Nina's POV

Okay so I haven't seen my best friends Cleo, Sasha, and Jade in over a year. Sometimes I wish I didn't pack up, change my name and move to England, because I do miss my fellow Bratz and everything we stood for.

"Nina?" asked amber, she is my roommate and doesn't know that my real name is not Nina.

"Yes Amber"

"I've been saying your name for 2 whole minutes, you were thinking about something important"

"oh sorry and I was just thinking about my best friends from America"

"Do you miss them a lot? Have you talked to them on the phone recently?"

"Yes tons…No I haven't talked to them for a year, today actually being the anniversary of the last time I talked to them, and what were you calling me for?"

"Oh that's so sad and it's supper time, Trudy told me to come get you….. Oh and tonight we're entering a contest to win tickets for something really big, but it's a surprise to what the tickets are for"

"Oh okay and do you know what they are?"

"Nope and lets go before Jerome and Alfie eat everything"

After Supper

"Nina, Fabian ready to go enter and win a contest?" (Amber)

"Sure, but what do we need to do" (Fabian)

"oh all we need to do is dance and to win we need to be the last one dancing" (Amber)

"that's easy, I can do that in my sleep"

"are you sure about that Nina?" (Amber)

"I'm positive, me and my best friends had dance contests all the time back at America and we had school dances all the time and I never sat down for 48 hours, because I needed to get ready and then there was the actual dance then the sleepover at my house"

"wow do girls ever need sleep?" Fabian can be such a guy sometimes

'He kinda reminds me of Dylan, because their both really sweet, knock it off Yasmine, I mean Nina, you'll never see him again so let him go' (I said to myself in my head)

"Sometimes if we did a lot that week" answered Amber

"Okay well lets go because we need to stretch before we go awhile with sleep and sitting"

"Oh okay"

Right when the Contest was about to start

"Ready guys?"

"No, but if your sure you can do it we're in" Amber

"trust me, if you guys are so tired you'll pass out I want you to quite, I'll go all the way Non-stop just for you guys"

"Thanks Nina you're the best friend I've had" (Amber)

"awe thanks, you're my best British friend, that is a girl"

"Ready, set, Dance!" Yelled the announcer and turned the music on 'Tonight I love you' by the Latency was first.

I started doing random/easy dance moves that won't take up much energy and said "Amber, Fabian remember start out slow and when everyone else becomes slow you can speed up"

"will do!" (amber and Fabian)

Four hours later

'Hold It Against Me' Britney Spears was on and I started to get faster when everyone else started slowing down, I was still full of energy.

I then turned to Fabian and said "If your tired you can quit, I'll be fine alone with Amber dancing"

"No way, if you can do this, so will I"

"Okay whatever you say and if I win this your coming to whatever I'm getting tickets for"

"what about amber?"

"the prize is three tickets, you me and Amber makes three"

"okay Nina, good luck and there's only ten people left"

"ok, I can take them all on, but if it's us I'm not stopping"

"So if we're the final two you won't give up, I highly doubt I'll make it much longer"

30 minutes later

"Nina I'm sorry I'm too tired to dance anymore, but it looks like there's only you Fabian and some other girl left"

"Oh okay thanks for telling me" I smiled at her and continued to dance, by now the song was 'We R Who We R' by Kesha and after a certain part of the song I turned to Fabian and said "If your tired I can handle this"

"Nina are you sure? Your not tired at all?"

"I'm sure thanks for being supportive but I think it's time for me to kick it up a notch, can you ask the DJ to play 'What the hell' by Avril Lavigne"

"Okay, will do" Fabian stopped dancing and walked over to the DJ table and requested the song for me.

When 'We R Who We R' ended they played 'What the hell' and I started dancing faster and better

After awhile I turned to see who I was against and she was a red head who was dancing really slowly and looked like she was about to fall asleep so I started to do my signature moves.

Everyone clapped and then Red head fell and I continued dancing while kinda singing along with the song. The announcer walked over to and said "Congratulations and you can stop dancing and singing now, your probably really tired"

"actually I'm not tired at all, I have no clue why but I can dance all night long and can I at least finish this song?"

"Fine and who's with you"

"remember the boy I was talking to and the one who requested this song, I he lives in the same house as me at school and the blond girl that I was talking to"

"Okay well the song just ended"

"Okay thanks and I had fun"

"I'm glad the winner had fun now just go to the stadium tomorrow and you will see unknown band that playing here… No one knows who they are"

"Okay so they don't have a name?"

"They do it's juts they won't tell anyone"

"Oh okay thanks Bye!"