finger at Naruto. Naruto's legs collapsed. He fell on the forest floor in shock. "Your entire life they've been running around you keeping secrets from you! Didn't you think it was strange? The way they treated you, like garbage like they hated you just because you existed!" Mizuki took one of the oversized Shuriken from his back and began to spin it around his finger. "Now it's time for you to die!" Mizuki threw the Weapon directly at Naruto.

Naruto closed his eyes ready to meet his end. But instead he just heard a pain filled grunt. Naruto opened his eyes to see Iruka standing over him. Iruka tried to smile but only ended up coughing, splattering Naruto's face with blood.

"W-why would you do that?" Naruto asked shocked.

"Because." Iruka whispered. "You and I are the same. I lost my parents and I was all alone. No one seamed to care or have time for me anymore. My grades dropped, I did stupid stuff to get peoples attention, and I paid for it, it was hard. I know how you feel, you're lonely and it hurts inside. I'm sorry Naruto I should have done more for you, even when I knew the hurt you've been going through. I'm sorry Naruto."

Naruto looked at Iruka surprised.

"Oh please!" Mizuki sneered. "You'll do anything to get that scroll back wont you Iruka." Mizuki said jumping down from his perch in the trees. "Iruka hates you Naruto, probably more than most other people, the demon that's now sealed inside of you is the same one that killed both of his parents. He can't stand you, that's why he always fails you, the last thing he'd want is for you to become a ninja!"

"Stop lying!" Iruka yelled ripping the oversized Schuriken form his back and throwing it at Mizuki. Mizuki smoothly side stepped it. "Listen Naruto!" Iruka shouted turning around only to find that Naruto had dashed into the forest with the scroll.

"You know once he makes up his mind there is no stopping him." Mizuki said walking past Iruka. "You saw his eyes right, those where the eyes of an animal, and animals need to be put down." Mizuki flew into the forest.

"Not if I stop you." Iruka said standing up.


Naruto jumped from tree branch to tree branch, trying to get away. He'd though he'd succeeded until Iruka jumped into view right next to him.

"Naruto!" Iruka shouted, "Everything Mizuki said was a lie! He just wanted to get the scroll form you! Hand it over to me! And I'll make sure it's protected.

To Iruka's Surprise Naruto rammed him in the stomach propelling Iruka onto the forest ground. Naruto landed in the soft grass and leaned against a tree with the scroll curled up against his body.

"You brat!" Iruka spat. "How did you know?" Iruka vanished in a puff of smoke being replaced with Mizuki. "How did you know I wasn't Iruka?"

"Because." Naruto began, only to be replaced with Iruka holding a log. "I'm Iruka."

Mizuki laughed. "Why are you helping him? Naruto is just a mindless beast, He'll pour all of his rage and sorrow into the scroll and he'll destroy the entire village. That's what beats do you know, destroy everything.

The real Naruto stood behind a tree, listening to every word said.

"You're right." Iruka agreed.

Naruto's Heart sank. 'He does hate me.' He thought sadly. 'Everyone does they all hate me, the only people that where ever nice to me hate me!' Naruto was on the verge of tears.

"That is how a beast is." Iruka Finished. "But that's not Naruto. Naruto's a good kid, he works hard, sure he messes up, and I jump on him for it, but that's only because I know he can be great. And no one not even you are going to stop him from achieving his dream. Because he is Naruto Uzamaki of the Village Hidden in the Leafs, The next Hokage!" Iruka pulled out his Revolver and unloaded it into Mizuki."

Mizuki pulled out his last Giant Shuriken and deflected all of the bullets. "You really believe that do you? Oh well you can remember that speech when your in hell!" Mizuki wound up his arm ready to throw his weapon.

Naruto Jumped from the bushes tears streaming from his eyes. He head butted Mizuki in the Throat, and sent him flying into a tree. "Do you really believe that Iruka?" Naruto asked.

Iruka nodded with a wide grin on his face.

Naruto smiled back. "Then get ready." Naruto announced taking his newly finished device out of his pocket. "Because this is the part where I graduate!" Naruto put the black box on the back of his neck. He felt it begin to merge with his body, if he'd built the device correctly it should be safely implanted into him allowing him to create replications of himself, if he'd built it incorrectly….Naruto would die. He felt a searing pain run through his body. The scroll said there would be pain involved but he wasn't exactly prepared for this! The Black box was hooking it's self up to Naruto's nervous system. Its cord wrapped around his brain stem, and the operating system was safely attaching itself to one of his vertebrae. The smoking black box fell off from Naruto's neck leaving only a chard piece of skin to prove that it had been there.

"Oh god that hurt!" Naruto grunted whipping away tears of pain.

"That's why it was in the scroll!" Iruka yelled "Everything in that scroll is forbidden! What you just did would have killed most people."

The color ran from Naruto's face. "You mean, I could have just killed myself!"

"Too bad." Mizuki said standing up. He pulled his gun out of the holster and aimed it at Naruto. "Looks like I'm going to have to finish the job."

"No way!" Naruto shouted. "Multi Shadow clone program initiate!" Naruto's mind began to race as he created clones of himself. Hey seamed to appear out of no where at first just one, then five more, then there where thirty Naruto's closing around Mizuki. Then Naruto controlled a force a hundred strong all converging on a single target Mizuki.

Iruka smiled. He could hear leafs crunch under the clones feet, these where no illusions these where solid clones.

Mizuki was completely stunned at this development, he was surrounded. He dropped his gun and fell to the ground.

"Charge!" Naruto commanded. His army obeyed and they ran headlong into battle.


"Okay Naruto open your eyes." Iruka instructed.

Naruto obeyed and was met with the sight of Iruka without his head band? Naruto looked at Iruka questioningly. Iruka smiled and held up Naruto's welding goggles. Iruka tapped Naruto on the metallic surface of the headband he was wearing. "Congratulations Naruto, you're officially a ninja of the hidden leaf village!"

Xxx Authors Notes xxX

Thank you for reading my story, please comment and tell me what I did wrong or right. I love feed back and I honestly take in what everyone has to say into consideration, unless you're just being mean spirited in which case I'll probably call you a twat.

So yes I realize this was just a rip off of the first episode, but I do have a lot of ideas on what to do with the rest of the story. It will be following the Naruto Story line but I won't borrow so heavily from the source material for now on, there will be plenty of unexpected surprises in the future. The only reason I did this and really didn't just jump right on in with my own version is that, The first episode of Naruto may be my favorite episode of anything ever, it's just so well written and really well done. I love it! But for now on it won't be like watching an episode of Naruto It will actually be like reading a fanfiction. (Hopefully a really good one!)

Thank you once more and I hope you read more! Because I know if we work together this can be a truly great story, so send me your comments and suggestions! I will rewrite a chapter if I hear an idea that will improve it, so if you want a much more enjoyable story all you need to do is write a comment. Thank you and I'll see you next time!