I'm attempting another TV based story because quite frankly it is hard not to daydream about Anthony DiNozzo. I own nothing but my OCs and my idea.

Katya Isolde Dietrich|27|German/Russian|Blond|Blue eyes|5'9"|Fluent in French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Egyptian, Polish and Chinese|

Flower Among Weeds

Some families are born with success, some spend their lives trying to earn it with no avail. It's a completely different story with my family. My family is successful, but for all the wrong reasons. My family...is connected to the mafia. Actually, they pretty much are the mafia. A Russian mafia is bad enough but add in the ideals of a German who still follows Hitler and it is a recipe for disaster. Growing up in a family like that will destroy a child's motivation & dreams but not mine. I knew from the start that I wanted to get out of the life that I was in. I waited until I was 18 until I moved to America, much to my parent's dismay. When I came to America, it was the start of a new life. Right away, I started college and quickly worked to stop crime in the United States. I figured, if I couldn't stop it at home I would stop it here. I found myself being pushed towards a more international type of crime unit rather than a specific city's crime unit. My knowledge of various languages also propelled me towards an international stage. It was also that international stage that enabled me to meet one of the most interesting men I have ever met.

Beautiful Flower

"Ms. Dietrich, please. Would you get this is-"

"It has already been done, Ms. Levy. Everything you asked me to do has been done."

"Oh. Well why are you so on top of things this morning?"

I sighed. "I told you that they needed me to translate on a case at-" I glanced at the paper in my pocket for a reminder. "NCIS. I have to translate for a case and I am leaving in ten minutes."

"You didn't tell me this."

"I told you a month ago. Now if you will excuse me, I have a plane to catch." I walked out of the office and into my car, looking over my shoulder the whole time. I drove to the airport with no interruptions and I parked my car in the airport parking lot. I grabbed my bags out of the trunk and managed to get through the ridiculous security checks at a relatively fast pace. The flight itself was as pleasant as a flight in coach would be. I walked through the airport and caught a taxi to the NCIS headquarters. I went through their security checkpoint, with no complications, and was handed a visitors badge.

"Right this way, ma'am." I nodded, smoothing my blazer and matching pants. I walked through the elevator, closely following my guide until he stopped at a group of four desks. "Agent Gibbs? The translator is here." I watched as a man with gray hair walked towards me with a stern look on his face.

"You're the translator? You look too young."

"I get that a lot, Agent Gibbs. I'm Katya Dietrich and I can assure you that I do know what I'm doing." We shook hands and I could see a smirk begin to form on his face.

"Ms. Dietrich, this is Agent Timothy McGee," He pointed to a rather cute brunette typing furiously on his computer, who was nice enough to look up long enough to throw a smile in my direction. "That's Officer Ziva David," He pointed towards a dark haired woman who I could easily tell was Middle Eastern. "And that is-"

"Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Dietrich." A very attractive brunette with a killer smile warmly but gently shook my hand.

"I'm not married, Agent DiNozzo. It's not 'Mrs.'"

"Back off, DiNozzo." I smiled as Anthony very shyly let go of my hand and stuffed it back it in his pocket.

"Sorry, boss." He sat down at his desk and I smiled, winking at him as I followed Agent Gibbs, per his instruction.

Tony's Point Of View

I still couldn't get over it. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and that was saying a lot.

"Close your mouth, Tony, or you'll catch flies."

"Yeah, I think you're drooling too, Tony." I was broken from my daydream by the comments made from McGee and Ziva. Leave it to them to bring me back down to earth when I was clearly looking at an angel.

"Very grown up, you two. I can't help it if I'm captivated by a woman's beauty." I wanted to follow her but with Gibbs hanging around, asking her on a date would be very hard to do.

"You want to ask her out, don't you?"

"Duh, McDork. Any idiot wouldn't try to ask her out. By any idiot, you know I mean you." I tired to distract myself from Katya but it proved to be futile. "Why exactly do we need a translator is we have Ziva? I mean, wouldn't it be cheaper?"

"It isn't part of her job, DiNozzo." Gibbs came strolling back through the office, without Katya behind him.

"Where is Katya, boss? I thought she was with you."

"With our suspect, DiNozzo. Keep an eye on her while the three of us follow a lead." I sat frozen at my desk. Gibbs was actually telling me to stay with a woman that I obviously showed an interest in...on purpose? "Now, DiNozzo!"

"Right! Sorry, boss." I flew out of my seat and down to the interrogation room, ignoring the smirks and snickering coming from Ziva and McGee. I saw Katya leaning up against the wall of the interrogation room and it gave me a chance to get a slightly better look at her. Her hair was, dare I say it, the perfect shade of blonde while her skin was just tan enough to show that she wasn't completely a hermit like McGee. Her legs seemed as if they went on for miles and still looked great, even if they were hidden by very well tailored pants.

"Agent DiNozzo. Did Agent Gibbs run with that lead that I managed to get out of your suspect?"

"Why yes he did, Ms Dietrich."

"Please, call me Katya." Gladly, you foreign angel.

"Certainly. Well, if that is the case then call me Tony. No one really calls me Anthony anymore." I watched her smile and felt my heart rate quicken quite a bit. Not only was she gorgeous, her smile was breathtaking and infectious. "So how did you end up becoming a very sought after translator?"

"I'm going to just come out and say it because, frankly, I don't think I could go another second without doing so." I gave her an odd look, letting her know that I was clearly lost by what she just said. As she opened her mouth to say whatever it was she was going to say, it hit me.

"Would you like to grab some dinner after this?"

"How did you know I was going to say that?"

"I'm that good." I gave her my best DiNozzo smiled, hoping that I would charm her like I knew I could.

"I'm sure you are, Tony. We'll find out later tonight." She winked at me and turned the other way, just as Gibbs was walking up the hallway. Leave it to Gibbs to ruin the mood. Hot damn, I got a date with a gorgeous blonde tonight. Nothing is going to ruin my mood.


That is it for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I liked attempting to think like Tony. Next one will be out soon.